"Come back, my messenger, perhaps this planet should not be the food in my belly today."

Galactus's voice echoed like thunder through the ruined city, causing many buildings to tremble. His eyes were a bit helpless and defeated, but more of a compromise and concession.

He had to retreat. Although he had to absorb a lot of energy into his stomach if he wanted to survive, the planet at the moment clearly looked like. To use the metaphor of the earth he had just learned, it was almost like a sea urchin or a hedgehog. Same.

No, the real situation is worse than that.

A sea urchin or a hedgehog has no ability to blow up an entire planet, let alone threaten the great Galactus.

As soon as these words came out, the silver glider who had just struggled out of the ruins was obviously stunned for a moment. He raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and saw Galactus standing there, with a strange light shining in his purple eyes.

The silver glider was silent for a moment, then stepped on the silver surfboard and flew gently towards Galactus.

Within a few seconds, the space suddenly distorted, and Galactus and Silver Glider disappeared into the air. Everything returned to tranquility in an instant, as if their existence was just a short-lived illusion.

This question has been swirling in his stomach since the moment Galactus stopped him. Now that he finally had a chance to ask the question, Silver Glider naturally asked it without hesitation.

"Is this matter settled like this? Why do I feel a little unreal?"

The wind passed through the empty streets, carrying away a few broken tiles and gravel, but it could not take away the heavy atmosphere.

After a few seconds, the Silver Glider came to his senses, but his voice sounded shaky and unconfident. He was clearly shaken by Galactus' words.

It was definitely a long and deep breath, as if all the air on the planet was sucked into the lungs. Just that one movement of this giant several hundred meters tall brought up several strong airflows.

He stammered: "This... this is simply unbelievable. How can this small planet have such power?"

Thinking of this, Bai Ye couldn't help but shook his head.

Having nothing to eat and being hungry was secondary to Galactus. Being surprised by the Earthlings was the most important thing.

So, the Silver Glider remained merely a hungry slave, serving loyally to Galactus's never-ending hunger.

"That's enough! Servant! I have no obligation to answer your questions for you. What I just said is the greatest expression of my kindness to you!"

"How can a primitive creature that doesn't even have the ability to leave its home planet threaten you, who is so powerful?"

A pair of glowing purple eyes flashed with anger, which was dissatisfaction with the silver glider's doubts and anger at his inability to control the situation.

His words stunned the Silver Glider, as if he had been struck by lightning, and his body froze in place. Bai Ye just looked at him indifferently, still holding the Ultimate Eraser tightly in his hand without any sign of loosening.

The Silver Glider was so frightened that he looked up at Galactus with a look of fear in his eyes. He knew he shouldn't question Galactus, but this fact was too much for him to accept.

"My master."

"Earthlings, I have felt the power of your race. You have successfully preserved your world. I have sensed the brilliance of your race. Even though you have made a mess of your own civilization."

"For some reason, the creatures on this planet have the ability to destroy the entire galaxy, and even the entire universe."

Even he had to succumb to the power of the Ultimate Eraser, and even for this reason he did not dare to get angry at the person who threatened him.

The weapon shone brightly in the sunlight, dazzling and sharp. It is like a cold killer hidden under a bright smile. With just one touch, it can push the entire galaxy and even the entire universe into the abyss.

Magneto flew to Bai Ye's side, his purple cloak fluttering gently in the breeze. There was still a trace of worry on his face, and an uneasiness in his eyes.

The current Silver Glider does not have the opportunity to meet the Fantastic Four like in the official history. He has not yet understood the love for life on earth, nor has he found anything that he can truly fight for.

The words of Galactus echoed in the empty ruined city. The broken buildings and collapsed walls seemed to be listening to the warnings of this ancient creature.

This time Magneto and Sandman did not try to stop him. They could already see that Bai Ye had completely controlled the situation.

Obviously today, my messenger finally found a planet that is rich in energy and looks juicy and delicious for him to enjoy, but who would have thought that there is someone who knows how to use the ultimate eraser!

Hearing this question, Galactus rarely became angry at his messenger's meaningless actions, but took a deep breath.

Then, the purple light in his eyes swept over the silver glider, and then looked at the Ultimate Eraser held tightly in Bai Ye's hand.

The next step is nothing they need to worry about.

Galactus had no interest in speaking to his envoy anymore, and turned to look at Bai Ye who still held the Ultimate Eraser on his shoulder, and said a little tiredly:

He was so angry, really angry.

Flying closer, the little silver man's face showed a bit of confusion and hesitation, but more of a kind of resignation and awe.

As soon as these words were spoken, the shock of refraction spread around the ruins of the city, and the air was distorted like solidification, showing an incredible scene, and enveloped Galactus and the silver glider beside him.

"Master, what's wrong with you? Didn't we almost capture this planet just now?" Silver Glider's voice was filled with a hint of uneasiness as he looked at Galactus.

Galactus's voice was low and powerful, and every word was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

The angry voice of Galactus suddenly exploded like thunder, shattering the surrounding glass, and the fragments flew out, as if to declare his anger.

As he spoke, he glanced at the ruins around him and continued:

"I will go to other planets to satisfy my hunger, but I will remember today!"

"Look what you said."

Bai Ye couldn't help but smile and pointed with his finger to the place where Galactus and his envoy disappeared. There were still traces of previous destruction there. "This matter is done, it's time for me to leave."

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