Journey Through the Marvel Universe Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 247 The cycle created by the observer is not perfect

I originally wanted to reject him, but he knew too much.

Seeing Bai Ye reaching for his hand, the tall, bald man in a blue robe - the observer, hesitated for a moment. He blinked, took a deep breath, then reached out his hand and held it tightly.

After a moment, the observer withdrew his hand and placed it gently on his side. He lowered his head slightly, as if thinking about something. Bai Ye kept smiling, quietly waiting for his response.

Although this big bald man has been acting cold and calm for many years, he actually has his own considerations and emotions.

In addition, the cycle he created was not perfect. At least the Deadpool of the 2149 universe, also known as the "Dead Head", was an unlucky zombie whose head was cut off by a yacht propeller. He was once liberated from the cycle and died in 616. Let’s take an adventure together.

As long as it can achieve the same effect as an observer, just eliminate those zombies that have the possibility of leaving this universe, or there are other ways.

The Fantastic Four looked at each other, as if hesitating to leave. But after a few seconds, they finally stood firmly on the spot, with no intention of leaving.

"You are right, I am indeed not an expert in the field of viruses." Reed Richards stretched his head into a straight line again, so that he could see what was happening behind Fury, but under the eyes of those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents After raising the gun in a threatening manner, he still retracted his neck angrily.

The observer's eyes were still locked on the sea of ​​stars, with countless light and dark reflections in his eyes, and his voice seemed to be narrating an unreachable story.

Now that he knows, he has to speak more clearly.

"Leave here immediately!"

After saying that, he stopped talking, and a strong purple light emitted from his hand, like a bright lightning, cutting through the boundaries of time and space, and hitting Bai Ye's body.

Looking for the sound, he turned around and saw that in front of him, Fury was arguing fiercely with the Fantastic Four. The one-eyed dragon crossed his arms across his chest, stared coldly at the four superheroes in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "I'll say it again, you four, get out, you have nothing to do here."

"You're right." Reed Richards blinked, obviously a little surprised by Bai Ye's question, but he didn't dwell too much on it and turned to ask about another thing, "If possible, I think Let me ask you, what did you and our bald friend talk about when they left?"

"We think we should stay and help." Mr. Fantastic hesitated and retracted his stretched neck. "This is obviously an invasion from the outer universe. You and your agents do not have the ability to deal with it." No offense to the solution, Fury.”

He raised his head and looked around, but no bald giant in blue robes suddenly appeared to refute what the man in front of him said. So it seemed that what this man said was true.

Bai Ye frowned and interrupted the observer: "Speak like a human being."

The laser gun that Fury was holding when Bai Ye left had returned to the agent's hand. At this time, except for those agents who cooperated with the Thunder Warriors to clean up the corpses, the remaining people were already standing beside their director.

Regarding this question, Bai Ye just smiled and changed the subject forcefully, "It's not an important matter, but the observer has given me full authority to handle this matter. You just need to cooperate with me now."

Then suddenly, the power disappeared, and Bai Ye felt that his body instantly fell to a solid ground.

After hearing this, Fury immediately frowned and stared at the Fantastic Four coldly. He has no intention of becoming an enemy of these four superheroes, but he is also unwilling to accept their help.

He had already seen in Bai Ye's memory what those superpowers would do if they were infected and turned into zombie-like monsters. Now in order to reduce all risks to the lowest level, he would absolutely not let the Fantastic Four get involved. Come into this matter.

The rubber man is also very smart. Not long after arriving here, he confirmed from the information collected from the videos and media that the invasion of the outer space was caused by a virus infection.

Hearing this, Mr. Fantastic was stunned for a moment, and his brain started working rapidly.

Reed turned to look at Bai Ye, with a trace of doubt and curiosity in his eyes, and asked gently: "What do you want us to do?"

"When you are ready," he said, "the door of destiny will open for you, and those thousands of threads will eventually come together to weave it for you."

"You go and return to Earth. You will fulfill my promise." The observer was silent for a while, then turned around and said. Then, he glanced past the white night and towards the distant and vast starry sky, not knowing what he was observing again.

It's just that he doesn't want to, but the Fantastic Four are very willing. Just now they dared to come here directly against Fury's orders, and now they don't know what to do.

The Observer has been an old friend of the Fantastic Four since their formation. When the four of them explored the moon, the bald man appeared and met them.

Bai Ye only felt that his body was swept away by a powerful force, like a meteor streaking across the universe with a dazzling light. He felt as if he had traveled through endless distances, and time and space were flowing rapidly before his eyes.

Bai Ye asked with some uncertainty: "How do I go back to that universe?"

Bai Ye stretched and strode between the two groups of people and raised a hand to suppress the dispute between them. Then he turned to Mr. Fantastic among the Fantastic Four and said directly:

"If my guess is correct, the observer informed you before, so you rushed over directly, right?"

"But I believe that our technology and intelligence will be of great benefit to this research, are you right? Su?"

"Listen, guys, you may be one of the most powerful superhero teams in the world, but you are not experts in the field of viruses." Fury said, "We need to focus on researching solutions to these extraterrestrial viruses. Medicine instead of wasting time protecting you irrelevant people.”

At the same time, he has contacted the Fantastic Four again and again over the years to solve things that may harm the earth, such as going back thousands of years to stop Kang or Galactus, and the same is true this time.

The invisible woman on the side nodded. Her husband definitely wasn't lying about this.

The observer sighed softly, withdrew his gaze from the starry sky and looked at Bai Ye. There was a hint of helplessness and worry in his eyes, "It won't be long until an antidote to the virus is developed."

Bai Ye smiled, then pointed into the distance and said:

"Get out of here."

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