Journey Through the Marvel Universe Starting from the Zombie Universe

Chapter 308 The Successor: There is something dirty in this universe

The light group gradually turned into countless tiny threads and dispersed, and a man and woman with light golden hair appeared on the spot.

The man was holding a long whip with a thin blade that shone with a cold light. His eyes were sharp, revealing an aura of danger that could not be ignored.

In one of the woman's hands, there were two daggers with blood still remaining on them. In her other hand, she was holding a red and blue mask with spider web patterns.

The mask was also stained with blood. It was obvious that its owner had experienced a fierce battle during his lifetime.

The clothes of the two people look unusual, exuding a mysterious and unique atmosphere. The blond man and woman looked at Spider-Man at the same time, their eyes showing both amusement and desire.

Not for fighting.

"who are you?"

This sudden appearance caused everyone present to fall into silence, and no one knew what would happen next.

Cable stood beside Spider-Man in tacit understanding, preparing to fight together. Facing this pair of mysterious successor family members, he also felt a pressure that he could not ignore.

Bai Ye's clothes were fluttering in the breeze, and his eyes were firm and determined. He walked slowly to Spider-Man and stood in front of Brix and the others.

Bai Ye smiled calmly and responded: "You just left, but that doesn't mean you won't come back again. Don't forget that you said the harsh words yourself."

The eyes of the heir brother and sister revealed visible fear. Blix even raised his hand to subconsciously touch his neck, apparently still having lingering fears about certain memories.

"For example, you."

He could feel the powerful aura emanating from their bodies, and the crazy sound of the spider sense confirmed that they were no ordinary people. He was thinking secretly in his heart, could the enemy this time be more than just Deadpool?

Peter then looked at the woman. The dagger in her hand and the blood stains on the mask made the atmosphere even weirder. If what this person said was true, then the mask in the woman's hand might have represented the life of a Spider-Man. He lost his hand!

There was not even a moment to mourn for the strange Spider-Man from the parallel universe. Peter's brain was running at the speed of light, thinking about how to solve the current situation.

He introduced himself leisurely: "I am Brix, a member of the noble Heir family. We roam the entire multiverse, feeding on the life of the totem."

But he won't turn around and run away. On the one hand, the resolution of Deadpool's crisis is closely related to Spider-Man. On the other hand, these people from the outer universe may be hiding something. Bad intentions will eventually cause irreparable damage to the world.

"Although I came out for a quick snack today, you are also obliged to know my name before I enjoy the food."

It's just that the meanings in the eyes on both sides are different. Spider-Man and Cable were surprised at how this guy disappeared suddenly, and they were glad that he didn't run away after his sudden disappearance.

These words made Spider-Man's heart beat faster, and he felt a strong atmosphere of danger. There was a strange light in Brix's eyes, and his words were heart-stopping.

Because the gun was bigger than the one in his hand.

The glint in Brix's eyes was even more cunning, and he provocatively said as if teasingly: "You two clowns are really fun. Come on, let's enjoy this delicious hunt."

As he spoke, he and the blond woman next to him both grasped their weapons at the same time and walked forward slowly.

Obviously, the second half of Bricks' words were not meant for the two people in front of him, but for his sister Bora. Just like what he said, he wanted to enjoy this hunt.

Seeing that Spider-Man was ready to fight, the blond man who called himself Brix raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and he gently waved the whip in his hand and said happily:

"Oh, it's so cute, Bola, look at it. This guy has already made his flesh tight and wonderful in advance, which will add a touch of flavor to his soul when it enters my mouth~"

Just when the battle was about to break out, the scene was suddenly interrupted by a cough. Everyone present looked towards the place where the coughing sound came from, and saw Bai Ye walking out of the darkness.


After a moment, Brix held the whip tightly, gritted his teeth and asked Bai Ye: "Why are you here, you bastard?! Haven't we already left your universe?"

The appearance of Bai Ye made the scene tense and quiet for a while. The blond heir brother and sister, Spider-Man, Cable and others couldn't help but stop what they were doing and turned their attention to Bai Ye.

Brix held the whip tightly in his hand, a hint of uneasiness flashing in his eyes. He couldn't help but recall the scene where he had fought against Bai Ye. He didn't dare to underestimate the opponent's strength.

As he spoke, he took a step forward, and the dozen Thunder Warriors behind him all followed suit. The completely consistent steps made the whole room tremble, and the big guns they raised in their hands made the cables even more excited. Looking sideways.

Every muscle in his body was tense to the extreme, just to prepare for the battle that was bound to happen next.

And his sister Bora obviously didn't care about the words. She dropped the Spider-Man mask with her backhand and grabbed the dagger in each hand, showing her preparation for battle. Her eyes were fixed on Bai Ye, ready to take action at any time.

The man and woman with light blond hair looked at each other and smiled, as if they were a little proud of Spider-Man's nervousness. The man raised a hand and gently pressed it on his chest, showing a noble gesture.

But now, not only did that man have a lot of good help behind him, but he also seemed to have gained the ability to fly, which made him feel terrified in his heart.

Then he smiled and said: "Long time no see, heirs."

"Of course, brother. But there is one thing you said wrong. He is mine."

He continued to adjust his posture, preparing for the coming conflict.

He was holding a silver sword in his hand, and behind him was a large group of golden-armored warriors, menacingly.

Peter was startled, clenched his fists, and watched the mysterious newcomers warily.

Feeling the power behind him, Bai Ye floated slightly into the air, "Besides, I don't want to watch a family of successors sweep across the multiverse, so I decided to get involved."

Spider-Man gritted his teeth, feeling the evil aura coming from this mysterious man and woman. He knew that this battle might be harder than any he had ever fought in his life.

Damn, they had obviously let Master Spider observe this universe before coming here. This universe should have fallen into panic and chaos for some reason now. Hunting down a Spider-Man is simply a trivial matter.

How come the food in your mouth turns into hard stone?

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