Journey Through the Marvel Universe Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 197 Charles Xavier’s Illegitimate Son

Chapter 197 Charles Xavier’s Illegitimate Son

After receiving permission, the group headed to the lobby without any obstruction, but their relatively simple clothes made them attract much attention among the guests in suits and ties. Hei Lu Dan was the first to go to the front desk and ask his question.

"Something unusual?"

The waiter in charge of the front desk looked up and down at the one-eyed black man wearing a high-end leather jacket who came to her. She asked with some surprise, "You might as well explain it more clearly. What is the specific unusual thing?"

Fury explained: "Actually, my friends and I had heard that the Hellfire Club was a unique hangout that attracted some unusual people. We just wanted to come and check it out, get to know the place and find ours. friend."

In a few words, he deliberately downplayed things like mutants to avoid attracting too much attention.

As he spoke, he looked at the interior decoration of the Hellfire Hotel. The entire lobby was filled with high-end gold and black tones, and the marble floor was dotted with gorgeous patterns, making people feel as if they were in a luxurious palace.

"Your friends?"

Colson picked up a cup of tea handed by the attendant, took a sip and said: "It seems that there are no clues we are looking for here. Charles Xavier and Warren Kenneth Worthington III do not seem to be here. What traces are left in the place?”

"Okay, I'll look it up for you right now." The waiter showed a standard American smile, then lowered his head and clicked on the computer, then raised his head and frowned: "I'm sorry, about Mr. Worthington III. Information We don’t have any data but Charles Xavier?”

Suddenly, two people wearing white nursing uniforms walked past the door of the lounge. They communicated with each other in a relaxed manner and seemed not to notice the presence of others.

The tall nurse shrugged and said disapprovingly: "Whatever, our salary is high anyway, you can't find such idle work outside."

"What, is there something wrong?" Black Braised Dan clearly noticed the changes in the details of Bai Ye's face and came over to ask.

The waiter noticed everyone's reaction and said with a smile: "The Mr. Charles Xavier you are looking for is the previous owner of this castle. He is an outstanding scholar and an advocate of peace and harmony. But unfortunately, it has been ten years. passed away before."

It's as if Mr. Charles's only purpose in the world is to sell this castle and then die suddenly, which is puzzling.

The equipment and utensils in the kitchen are very modern and appear to be designed to handle large banquets. Chefs wearing chef hats are busy preparing various delicacies. The kitchen is filled with all kinds of delicious aromas, which are mouth-watering.

One of the caregivers was a tall young man with a thick beard and a big bag in his hand. He turned to look at the other caregiver, a middle-aged man wearing glasses and holding a large bag in his hand. Thick thermos mug. The two of them walked past the crowd while talking.

Everyone did not stop here and continued walking through every corner of the castle. No matter how they looked at it, Professor X would not have anything to do with the cook.

Facing the front desk clerk's question, Fury went on to explain: "One is named Charles Xavier and the other is named Warren Kenneth Worthington III."

charles xavier

? - 2000

Defender of love and peace, excellent educator.

The handwriting on the sign is clear, written in an ancient and ornate font:

Finally, the caregiver found the correct key, inserted it gently into the keyhole, and quietly opened the attic door. The moment the door opened, a faint light came out, and everyone was able to get a glimpse of the scene in the attic.

Everyone walked around the castle for a while, but they never found any trace related to Charles Xavier. They came to a lounge full of antique replicas and sat together on an ornate sofa.

Coming to the second floor is a luxurious library with bookshelves filled with ancient books and documents. Then we came to a beautifully decorated music room, where a classical piano was quietly waiting for the player to arrive.

Bai Ye led the two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents straight to the bookshelf and flipped through an ancient atlas, hoping to find some clues. Quicksilver jumped across the bookshelf and was on the other side of the room in the blink of an eye. But even in this place of wisdom and knowledge, they found no trace of Charles Xavier.

"You also heard what he said, who would keep a paralyzed person in a luxury club?" Bai Ye said, leading a few people and quietly following the caregiver to the attic door. They hid behind a huge Gothic wooden door and watched as the caregiver took out a bunch of clattering metal keys and started to open the door.

The middle-aged man nodded, frowned and said, "Yeah, I really don't know why someone would spend a lot of money to keep a vegetative person in a place like this?"

She looked up at the smooth black marble wall behind her, and everyone moved their gazes upwards. They saw a sign with a gilded frame of exquisite craftsmanship hanging in a piece of smooth black marble, which looked very solemn.

Ten years ago?

A glint flashed in Fury's eyes. This time seemed to be consistent with his lost memory and the prototype plan of the telepathic spectrometer.

“If you are more interested in him, we can arrange for you to visit a commemorative exhibition where you can learn more about his life and achievements.”

After speaking in one breath, the waiter winked at everyone, meaning: Is there anything else?

"No need, we can just walk around here by ourselves." Bai Ye waved his hand and led everyone through the hall and continued to explore inside the castle. They passed a luxurious restaurant with tables covered with exquisite tableware and china. Walking further, they came to the castle's kitchen.

"Today is it your turn to take care of the paralytic on the top floor?" the tall caregiver asked, his tone filled with contempt.

It's just that although the texture is good, if the waitress hadn't looked specifically, no one present would have noticed the golden plate and the words on it.

The conversation between the two gradually faded away, and Bai Ye narrowed his eyes slightly. This person sounded a bit like a person in his memory, and he was also related to Professor X.

The attic is decorated like a hospital room, and the walls are covered with various animal photography, which seems to be the hobby of the old owner of the castle. But the most eye-catching thing was a hospital bed in the center of the room. Lying on the bed was a young man in his twenties, with his eyes closed.

The name tag above his bed read a brief name: David Xavier.

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