Bai Ye couldn't help but take a second look at the vacant position. The painter who painted the painting seemed to have deliberately erased the existence of a certain member of the successor family from history, leaving an empty position.

In this proud and dominant painting, the omitted man is conspicuous by his absence.

This is a deliberate omission. The gap left is not only a gap in the picture, but also a hidden story.

The story about the successor, Kahn.

He is also a member of the large family of successors, and he and his family have hunted the same countless totems for countless times, but he has never really integrated into the family, and only hunts like them in order to survive— —At the same time, he secretly despised this method of killing.

Why not eat those totems, or at least eat them with more grace?

This nonsense was of course ignored by the other successors.

Who knows, family members, among the successors is the Holy Mother who does not want to eat the totem.

Donned with a helmet, Kahn sadly disappeared into the portal to another universe, becoming the successor to the family's shameful past.

Perhaps, he can get rid of the shackles of his family and find a unique path that allows his successors to survive without eating totems and realize his own ideals.

To this day, a question that already had an answer echoed in his heart that day, why was his mother killed?

The woman wielded a long-handled ax and jumped up to a height of more than ten meters. The attack was as fast as thunder. This blow was enough to knock down any spider totem in the world who dared to resist the successor.

But at the same time, the Spider Web Master faced the attack of the clan mother and just extended his finger gracefully.

That was a special day. The silent night enveloped the heirs. They gathered in a dark corner, preparing to face a spider god in their own universe - the Spider Web Master.

In his palm, a thread was gently pulled by his two fingers, as if stroking an invisible string. The thread shimmered in the night sky, as if the web of the universe began to echo.

Just when Kahn was about to ask questions or attack, a sudden gust of wind pierced the night sky.

He couldn't remember what happened after that. He only remembered that the brothers and sisters rushed nearby, worked together to control the Spider Web Master, and controlled the Spider Web Master with a special shackle, making the totem become Transportation.

These words stunned Kahn, who had never revealed his innermost feelings to anyone. How did this spider god know his true wishes?

But why wouldn't he want to? Everything he has done so far is just to prove to his mother that he is the son worthy of being preferred.

Although he was only one step away from defeating the Spider Web Master at this moment, he still hesitated.


With the gentle pull of the spider web master, the silk thread was like a note beating in the air between his fingertips, emitting a melodious melody.

The moment the Spider Web Master tore off the threads, Kahn's mother also turned into countless threads. Before she could even let out a complete scream, her figure disintegrated into countless threads in the night sky, like smoke blown away by the wind.

Suddenly, he stopped what he was doing and stared at Kahn, who was rushing to the front and holding a weapon. The back of the deep helmet lens revealed an insight beyond the physical body.

Under severe reprimands from his family, Kahn felt isolated from the family. He tried to explain, tried to speak the words of the Web Master, but to no avail. The heirs only wanted to believe that he was the sinner of the family.

"You killed your mother, you are a disgrace to the family!" A middle-aged man who looked slightly similar to Kahn, but was several times taller said sternly.

His brother took out a helmet with the family logo and forced it onto Kahn's head. This was an obvious humiliation, and the family no longer wanted to see Kahn's face. They wanted him to become an abandoned stranger from now on.

The Spider Web Master's appearance is similar to that of a centaur. His upper body is a human and his lower body is a large mechanical spider. He just sits on the big web he has woven, quietly watching the successors kill him in an elegant and superb way. s room.

Things will be much simpler after that.

The battle begins, with sharp blades and deadly weapons flashing from the shadows.

"But what's interesting is that Kahn is destined to become a spider web master in the future, and he killed his mother in front of him in the past."

"Kahn, you are different from your brothers and sisters. Killing those totems has never brought you any happiness." The spider web master's voice was as soft as the wind, "What you really pursue is creation, not destruction."

His mother, the matriarch of the Heir family, was the first to attack.

In short, Kahn deeply felt the pressure and expectations of the successor family. His mother was the one who had the highest expectations for him, but he always maintained a unique way of thinking.

That moment of hesitation turned into a ghost that cursed Kahn for life. At this time, he didn't know who the person crawling on the spider web was. He only knew that his mistake was absolutely irreversible.

But before Kahn found such a path, changes, or opportunities for the successors, came.

This time, what they are pursuing is not only the thrill of hunting, but a mysterious road leading to the endless universe. As long as they can defeat or subdue the Spider Master, they will have the ability to travel through the universe in their hands.

In his family, he was taught to follow traditions and devour totems to gain power. However, deep in his heart there were hidden contradictions and doubts about this bloody legacy.

And this is indeed true, he did kill his mother because of a slight hesitation.

These threads scattered one after another, floated away, and disappeared into the dark abyss.

Every time he hunted those totems, Kahn felt an endless repetition and emptiness.

Kahn was forced to cross the family wall, and behind him came the blame and contempt of his family. His heart felt like it was being torn apart by a sharp blade, and the feeling of being driven out was unbearable.

As the years passed, he began to question his family and their ideals, wondering if there were other, nobler ways of living.

When the successors rushed towards him, he kept tearing apart the spider threads in his hands, turning the ground beneath their feet into nothingness and preventing them from moving forward.

Then, he decisively tore off the silk thread in his hand, making a deep sound like a broken string.

"Let's go, Kahn, you are no longer one of us." Brix stood and said coldly, pointing to the darkness outside the family, but a golden door lit up in the darkness, which was the entrance to the family. The way to other universes.

"Wait a minute, why does this script look so familiar?"

Standing under the hanging painting, Bai Ye looked at the empty chair in the painting in front of him, rubbed his head and said.

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