This ritual may be the key to the space-time gate to Asgard. "A trace of excitement flashed in Pim's eyes, and he stared at the mysterious words on the scroll. "We need to go to that place in person and look at these cultural relics with the naked eye. Maybe we will find more clues. "

Bai Ye nodded in agreement. "Although ants can provide a unique perspective, some things still need to be experienced in person. We must be fully prepared. This adventure may be more dangerous."

The two walked out of the laboratory, left the protective cover of the technological equipment, and stepped onto the wasteland. The wind blew through the wasteland outside, carrying a hint of ancient flavor. There were light clouds in the sky.

Bai Ye and Pim walked quietly through the ruins, walking lightly and keeping the sound of their footsteps as low as possible, for fear of alerting any potential threats lurking in the ruins. They are always vigilant, feeling every subtle breath in this silent wasteland.

The wind blew gently among the ruins, picking up a little dust, filled with vicissitudes of life and silence. The wreckage in the distance presents a desolate silhouette in the afterglow of the setting sun, like a sad poem of an abandoned city.

At the same time, Pim was controlling the ants, which silently walked invisible in front of the two people, detecting whether there were potential threats ahead. The camera looked through the ant's perspective, and Pim nervously observed the picture on the screen.

"Everything is normal up front." Pim reported in a low voice through the wireless headset. "No unusual activity was found, and the ruins seemed very quiet."

The building's exterior walls are riddled with cracks and have even collapsed in some places, exposing the concrete structure inside. The air around the ruins was filled with dull dust, a faint sound of wind came from the ruins, and fallen leaves fluttered in the wind.

The two of them kept in close contact with the ants as they marched. Pim used technical means to transmit the ant's picture to Bai Ye's wrist device, allowing him to observe the situation ahead in real time.

Bai Ye frowned, his alertness rising again. The strange energy fluctuations in the ruins made him more certain that this place was related to the mystery of Asgard. He held the equipment in his hands tightly, ready to deal with possible dangers at any time.

Bai Ye and Pim walked through the ruins and finally came to the ruins of a tall building. Once a grand structure, the building now lies in tatters, its remains scattered across the abandoned neighborhood. The two of them stood in the shadow of the building, looking up at the half-collapsed walls and ruins.

The laboratory is filled with an ancient atmosphere, with old devices and mysterious symbols hanging on the walls. The air is filled with ancient fragrance, as if time has stood still here for hundreds of years. They carefully avoided the dust on the ground and stepped over ancient instruments.

"This is the altar." Pim looked at it intently. On the other side of the altar, they found the secret room that the ants had discovered before. The door of the secret room was open, as if welcoming their arrival.

"The content of this scroll seems to echo the parchment previously found in the laboratory." Pim frowned and thought. "The sacrificial rituals they record involve time and space teleportation, but the specific details require more in-depth research."

At the end of the laboratory, they found a large metal door. The surface of this door is engraved with strange symbols, and it obviously has some special function. Next to this door, there is an open passage that seems to lead deeper.

Bai Ye nodded, and the two of them carefully entered the wreckage of the building. They walked through the collapsed halls, stepping over scattered electronic equipment and technological instruments. The once busy floors are now a mess, their former glory erased by the ravages of time.

As they moved forward, the ants gradually approached the place where the altar was. The ruins in this area are denser, and the ruins exude a strong mysterious atmosphere. The ants shuttled through the narrow passage, occasionally stopping to observe their surroundings carefully.

The two entered the secret room without hesitation. The walls inside the chamber are also filled with ancient symbols and mysterious patterns.

In the secret room of the altar, Bai Ye and Pim seized the time to carefully investigate the scene. They looked around, inspecting the Asgardian artifacts placed on the altar, carefully observing the details of each item.

"Maybe this is the place we have been looking for." Bai Ye whispered. They decided to continue along the passage to see if they could find any more clues about the altar and Asgard.

Finally, they came to the end of the passage. In a huge and spacious space, Bai Ye and Pim saw an ancient altar with a large number of Asgardian artifacts placed on the altar. Ancient scrolls hang on the walls, emitting a mysterious light.

"We have to be careful, there may be more secrets hidden here." Pim warned. Bai Ye followed closely behind, and the two quietly passed through the metal door and entered the mysterious laboratory.

The passage was curved and deep, and Bai Ye and Pim walked for a long time. The interior structure of the ruined building is intricate, sometimes dark, and sometimes dappled sunlight shines through the broken skylight. As they go deeper, the two gradually feel that this building hides more mysterious secrets.

"It looks like this building was once a prosperous technology center." Pym whispered, carefully observing every corner of the ruined building. "We have to be careful, we don't know if there are other creatures or dangers here."

Ancient scrolls are hung on the walls of the altar, recording the symbols and texts of the sacrificial rituals. Bai Ye pulled the scroll closer, and Pim used advanced technical instruments to scan it, trying to unlock the information contained in the scroll.

Bai Ye nodded, feeling slightly comforted. However, his vigilance did not diminish. This wasteland was once a symbol of technological prosperity, but now it has been shattered by time and disaster. Unknown dangers may be hidden in every corner of this ruins.

"In the white night, I found some unusual energy fluctuations in the ants' pictures." Pim's voice came through the headphones. "It may be a strange energy field, so be careful."

As he walked through the stairwell, Pim carefully controlled the ants on the device on his wrist, surveying the situation ahead. Faint echoes came from the depths of the ruins, making them realize that this building might not be an ordinary building.

Suddenly, Ant's picture showed an anomaly in front of him, which was a half-open metal door. Pim made the ants fly to the door and explore the situation inside. Behind the door is a deep space, which seems to be a forgotten laboratory.

Bai Ye nodded and looked at the other cultural relics on the altar. Pottery with ancient symbols and mysterious crystal balls are all relics of Asgard, carrying a long history.

Suddenly, Bai Ye's eyes were attracted by a special item. In the corner of the altar, there is a seemingly ordinary ancient sword. However, when he got closer, he felt the weak energy fluctuations emanating from the sword, which made him startled.

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