The one who comes is not good.

This was the first thought that came to Bai Ye's heart. Just after solving the zombie crisis in the Z universe, this voyeuristic bald man suddenly appeared, and he also got involved with his old friends the Fantastic Four. It was definitely not coincide.

Isn't he trying to stir up something where "outsiders are not allowed to interfere"?

She was not necessarily afraid of him. Some props were specially prepared for guys of this level. Bai Ye narrowed his eyes slightly.

However, the Observer is not a bloodthirsty lunatic, and he will not kill anyone on sight. These methods are only used as backup. I believe that I can reach a consensus with this guy named Observer who is actually an interventionist.

The bald man who was several meters tall didn't seem to notice what Bai Ye was thinking. He just flicked his cloak and continued to say in a calm voice: "Why don't we talk in another place? I am very interested in your behavior."

"Things here, I believe they will take care of it, don't worry about Reed Richards, he is not who he is in my plan."

"But you haven't told me yet, what do you want to talk to me about? You can't just bring me to see your body, right?" He looked into the observer's golden eyes, took a deep breath, and then said .

This sentence is sharp and direct, like a sharp sword, pointing directly at the pain point of the observer.

It seems that this is the Observer's base on the moon, and next door should be the residential area where the Inhumans led by Black Bolt live.

"It won't be swallowed by the giant. What he eats is just some useless substances to me."

"This is the price. In the foreseeable future, those hungry people who have gone off track will involuntarily go to other universes and turn them into ruins."

A long time ago, at least long before humans were still monkeys, the Observer clan's technology had already completed an atomic bomb-level explosion. They were extremely rich in technology and resources in all aspects, and they could do almost anything they wanted.

"Really? Is it because of your father? I know you always hoped he was right."

It is a picture depicting a universe invaded by countless zombies. It is displayed with amazing details and realism, making people feel like they are actually there.

The house seems to be made of an unknown transparent material. It has neither windows nor doors, but the interior is filled with a clear sense of space. Looking up, the endless universe is unfolding above. Under the dark night sky, there are stars and the Milky Way is like a belt.

Standing in the corner of the house in the white night, his eyes looked upward. Through the wide and transparent "roof", he saw the familiar and distant planet - the Earth. It seemed so lonely and peaceful in space, just like the Earth. Like a blue crystal set on a dark ribbon.

Bai Ye twitched the corners of his mouth with a half-smile, then floated into the air, looking straight at the tall bald giant in front of him. The latter's shining golden eyes suddenly widened to the extreme, showing surprise that was inconsistent with his identity.

As if aware of Bai Ye's gaze, the bald head explained leisurely without looking back: "As early as countless thousand years ago, my tribe and I have been able to use pure energy to replace the fleshy body. I won't Infected by that virus”

Looking at those tragic scenes and the loud words of the observer, Bai Ye just smiled faintly, and then spoke slowly, his voice seemed very calm:

"Even if you captured a few zombie heroes before the start of the first cycle, things would not have evolved to this point. Logically speaking, this should be your responsibility."

Suddenly, there was a flash of bright light, and the two people disappeared. When Bai Ye opened his eyes again, they were already standing inside a square, crystal-clear house, with an endless wasteland of craters outside.

If you are really interested in what the other person says and you are interested in his behavior, you may get some unexpected gains.

As the oldest and wisest race among living creatures, the Observers should have the responsibility to provide those weak races with technology to help them survive the difficult period of development and move towards glory.

For those planets destroyed by zombie viruses, the light that once pulsed like life has now been stripped away, leaving only ruin and death. He saw cities that were once full of life, now in ruins, consumed by endless hunger.

But he turned to look at the corner of the room, and out of the corner of his eye he caught something that was not in harmony with the atmosphere here - half a bloody corpse lying there.

In the low and solemn voice of the observer, the entire space seemed to be trembling. Every syllable carried the power of endless years and wisdom. This tremor spread like ripples, forming an illusory picture. .

The bald man in blue robe was stunned for a moment, and then slowly spoke, with a hint of helplessness in his voice: "My mission and that of my tribe is to observe, not to interfere. The reason why I didn't take action at the beginning is because I My responsibilities require me to respect the natural laws of the universe.”

After their political body voted for this resolution, Ikull took his companions to a planet called Prosilicus, a planet with a complicated name and very strange locals. Simple, live a peaceful and pollution-free native life.

So, he motioned to Fury and the others to wait aside, then turned and walked towards the tall bald giant. The two stopped in a clearing.

As he spoke, the observer's smooth face showed a hint of sadness. Even after many years, he still could not let go of the tragedy caused by his own race.

"I think you already know that I created a cycle for two universes infected by that difficult virus." He said slowly, and with a wave of his big hand, countless energy particles floated into the air from nowhere. A picture appeared, in which was a slowly rotating Möbius strip.

"But now, the unbreakable cycle has been broken by you. Those virus carriers are very likely to go to other universes to spread the virus. I think you should be responsible for this."

Bai Ye frowned, and although he had some doubts in his heart, he still nodded.

"Believe me, this is a lesson learned by our race a long time ago. We once helped a race that was not advanced enough and expected them to grow to the same level as us, but the results were tragic, no matter for us For them.”

After hearing this, the observer turned to look at Bai Ye, with an unknown meaning in his golden eyes.

"Amazing." Bai Ye clapped his hands in approval. This is the truth. If an observer dies, it is his own choice to die, and he can return from death at any time.

There are two views on inferior races among their race. The representative figure of one of them, an observer named Ikul, said:

"The strong are born to help the weak ruthlessly, otherwise what's the point of being strong?"

But when it came time to give him something specific, Ikul was in trouble. After thinking for a while, he suddenly patted his bald head and came up with an idea.

How about giving some nuclear energy technology.

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