Flint Mark looked at the red liquid in the box, his heart full of doubts and curiosity. He didn't know much about his own abilities, but it was clear that Bai Ye and the scientists had a deeper understanding of his potential.

"Hank Pym?" Sandman touched his chin and fell into thought. "I heard that he is a scientist and a superhero, but to be honest, he and I don't have much intersection."

Bai Ye nodded slightly and explained: "Hank Pym is a scientist who can change his own size. He invented the Pym particles, which allows him to shrink to a microscopic size, so he became a superhero and used this ability to protect the world."

"We believe that your sand ability also has great potential. Maybe you can learn how to control it after injecting these things and change your own size like Pym."

"Wait, you mean you want me to be as gigantic as the giant man? Not with sand, but real gigantic?" Sandman asked in surprise, with a hint of excitement and confusion in his eyes.

Thinking of what Bai Ye had just said about asking about his height after sandification, he figured out the reason almost in an instant.

"Yes, that's right. Hank Pym's technology is not just miraculous miniaturization, he also explored the possibility of giantization. These liquids were copied by our research team through a series of experiments. They can make you expand several times and become a huge sand giant."

"Good afternoon."

"And your mission is to eliminate the zombies in this world."


Bai Ye smiled slightly and responded with a solemn look: "Don't worry, with my help, Flint will definitely be different. He has received special training and transformation, and is no longer an ordinary sand man."

"On the contrary." Bai Ye shrugged, "He should ask me to help him."

Suddenly, he saw Bai Ye gently touch the ring on his hand, as if it was a gesture.

He originally just wanted to get rewards and use his special abilities to deal with zombies, but now the scalability of this plan makes him feel extremely excited.

When the white light gradually faded, he found himself in a completely different environment. The surrounding scenery, light, air, everything has changed.

Flint Mark couldn't help but put the box on his palm and observe it carefully close to his eyes. The liquid was a bright red color, very much like hot blood, but it also emitted a strange glimmer.

After hearing Bai Ye's words, Sandman fell silent. There seemed to be no living people in this ruined city, only silence and ruins. To kill every zombie in a world, this task was too huge for him.

The next moment, the room was filled with dazzling white light, and Flint felt as if he was swallowed by a huge wave, and the whole person was completely submerged in the white light in an instant.

Even for Sandman, it was a bit too extreme to see Bai Ye let a mutant terrorist appear here. He usually saw a lot of things about Magneto in the media.

This was not an ordinary white light, but like a strong storm, swallowing everything. His eyes became blurred, as if he was sucked into some kind of different dimension. He felt that his body seemed to be torn and stretched, and an indescribable sense of dislocation filled his body, and then merged in an instant.

Bai Ye's eyes were firm. He stared at Sandman and nodded slightly to the Pym particles.

Seeing that the guy didn't say a word, Bai Ye smiled again and said, "In fact, it won't be as difficult as you think."

As they turned around, the Sandman finally saw a spectacular sight.

In the distance of the ruined city, a huge city rose from the ground. It was not a conventional prosperous city, but a doomsday city made up of various metal materials and objects.

This was a once prosperous city, but now it was destroyed by the rampage of zombies. He looked around and found that the ruined city was filled with heavy tranquility and depression. The familiar streets and the decay of the ruins formed a gloomy atmosphere.

However, what shocked the Sandman even more was that from the city's skyline, a purple figure was flying quickly. The figure was like lightning and thunder, with majesty and power, causing ripples in the air.

Its surface was rusty and the steel structure was staggered, revealing a solemn doomsday atmosphere. But due to the distance, the scene was blurred, making it difficult for the Sandman to identify it carefully.

Magneto gracefully descended in front of the two men, and his appearance caused the surrounding metal materials to vibrate slightly, as if they were in awe of his arrival.

"Magneto? How much did you spend to hire this guy to help you?" Flint Mal said in a daze, pointing a finger at the rapidly approaching figure.

As the red liquid entered his body, he felt a fiery force surging in his body. In an instant, a huge energy surged in his body, as if it was about to burst out.

Magneto's slightly sharp eyes cast on the Sandman again, as if looking for his weaknesses and characteristics. He stared for a moment, then nodded and said:

"How do you need me to cooperate with you?"

Around the building, ruins covered every corner of the city. The once glorious city is now full of decadence and silence. Broken buildings, broken windows and dilapidated streets constitute the scene of the ruins of this city.

He first glanced at the Sandman, his eyes revealing a deep observation and doubt. Then, he turned to Bai Ye and said calmly: "Is this the helper you found? I remember that I saw the Sandman of our universe in the city a long time ago. He can also be infected."

He reached out his hand and carefully took the red liquid in the box. The surface of the box was cold, as if there was a faint tremor stirring inside.

He growled low and pounced on the edge of the roof like a wild animal. In his angry roar, he gathered all his strength and jumped downstairs with huge steps.

The sand man touched his head, a little confused.

The sand man was slightly confused and was about to ask when Bai Ye suddenly turned around and motioned for him to look at the scene behind him.

Bai Ye looked at the sand man and nodded, "Yes, this is another universe, a parallel world closely connected with your original world."

Sandman watched the purple figure flying with Bai Ye, his face showed surprise and curiosity. The purple figure was no stranger to him. It was Magneto, a super mutant villain with supernatural abilities.

The sandman couldn't help but be a little surprised, but also full of curiosity and excitement.

The sand man was infected by Bai Ye's gaze. He understood the meaning and calmly injected the tube of red liquid substance into his body.

"Is this another world?" Sandman asked hesitantly. He felt as if he was in a different dimension, completely different from the reality he was familiar with.

While in the air, his body began to gradually expand, his muscles bulging into a massive muscle mass. His height soared at a speed visible to the naked eye, expanding hundreds of times in size, directly turning into a giant taller than a tall building.

As the Sandman landed, the ground of the entire ruined city shook with violent air waves.

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