
The red tank gasped, his huge chest rising and falling rapidly. His skin, which was originally as hard as iron, was covered with deep and shallow scars, and bright red blood continued to drip from those wounds, forming a string of blood stains on the ground of the ruins.

He tried to struggle to his feet, but every effort seemed to make him weaker. The huge body was trembling, and the power of support seemed to be almost exhausted.

There was a hint of choking in his breathing, and Red Tank seemed to be suffocated.

Looking at the scene in the canyon, Clint Barton, who was hanging on the cliff, almost shouted with excitement, but he finally resisted the urge.

At this time, the wounds on Kain Marco's body began to exude a strong smell of blood. Each drop of blood drew an arc in the air, and finally fell on the rubble of the ruins, surging out a dark red. stains.

The two people above could see that the former supervillain was now a dying giant in the ruins, burdened with past glory and failure, and suffering tremendous torture and humiliation.

"You look more like a Hulk than the 'Red Tank' now."

But after being strengthened several times, he is no ordinary person.

He aimed his fists at every seemingly destructible target and struck indiscriminately. Tables, chairs, pillars, and walls were all reduced to pieces by the fury of the red tanks, and an atmosphere of chaos and destruction filled the ruins.

"Smash everything!"

The few remaining buildings in the ruins collapsed under the angry impact of the red tanks, with rubble flying and dust filling the air. The whole scene was like doomsday, shrouded in the fury of the red tank.


Even the powerful being Red Tank cannot escape the ruthless torture of Vatum's Wind.

Suddenly, he jumped up like an arrow, his huge body drawing an arc in the air. His pair of iron fists waved like two hammers of destruction, exuding heart-stopping power.

The surrounding ruins were quiet and desolate, with only the breathing and dripping sounds of red tanks echoing in the air.

The red tank's fist was like a hammer, hitting Bai Ye fiercely with destructive power. At this moment, the entire canyon fell into silence, only the howling wind, accompanied by the angry roar of the red tank.

Just when Clint let out a long breath, thinking that everything was finally over, the red tank suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, like the angry roar of a wild beast, the sound shook the entire canyon.

However, the red tank did not jump up and attack Bai Ye this time. Instead, it kept roaring. The sound was like a violent symphony, full of wild and domineering atmosphere.

At that moment, his body seemed to be injected with a powerful energy, and the red light shone again, restoring his majestic posture. He broke free from the shackles of the yellow storm and stepped forward step by step.

When he swung his giant fist, the rocks were shattered and the earth was knocked away, forming deep pits. Each impact left deep traces in the valley, like rounds of huge shelling, destroying everything around it.

However, just when Iron Fist was about to touch Bai Ye, a bright light suddenly flashed around Bai Ye, and a huge energy shield appeared out of thin air, blocking Red Tank's fist.

The fist hit the shield hard, making a dull collision sound. The power of the red tank was deflected, and his body flew upside down and landed on the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Bai Ye stood there, his shield disappeared, and he looked at the fallen red tank indifferently. Although Red Tank broke through the shackles of the storm, his power was still unable to shake the powerful shield built by Bai Ye.

The red tank's movements were like thunderbolts, unexpected and unpredictable. He rushed towards Bai Ye at an almost supernatural speed, trying to turn all his anger and persistence into the power of this blow.

But why did this guy suddenly explode?

The roar of the red tank was deafening, and his roar of madness and anger echoed in the canyon, like a completely enraged beast. His eyes were like red flames, burning with uncontrollable violent power.

The shield composed of telekinesis and the staff of Vatum cannot be broken by this guy who only relies on brute force to rush around.

Bai Ye whispered, and waved the Watum Staff in his hand again, releasing a ray of light and forming a magic barrier, trying to resist the brute force of the red tank.

"Ouch, ah, ah, ah! Smash! Smash! Smash!"

With his crazy attack, deep pits appeared in the valley, like traps bombarded by artillery fire. The remains in the ruins were squeezed and crushed, turning into a fragmented scene.

The red tank rampaged more and more crazily in the valley. His huge body was like a walking fortress, and every collision caused the ground to tremble. Under the impact of his anger, cracks began to appear on the floor of the valley, and earth and rocks flew everywhere.

The target is the white night suspended in the sky.

It's just that Red Tank's rage is uncontrollable at all. He seems to be immersed in a crazy world, showing no mercy to anything that stands in his way.

There was blood stains on the corners of Red Tank's mouth. He tried to wipe it away with trembling hands, but it only caused more stains on his white beard.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Bai Ye stood calmly in the sky, with a hint of indifference in his eyes. Although Red Tank lost his mind, his magic still fought against this violent force.


Bai Ye's expression changed slightly. He did not expect that the red tank could break through the shackles of the storm, and it was so fast that ordinary people would not have time to react.

Once down on the ground, the red tanks started smashing around with abandon. His fist was like a hammer. Every time he swung it, it brought up a violent storm and hit the ground with a deafening roar.

Although he was constantly struggling to stand up again, every part of his body was conveying fatigue and limits to him.

The figure of the red tank shuttled through the valley, like a rampaging beast, showing no mercy to everything around him. The rocks shattered under his feet, and the land became rugged under his impact.

"Interesting, did Settorak take action? It seems that he is still a little interested in you."

Every impact was accompanied by a huge roar, and the roar of red tanks echoed in the valley. His actions were like a natural disaster that destroyed everything, sweeping away everything in the valley.

Earth and rocks flew, dust filled the air, and the entire valley turned into chaos under the wrath of the red tanks.

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