"That's enough, Deimos! Now is not the time for us to quarrel with each other, put those personal grudges behind me!"

Janix, who had been angry for a long time, took a deep breath and kicked away a piece of glass at his feet. The damage that had been caused was irreversible, so the intruder had to pay the price!

Yes, these clone warehouses were indeed not smashed by the intruder. Part of them came from the aftermath of the battle between himself and him, and the other part was due to Deimos' reckless behavior.

But in the end, it all has to be blamed on the intruder, right? If he hadn't come here suddenly, how could his baby cloning room be so seriously damaged, and how could he be so angry?

".As you wish."

The brawny heir who was nearly three meters tall held back a sentence from his mouth. He was obviously secretly angry, but his brother was right. Now is not the time to dwell on those things.

He moved his body and was about to step forward, but found those people in red tights pressing the buttons in their hands at the same time, which made Deimos stunned.

The whole process of getting bigger was filled with a surreal feeling. Their bodies twisted in space, as if violating the laws of nature.


The two members of the successor family were not as calm as Bai Ye. They fell into a rather embarrassing situation. At this time, they were like two toads avoiding hail, constantly jumping, trying to avoid the attack of ceiling fragments.

Bai Ye stood calmly and stretched out his hand, and a transparent barrier appeared out of thin air. At the same time, he did not forget to say to the giants under him who were still getting bigger.

A huge roar sounded, and Janix's figure was instantly trampled into pulp. His struggling and roaring came to an abrupt end in an instant, leaving only a mess of wreckage and blood.

At this moment of pause, the bodies of the people in red began to undergo startling changes.

If you defeat the successors and pick up their skills and use them rashly, I'm afraid it will only bring them back from hell and commit sin again.

Miracles and magic are not free, and neither is technology.

Deimos also stood beside Janix, his eyes cold and sharp. He said sarcastically: "Do you think you can escape our sanctions? An intruder dares to be so arrogant. You are simply asking for your own death!"

The members of the Heir family, Janix and Deimos, looked at the scene in surprise, watching in disbelief as people who were about the same height as them turned into giants.

The chaos lasted for nearly half a minute, and finally stopped with the sound of gravel falling, and two members of the successor family stood up angrily, their eyes full of anger and disdain.

"Don't worry about me or the influence on the surroundings, you guys continue to be yours."

The collapse of the ceiling exposed some of the structure and equipment of the castle's upper floors. The mechanical devices and pipes originally hidden above, as well as some unknown instruments, were revealed by the huge figure.

The giants obeyed Bai Ye's order, and a thunderous roar sounded. Their tall figures waved their arms, smashing all the furniture, instruments, and walls with great force. The cloning room, full of technology, looked torn to pieces under their destruction.

Their muscles were tense, and the red tights fit tightly on their huge bodies as their muscles expanded, presenting a highly technological mechanical armor effect. The helmet also maintains its proportions as the body becomes larger, making it look even more powerful and terrifying.

"You ignorant idiot! You dare to attack the successor, you will pay the price for it!" Janix roared, his voice full of anger and threats.

The powerful mental power forms an indestructible protective shield. The fragments hit the shield with a dull crashing sound.

Seeing his territory being destroyed and his hard work ruined, Janix finally couldn't bear the anger in his heart. He let out a shrill roar and rushed towards the giant closest to him, vowing to tear the intruder apart with his own hands. broken.

"My clone warehouse——"

The entire scene became silent, with only the giant's footsteps echoing in the messy room. Janix's majestic power collapsed in an instant, and his former nobility and arrogance were completely trampled under his feet.

However, just when he was about to come into contact with the giant, the giant reacted quickly and stepped on it head-on. This kick was like the earth shattering, releasing the huge power brought by Pym particles instantly.

Bai Ye just smiled faintly and gave orders to the giants standing aside: "Smash everything here and don't leave any cloning warehouses."

This is not because of the loss of physical strength or the like - it is almost unbelievable that this situation occurs in a person with self-healing ability, but because of the extreme shock.

This is a giant army!


Although these successors are grumpy and arrogant, they have taken a lot of measures to ensure their own survival. Their cloning technology contains a code, or program, that can resurrect themselves.

At first, the figures only swelled slightly, but as time went on, their bodies gradually grew in size, quickly surpassing their original size.

Wood chips and stones fell around them, and muffled sounds were heard from time to time. Although they dodge flexibly, they are clearly unable to do what they want.

Debris fell like raindrops. Stones and sawdust drew arcs in the air, like a realm of destruction descending.

As they grew larger, the ceiling in the room could not withstand the change. There was a creaking sound and cracks appeared, and the ceiling began to collapse due to the squeeze. Debris, sawdust and dust flew in the air, as if the apocalypse was coming.

After a few seconds, Deimos muttered: "It's Ant-Man, right? Giganta? They seem to be the same thing."

"Ah - you idiot, if you knew, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

The current scene can be said to be chaotic, but it is exactly this kind of chaos that I want. Although the successor's cloning technology is quite high, the risks involved in it have also soared. There is no need for me to pursue their technology.

Janix jumped over a boulder and was nearly scratched by an exposed steel bar. He frowned, his face full of embarrassment. At the same time, Deimos was hiding in a collapsed corner, and the debris above his head sometimes fell and sometimes brushed against his body.

"Keep going, don't stop for him."

The middle-aged man with gray temples shouted at the top of his lungs, but it was too late for him to continue to be angry at his brother, because within a few seconds, the red giants had surpassed ten meters, then twenty meters, until they exceeded Thirty meters.

His speed was so fast that it was hard to catch him. For a moment, he became a strong wind and headed straight for the giant.

"As you command!"

Bai Ye's eyes turned to Deimos, the last successor present. His eyes were as cold as ice, revealing a ruthless determination.

Although the latter was tall, he couldn't help but a drop of cold sweat broke out on his forehead and slid down his temples.

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