Fury and the Sandman walked out of the conference room together. The latter was still pushing the small cart filled with gold. The gold bars were shining dazzlingly in the sun, while the sandman's face was filled with an expression of satisfaction and expectation. He appears to be both a newcomer eager to pursue a new life and a recipient of wealth.

At the same time, Bai Ye stayed alone in the conference room, sitting on a chair, and silence surrounded him.

He thought for a moment, his expression was calm, and his eyes revealed a sense of determination. He twisted the ring on his finger, and a burst of intense white light suddenly enveloped it and quickly filled the entire room.

This white light showed a dazzling light, accompanied by a breeze-like surge of energy. Bai Ye seemed to merge with the light, and then after a few seconds, both he and the white light disappeared without a trace.

The room was once again immersed in silence, and the strong light from before seemed to still linger in the air. The departure of the white night is like a phantom, but the silence and tranquility left behind make people feel a trace of indescribable awe and mystery.

At least this is the case for Fury, who is still paying attention to the other side of the surveillance.

At this time, Fury and Sandman were walking through the passage of the aerospace aircraft carrier, and the hurried agents around them were busy with their own affairs. The internal structure of the mothership is complex, and various departments are connected to each other through these passages.

civilian? This guy actually said he was a civilian?

Fury looked at the Sandman's somewhat contradictory expression. He held his forehead helplessly and thought to himself: Is this guy still worried that SHIELD will steal his gold bars?

Fury stared at the small screen on his wrist, which was constantly flashing important information. He turned his head towards the Sandman from time to time, seeming to be paying attention to his situation and status. His eyes were full of concentration and vigilance, and he seemed to be paying attention to everything around him at all times, ensuring that everything inside the aerospace aircraft carrier was operating normally.

The Sandman lifted up a gold bar and frowned at it, as if he was a little reluctant to hand over these gold bars. He muttered softly: "I earned this with a lot of hard work."

The Sandman was a little confused when he heard Fury's words. He stopped, frowned slightly, and asked in confusion: "I thought you were closed to civilians? I could only enter this place as a prisoner before. "

He kept looking around, intently observing the intricate structure inside the mothership and the busy agents everywhere, as if he wanted to take it all in.

The one-eyed dragon just smiled and shook his head gently, but did not immediately answer the sandman's question.

His return doesn't seem to cause much surprise, as scientists seem to have adapted to his sudden appearances and disappearances.

Is he serious?

As he spoke, he frowned slightly with a thoughtful expression under his glasses, and began to explain: "The Jackal's cloning technology does have many shortcomings, but through our team's research, we have made some improvements. ”

At least for him, this was the first time walking on a space carrier as a human being, rather than a ball of quicksand contained in an hourglass.

He showed a smile that was both tolerant and mysterious, and then patted the Sandman on the shoulder in a friendly manner, as if to imply something.

At this moment, Walter quickly walked up to Bai Ye, extended his hand without hesitation, and welcomed: "Mr. Bai Ye, welcome back! There are some important experimental results and progress, I can't wait to share them with you."

"The Mothership is not only SHIELD's headquarters, it's our home. If you can legally walk in here, we'll welcome you."

Now the Sandman is not only a super criminal who has "returned from evil", but is also one of the symbols of the friendship between SHIELD and White Night, and has to be treated specially.

The Sandman is still confused about Fury's answers and actions. He looked at the middle-aged man beside him, his eyes full of doubts and confusion, trying to understand the meaning conveyed by Fury, but he still couldn't figure it out.

Seeing this, Fury took a deep breath and patiently said to the sand man: "We need to record the weight of these gold bars in order to verify the value and help you complete the next procedures. This is a necessary step, and you will get what you deserve. Got money.”

Bai Ye smiled and asked Walter: "Walter, what are the results of the research on the clones I brought back? Have you made any new discoveries?"

He tapped his fingers on the table beside him, thinking as he continued: "We set out to improve cell replication and gene sequence issues during the cloning process, as well as the survival rate of artificial clones."

The Sandman walked briskly, pushing the cart filled with gold, and observed the busy surroundings with excited and curious eyes. He pauses from time to time, trying to capture some highlight or special feature of his surroundings.

As he hurried forward, he looked intently at the small screen on his wrist, occasionally turning his head to look at the sandman beside him.

While they were talking, the two had already walked to SHIELD's warehouse, where a weighing instrument was waiting. Fury walked to the instrument and motioned to the Sandman to put the gold bars on it and weigh them.

Walter was stunned for a moment, then responded with a smile: "Mr. Bai Ye, you came at the right time. This is exactly what I want to report."

Fury on the side heard the Sandman's sigh, shrugged, and showed a tolerant smile: "As long as you abide by the law in the future, you can come here to visit at any time."

Agents came and went, hurriedly carrying out their respective tasks. Some were wearing S.H.I.E.L.D.-specific gear, while others were holding files, mobile devices, or other equipment necessary for the mission, occasionally exchanging necessary information or waving hello.

There are many scientists around who are busy in the laboratory. They are wearing white coats, carefully operating instruments, recording data, or conducting various experiments. There is a strong scientific atmosphere in the laboratory, full of concentration and energy.

He sighed softly and turned to think about explaining to this elm-headed man in a calmer tone.

It's just that the man wearing a green T-shirt made of his own grains of sand seemed a little hesitant, as if he didn't really want to move the things on the cart.

"We have made some important advances in human cloning research, particularly in improving cloning technology. This could have profound implications for future research and experiments."

Bai Ye walked out of the strong white light and reappeared in his laboratory. The lights in the laboratory are bright, various instruments and equipment are neatly placed, and high-tech equipment is operating, making a faint buzzing sound.

Looking at all the scenes in front of him, Sandman looked surprised and excited. He muttered in a low voice: "I have never seen these places like this. I always looked at it as a prisoner before."

"By tweaking some key technical details, we've made some significant progress."

"Come this way and let me show you."

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