Bai Ye followed the servant into the storage room, and the door slowly closed behind them, cutting off the noise from the outside world.

As soon as he walked in, a faint light came on, reflecting on the tall metal lockers in the room. The room was filled with an old atmosphere, as if time had been frozen here for a long time.

The storage room is filled with all kinds of objects, which exude an ancient and mysterious atmosphere. On the shelves on one side, there are ancient books, with ancient words and symbols recorded on the pages, some of which have turned yellow.

The other side is filled with various mysterious artifacts, such as crystal balls, ancient amulets, and some strange devices, which shine mysteriously under the dim light.

"Yeah, it's a big-ticket product."

Bai Ye stepped forward and took a few glances before shaking his head. These things were not similar to any of the powerful magic weapons in his memory. I'm afraid they were more ornamental than practical.

"None of this is useful."

The servant looked at this scene, his eyes widened in fear, his mouth opened wide, as if he had seen a ghost.

The servant followed closely behind him, trembling with fear, his eyes still showing confusion and fear about Bai Ye's supernatural abilities.

Behind the door is a dark and deep passage, shrouded in black shadows, which seems to lead to an unknown abyss. Bai Ye's eyes flashed, and without any hesitation, he stepped into this mysterious passage.

Bai Ye ignored the servant's explanation and looked indifferently. He directly focused his mind on the palm of his hand, and then like tearing open a piece of illusory paper, the metal door made a sharp friction sound and was torn apart.

After a moment, he suddenly spoke: "Tell me, how much do you know about the heirs?"

The servant swallowed tremblingly and answered cautiously: "I...I only know that they were led out of the castle by you and never came back. I know nothing about the specific situation. I am just an ordinary servant. I Don’t really know much.”

However, after taking two glances, he closed the book in disappointment. The book recorded the valuable prey hunted by the successors over the years, not any black magic or white magic.

There are some bottles and jars placed, and the transparent liquid is looming under the light, seeming to contain mysterious magical power. There are some strange ornaments, ancient amulets, gems and various ancient crafts on the display cabinet next to it. They all seem to carry some important symbol.

Bai Ye raised his hand and opened it. The pages of the book rustled, and they were full of faded patterns and words. He browsed quickly.

"So, you mean you are no longer useful? This is what you said."

Bai Ye said coldly: "Take me to that place and make sure you don't cheat on me."

There was a hint of coldness in his voice.

The servant was immediately frightened and trembling. The guy in front of him was definitely not a good person. When the ground was shaking outside, he was hiding in the castle and watching.

The servant took a deep breath, stood up reluctantly, and looked at Bai Ye nervously.

There was a damp smell in the passage and a gloomy atmosphere in the air. In the darkness, the walls on both sides cannot be seen clearly, and they seem to be shrouded by some mysterious power, making people feel as if they have stepped into another world.

The servant nodded hurriedly and led Bai Ye out of the storage room and through the corridors of the mansion. Bai Ye followed the servant, his eyes cold, scanning the surroundings warily. The servant led Bai Ye to a door hidden in the corner, and tremblingly stretched out his hand to push it open.

It seems that these ancient objects did not turn up the expected clues. Suddenly, he turned around and looked at the servant, with a hint of indifference in his eyes.

Continuing forward, in the center of the room, there is an ancient desk with a huge ancient book placed on it.

The servant was so frightened that he almost cried, and said in a trembling voice: "I, I, I really didn't know this place was locked."

Bai Ye's knife stopped in mid-air. He stared at the servant coldly, but did not take action immediately, but waited for the servant to continue.

Bai Ye didn't speak, just looked at the servant lightly. There was both indifference and thoughtfulness in his eyes, as if he was weighing something.

Besides, if there really was something special and good, those heirs wouldn’t have used it until their death.

His tone was light and unconcerned, challenging the endurance of the servant's veins and nerves.

Bai Ye turned around and focused on checking every item around, trying to find something useful.

Bai Ye stepped forward and tried the door handle, only to find that the door was locked.

His masters were bloody beheaded one by one, and suffered inhumane torture before death. The skin on their bodies was...

Recalling the scenes in the castle where the heirs died one after another, the servant couldn't help but shudder.

The broken metal floated in the air for a moment, and then landed with a crisp "clang" sound.

The servant was so frightened that he fell to his knees on the spot, raised his hands, and shouted repeatedly: "Wait! Sir, I know a place, I know there is a place, maybe... there may be good things!"

Around the book, there are also some ancient decorations placed, such as statues made of strange metals, gems shining with blue light, and some relics with mysterious runes.

He knelt on the ground, his forehead pressed against the cold floor, and said in a trembling voice: "Sir, please let me go. I am willing to serve you, and I will never dare to disobey you at all."

However, this unintentional remark made the servant who was following him tremble and shrink even more.

The latter nervously opened the curtain, revealing a dim and mysterious carved wooden door. After gently opening it, the two discovered that there was actually a thick metal door behind it.

A sarcastic smile flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, and he slowly raised the knife in his hand. The blade reflected a faint light, like a touch of frost on a cold night.

The heirs were very considerate and marked the uses of these things in English, but like other things they had seen before, they were of little use.

After rummaging through the furnishings in the storage room for a while, he frowned slightly, shook his head and sighed.

Behind the door was a dimly lit corridor, carefully guided by servants. The two walked through the twists and turns of the passage and finally came to an entrance blocked by a thick curtain.

"Every time Master Brix teleports back, he sneaks there. I don't know what he is doing, but there must be something different there!"

The white night went very deep, and the passage curved down and stretched until it could not see the end. His eyes swept across the darkness, seemingly penetrating everything, looking for the target.

Suddenly, a faint light appeared in front of the passage, like a distant light.

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