"Is it Wolverine?!"

The slightly narrowed eyes of the little old man lying on the sofa suddenly widened, and a flash of green light flashed in his pupils.

The green-skinned man standing aside was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then wiped the sweat from his head and explained: "No, no, it's not him."

"It's not Wolverine, why are you anxious? Isn't he the only old superhero living here?" The little old man shook his head, then picked up a bloody severed hand on the ground, "Look at you, you haven't eaten lunch. It just fell to the ground, what a waste.”

There was a huge tooth mark on the severed hand, which was deeply embedded in the flesh. Thick blood slowly flowed from the wound and dripped on the ground.

He sighed, obviously complaining about his son's carelessness.

"Long time no see, Bruce." Clint said calmly, putting away the crossbow on his right arm without leaving any trace. This thing can only be regarded as a small toy in front of the real Hulk.

And his son quickly wiped two handfuls on his sleeves and followed him.

"Or Hulk? Seriously, who is that guy hiding in your old bag now? Joey? It can't be you. I thought you were a gentleman businessman."

The green-skinned man couldn't help but feel anxious when he saw the little old man looking like an old god. There was a hint of pleading in his eyes: "Billy, Oliver, Bill, Rufus, they are all dead."

"Dad, if you don't take action, everyone in our family will be killed! This little thing is not worth mentioning to you, you are Bruce Banner!" His voice even trembled after he said this got up.

Hundreds of green-skinned muscular men ran back and forth on the battlefield, fighting fiercely with a small group of golden-armored warriors.

"What's the rush?" Banner said calmly as he watched a muscular female Hulk gang member being shot in the head: "The nuclear explosion didn't kill me back then. I survived when the evil people took over. That's one thing. What the hell.”

Apart from the fact that the color barely matched that of AIM Pioneer Technology, he couldn't find any trace of similarity with these people in his mind.

The skinny old man suddenly noticed that something seemed to be flickering on the arrow. He frowned and brought the arrow shaft to his eyes, trying to observe it carefully through the glass lens.

Although the battle in front of him was extremely fierce, and the members of the Hulk Gang continued to fall in the fierce battle with the golden-armored warriors, he seemed to be more concerned about the origins of the golden-armored warriors.

"But who do they think they are when they kill me on my territory?" Banner's face was a little distorted, and the greenness in his eyes became even more abundant.

Hearing this, the green-skinned man almost lost his breath in anger. Yes, you can survive it, but after a while, you will be the only Hulk left in the wasteland who can breathe.

A cold arrow suddenly came from nowhere, and the speed was too fast for people to react. However, just as the arrow was about to touch Banner's temple, his eyes suddenly stared in the direction of the arrow, and he raised his hand to grab the arrow with a snap.

"I've never seen this group of people before."

Glancing at the battlefield at the bottom of the mountain, most of the Hulks had been killed and forced into corners. These guys who were born with the power brought by gamma radiation had no combat experience at all.

"Old wine in new bottles, how come this trick works every time?" Hawkeye's somewhat joking voice came from above the cave, and his figure immediately jumped down from a high place and landed steadily at the place where the explosion occurred. A few dozen meters away.

It's only a matter of time before these Hulks are bulldozed, and he doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

On the battlefield, the sounds of metal clashing, weapons cutting through the air, and screams intertwined to form a chaotic and dangerous scene, making the outside of the cave look like hell.

The next moment, a loud noise suddenly sounded, and the arrow exploded, releasing blazing flames and smoke. The impact of the explosion swept Banner and the green man next to him into it, and they were engulfed in fire and smoke.

It's not that the greenskins don't want to bite and beat them, but there are dozens of Hulk corpses lying on the ground with their throats slit because they didn't know what to do. Their previous advantage in close combat is now gone.

While he kept talking, Hawkeye retreated silently. Bai Ye had told him before that even if Banner hadn't turned into the Hulk, he still had superhuman strength.

The little old man touched his chin and whispered to himself. The firelight reflected in his dark green eyes, making him look a little gloomy.

Where did they come from?

What's wrong with today's young people? They're so rough.

"Hawkeye. Huh?"

The further we walked outside, the louder the noise outside the cave became.

Walking out of the cave, a scene of a battlefield came into view. A large area of ​​RV and wooden houses around the entrance of the cave had now become a sea of ​​fire, with raging flames devouring everything.

The golden-armored warriors wore gleaming armor and moved quickly and powerfully. They held various advanced weapons and kept making deafening gunshots and explosions. The green-skinned monsters relied on their powerful physiques to lift various debris and throw them out, and for a while they were able to repel the attack of these golden-armored warriors.

"My bad, Dad."

Even the Thunder Warriors who were transformed from gangsters have the ability to crawl around in the wasteland, and after these days of intense training, they have also mastered combat skills, and at least they can compete with them. The other warriors cooperated.

Taking the cold arrow in front of his eyes and looking at it, Banner gently rubbed the purple arrow shaft with his fingertips. The corners of his mouth opened involuntarily, revealing a set of yellowed and crooked teeth.

The green-skinned man couldn't help scratching his head in annoyance as he watched this scene, then hurriedly took the bloody severed hand and stuffed it into his baggy trousers pocket. There was still some sticky blood on his hand.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and Banner, who had blood on his face and a few metal fragments stuck in his body, looked at Clint with a grin, his green eyes full of cunning and anger rolling.

"Come on, take me to see who dares to cause trouble on Banner's property." The little old man wearing round glasses held up the frame of his glasses, stood up and walked out of the cave.

"Just now...just now they haven't reached here yet." The green-skinned man clenched his fists tightly and stuttered. When he returned to the cave and wanted to call his father to take action, those men in golden armor had just appeared and opened fire. , why did it become like this in just a few minutes?


"Idiot." A hoarse, sarcastic laugh came from the thick smoke. Eagle Eyes narrowed his eyes and stared at the source of the sound in the smoke.

The situation is still under their control.

"Just fart, Barton, and see how I tear you apart and eat you." Banner roared. He pulled out the metal fragments stuck in his body without hesitation, and the bloodshot eyes even turned green. .

Thanks to book friend Du Zhe233 for the 500 points reward

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