Pim stood up. There was still an angry look on his face, but his calm reason told him that he needed to treat it calmly now. He walked to the coffee corner aside, where an advanced coffee machine was placed. The machine may look ordinary, but it was micro-tuned by Hank Pym to suit his unique requirements for coffee.

The light in the coffee corner is soft, and the metal reflected on the surface of the machine emits a faint light. Pim reached out and pressed the button, and the machine began to grind beans, making a low buzzing sound. This process seemed particularly peaceful in the laboratory, as if it was a trace of calm after the turmoil.

As the coffee beans are ground, the aroma of coffee fills the laboratory. This special coffee bean is hand-selected by Pim and has a rich aroma and unique flavor. The machine successfully completed the process of grinding beans and began to pour water. The coffee gradually dripped, making a crisp dripping sound.

He watched the flow of coffee and thought about something. At this time, the ants also felt the aroma of coffee in the glass cabinet, and they began to crawl uneasily in the cabinet. Pim's cup of coffee is tantamount to a fragrant gluttonous feast for these microscopic creatures.

After the coffee was dripped, Pim took off the cup, and a sudden aroma hit his face. He picked up the coffee cup and looked at the deep coffee liquid, his eyes immersed in memories. For him, this cup of coffee is more than just a drink, it is the intersection of past and present.

However, at this time, the ants in the laboratory could no longer bear the temptation of coffee. They swung their tentacles wildly in the cabinet, trying to reach the cup of fragrant liquid. Pim looked at all this and smiled slightly. He seemed to be able to feel the joy of these tiny creatures.

In the glass cabinet, ants swarmed towards the equipment that contained the smell of coffee. They pass messages to each other, celebrating a small victory. The entire process is like a miniature society, with every individual working together toward a common goal.

Pim took a sip of coffee with a deep look in his eyes. He raised his head and looked directly at Bai Ye: "We need to understand Ultron's new system and find possible loopholes. But now, facing the intervention of Proxima Centauri, we must proceed with caution."

Bai Ye nodded and said thoughtfully: "The woman from the parallel universe seems to have a close connection with Thanos. We need to know her movements and plans. Perhaps we can find clues from her past and origins."

When Pim heard Bai Ye's remarks, he frowned slightly and placed the coffee cup in his hand on the table. He thought for a moment and then asked: "Do you have any clues or speculations that make you think she is the woman from the parallel universe?"

Their eyes met in the steam of coffee, and they jointly decided on the next action. The ants in the laboratory continued to cheer in the aroma of coffee, as if they were also preparing for this unexpected battle.

The atmosphere in the laboratory is filled with faint fluorescence, which is reflected on the cold metal tabletop. The white instruments are neatly arranged, displaying various complex data and charts. The laboratory is filled with a sense of technology, with the subtle hum of high-tech equipment intertwined with the tapping of computers.

A hint of understanding flashed in Pim's eyes, and he nodded to express his understanding: "Maybe what you said makes sense. She may appear in different forms to avoid enemy tracking or complete specific tasks. We need more information, Find out her true identity and purpose."

Pym thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement: "You're right. We need some information about how she understands the vulnerabilities of the Ultron system and her relationship with Thanos. This information is crucial for us to understand the enemy's weaknesses. It’s important.”

Pim sat back in his chair, sipping his coffee and taking a deep breath. His emotions gradually calmed down, and he was thinking about how to face the threat from the parallel universe next. In this silent laboratory, the aroma of coffee seems to have become a bridge between him and the microscopic world.

The night outside the window is getting darker and darker, and the starry sky is dotted with bright stars. In the laboratory, Bai Ye and Pim tasted the aroma of coffee and thought about unknown mysteries.

Bai Ye smiled slightly and explained: "When she introduced herself, she mentioned that she came from a parallel universe, and the cloaked man we met in the ruins before seemed to have unusual abilities. I think there may be something between the two. Some kind of connection.”

Plant pots and artwork in the corners decorate the entire space, adding a touch of life to the technological environment.

In Pim's hands, the temperature of the coffee gradually increased, exuding an alluring aroma. He picked up the cup and walked back to his seat next to the workbench, feeling the warmth of the coffee. This action seemed calm and calm, and the presence of coffee allowed him to find inner peace in a short moment.

The display screen on the wall presents a flowing data stream, and with each screen refresh, there are new experimental results. The spectral analysis instruments emit a soft light, adding a sense of mystery to the entire laboratory.

Bai Ye walked towards Pim and looked at the newly brewed cup of coffee. He could feel the unique aroma of the coffee. Pim smiled and handed a cup of coffee to Bai Ye, and the two sat in a small corner of the laboratory.

After a while, Bai Ye took a sip of coffee and said with a smile:

"Actually, I always thought that the cloaked man we saw in the ruins before was probably Proxima Centauri." There was a trace of thought and insight in his eyes.

The aroma of coffee filled the air, and a gentle force relieved the tense atmosphere just now. Bai Ye picked up the cup and felt the warmth of the coffee. He looked at Pim, frowned slightly, and asked, "Do you have any plans?"

In the laboratory, a row of tall computer servers were running quietly, making a faint buzzing sound. The floor is covered with dark blue carpet, reflecting everything in the laboratory.

Various experimental equipment are placed on the operating tables on both sides, and transparent glass bottles are filled with various potions. The temperature in the laboratory is maintained at a comfortable level. There is a row of glass cabinets in the corner not far away, which display delicate and complex instruments, emitting a faint cold light.

Bai Ye smiled softly, raised his coffee cup, and said mysteriously:

"Moreover, I think she is not that simple. Her purpose may be far more complicated than we know. We have to deal with it carefully and not be careless."

"By the way, you can also let your little pets go out for a walk. They may be able to find something nearby. No one will pay attention to those ants."

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