Bai Ye and Clint were sitting in the cabin of the aircraft. The lights in the cabin were dim and the light spots on the instrument panel flickered.

As the aircraft gradually rose, they could feel the ground getting farther and farther away, and the lights of the city became like stars under their feet.

The craft's engines made a low hum as they propelled them through the clouds. Outside the window, the night clouds were like soft satin, flowing beside the aircraft.

Clint Barton sat quietly in his seat, his eyes deep.

The seriousness of this mission is self-evident, and the threat of Galactus is real.

After a period of flight, the aircraft passed through the sea of ​​clouds, revealing the starry sky and the land below. Bai Ye adjusted the flight altitude, and the scenery outside the window began to become clearer. The area they were in was a vast desert with continuous sand dunes, and the moonlight shone on the surface, outlining the undulating texture of the desert.

Just as Bai Ye continued to adjust his course, suddenly, a dim yellow light flashed across the sky, followed by a loud noise that echoed through the sky. The two men suddenly looked up and saw a flash of fire on the distant skyline. The flames burned in the night sky, forming a vague fireball.

"We're here to save you!"

"That's Star-Lord's spaceship, yes." After taking a few more glances, he nodded and confirmed. The streamlined fuselage also had slightly raised wings, as well as a combination of orange and lake blue paint.

That's right, even though the spaceship looks a little old and damaged now, and parts are scattered around, it is the spacecraft used by the Guardians of the Galaxy, or at least it was once used.

Bai Ye stretched out his hand to help the old man stand up, while Clint carefully moved the rubble away so that the man could come out freely.

Carefully, Clint raised his arms and drew his bow from his back at the ready, staying alert as he approached the hatch.

When the two stepped into the cabin, a strange sight came into view. The interior of the cabin was extremely chaotic, with broken equipment, scattered wires, and a burning smell. Firelight shone through the broken windows onto the seats and control panels.

Why did Star-Lord crash his spaceship here? What is the relationship between the Church of Truth and Galactus?

Clint muttered under his breath, "Is there anyone alive in here?"

The two walked past the wreckage and felt the electrical smell in the air. The crackling sounds and the broken mechanical sounds intertwined to form a strange symphony.

The two approached and found that it was a broken energy weapon with Star-Lord's symbol on it.

Clint muttered, looking up at Bai Ye with worry in his eyes. The firelight reflected on his weathered face, making him look even more serious.

In the cabin, he felt an eerie silence. Apart from the crackling sound of the flames, there were no other signs of life.

He moved slowly, carefully searching every corner where life might be hidden. The spacecraft was filled with a burning smell, and the air was filled with a smell mixed with burned wires, making it difficult to breathe.

Baiye approached Clint and watched everything in the ship. His brows furrowed slightly, his expression solemn. The firelight reflected on his calm face, making it look even deeper.

The wreckage of the spacecraft was scattered on the desert floor, and the twisted metal creaked like a doomsday symphony. Flames danced among the wreckage, casting red and orange lights that illuminated everything nearby.

A muffled sound suddenly came from the wreckage of the cabin illuminated by fire. The two people's attention was attracted, and they both looked in the direction of the sound.


Then, an old but vital voice came: "Is there anyone?! Help me!"

The two of them stepped off the aircraft in tacit agreement and set foot on the desert near the wreckage of the crashed spacecraft. The firelight illuminated their figures, casting long shadows.

The only good thing is that the thing didn't seem to have been deliberately damaged, but was destroyed by the squeeze or collision of some metal object.

The aircraft landed slowly above the crashed spacecraft, and the sound of the engine gradually weakened. Bai Ye and Clint were ready to get off the cabin and explore the secrets in this desert. The cabin door opened, and the cold wind blew in, blowing away the silence of the desert, revealing the firelight and darkness below.

The latter stood up slowly, with a trace of gratitude on his face. He looked around, staring at the wreckage of the spacecraft engulfed in flames, and then turned his attention to Bai Ye and Clint.


In the flames, they discovered a tilted spacecraft hatch that was already half open.

"What is that?" Clint's eyes followed the firelight and his brows furrowed slightly.

Bai Ye nodded and turned his gaze to the center of the cabin. In the firelight, they saw a strange object on a broken chair.

Clint nodded silently, his mind filled with questions.

These questions were rapidly intersecting in his mind, but the scene in front of him told him that the danger of this mission might be far beyond their expectations.

Bai Ye stared straight ahead, "It looks like the crashed spacecraft just exploded again. Our target is right there. I hope Star-Lord's skin is tough enough."

A steel plate beneath the abandoned dashboard and wreckage was suddenly slightly pushed up from below, revealing the dark depths inside through the cracked gap.

"It seems that there is indeed no life here." Clint finally whispered, his eyes still staying in the depths of the cabin, trying to see more details.

The aircraft approached rapidly, and the scene outside the window became clearer and clearer. All he saw was a messy desert, with the burning wreckage of a spaceship in the center filled with smoke. The firelight reflected on the desert floor, casting long shadows.

Bai Ye and Clint approached and saw that the old man's clothes were somewhat tattered, but he still exuded an aura of tenacity and perseverance.

Bai Ye lowered the altitude of the aircraft and hovered over the crashed spacecraft. Clint stared out the window, his eyes locked on something looming in the firelight.

After walking forward for some distance, the wreckage of a damaged spacecraft was revealed on the surface. Black smoke rose from the crash site, and broken metal and debris were scattered everywhere.

Clint walked to the side wall and tried to turn on the communication equipment inside the ship, but all he could hear was the sound of electricity and hissing noise.

The two hurriedly walked towards the place where the sound came from, carefully observing the situation under the ruins. Under a damaged cabin, they found an old man, lying limply among the rubble, with a little dust on his face.

"Ha! Thank you, strangers. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life here."

The old man said with a trembling voice, and stretched out his hand to pull the collar of his leather coat.

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