"This is its weakness!" Bai Ye said loudly. Pym immediately adjusted his technological means and used electromagnetic pulses to directly attack Vision's energy core.

Vision's mechanical body trembled violently, and the energy fluctuations dropped sharply. The ruby's light also became dim, losing its previous blazing heat. Bai Ye took the opportunity to release more powerful telekinesis waves, trying to completely destroy Vision.

However, Vision did not completely collapse as they had hoped. When the last trace of energy was almost exhausted, it let out a low and cold roar.

"You...can't...stop me..." Vision's voice became blurry and eventually disappeared over the battlefield.

Bai Ye and Pim breathed a sigh of relief, defeating the resurrected Vision. However, they know clearly that this victory is only a small step in solving the mystery of Asgard, and more challenges are still waiting for them.

On the battlefield, the ant army also stopped attacking. They seemed to feel that the battle was over. Bai Ye and Pim stared at the sky together, thinking about the next move.

"We must delve deeper and find out the secrets hidden in this robot." Pim said, opening his tool bag and taking out various high-tech instruments.

Suddenly, Bai Ye noticed a powerful energy fluctuation, and he quickly focused his attention in the distance. A huge mechanical giant rushed from a distance, its body emitted a strong light, and it seemed to be the commander of the machine army.

The two deeply analyzed the data in the memory and tried to restore the process of Vision being reprogrammed. Asgardian symbols, Ultron codes, and some mysterious timeline information appeared in the data.

"That's their core controller, we have to solve it as soon as possible!" Bai Ye reminded Pim. The two decided to join forces to deal with this mechanical giant, and destroying it became the key to solving the mechanical army.

"We must join forces to find its weak points!" Pim shouted loudly, his eyes flashing decisiveness and determination. Bai Ye nodded, and the two of them worked together in tacit understanding, trying to find the fatal flaw of the mechanical giant.

"The internal structure of this robot is very complex, far beyond the level of technology we know." Pim showed a hint of surprise. Bai Ye observes silently, their goal is to find any clues that may be related to Ultron, Asgard or Loki.

Bai Ye nodded, and they began to carefully dissect Vision's body. Pym used advanced scanning equipment to deeply explore the internal structure of Vision. Various parts of the machine emit a faint light, as if telling stories from the past.

Pim used his high-tech weapons to target the robot's weaknesses and carry out precise strikes. An energy gun that could be adjusted in size appeared in his hand. It could become as small as an elf, and then as large as a giant. It was extremely flexible.

"Look here." Pim pointed at a tiny device, which seemed to be a memory. He carefully removed it and connected it to his analytical instrument.

Over time, the mechanical giant showed some vulnerabilities. Pym's energy gun hit a key node, causing the mechanical giant to twitch. Bai Ye took the opportunity to interfere with its energy source with telekinesis, causing the mechanical giant to briefly malfunction.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the mechanical giant continued to release destructive laser attacks, destroying the surrounding buildings. The figures of Bai Ye and Pim flickered in the attack of the mechanical giant, and they continued to avoid the deadly rays.

Not to be outdone, the ant army launched precise attacks on the mechanical giant. However, the mechanical giant seemed unaffected and continued to launch a fierce offensive against Bai Ye and Pim.

"This is not only a robot, but also an information storage unit. We may be able to find the connection between Loki, Ultron and Asgard through these data." Bai Ye said, determination flashing in his eyes.

"There is a time axis here, which seems to be the execution record of some kind of plan. We need to pay attention to these time nodes, maybe we can find the next clues." Pim pointed to the timeline on the screen.

However, the mechanical legion is not a blind attack, they seem to have an intelligent coordinated operation. Bai Ye and Pim discovered that these robots possess a certain degree of tactical awareness and can quickly adjust their tactics to respond to the enemy's different moves.

"Their intelligence level is getting higher and higher, we have to deal with it carefully." Pim reminded Bai Ye. During the battle, they constantly adjusted their strategies, trying to find the best way to deal with the mechanical army.

A series of codes and data appeared on the screen, and Bai Ye and Pim observed intently. This memory stores a large amount of information, including Vision's past, traces of being reprogrammed, and even some seemingly unrelated pieces of data.

"Buzz buzz-"

The ant legions rushed into battle, trying to distract the mechanical giant. Bai Ye and Pim used their respective abilities to find the weaknesses of the mechanical giant.

"We have no time, we have to get rid of them quickly." Pim frowned. Their important task was to find the next node on the timeline, and now the siege of robots was obviously a threat.

Bai Ye nodded and joined the ant army to fight against the mechanical army. In this ruthless mechanical battle, Bai Ye's mind power intertwined into an invisible barrier, blocking the laser attack. The ants shuttle between the robots flexibly and nimbly, attacking them instantly.

The alarms in the factory were still echoing, and the Ultron robots coming from a distance formed a huge mechanical army. These robots made a mechanical and monotonous buzzing sound and attacked Bai Ye and Pim overwhelmingly.

Pym's energy gun fired fiercely at the mechanical giant's joints, trying to weaken its mechanical structure. Bai Ye used his mind power to try to interfere with the mechanical giant's energy source and paralyze it.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the number of robots seemed endless. However, Bai Ye and Pim's tacit cooperation allowed them to break out in the face of adversity. The ant army became their right-hand man, skillfully attacking the key nodes of the robot.

In meticulous dissection, they discovered Vision's main energy core. This core is unusual and contains a special energy. Bai Ye frowned and thought, trying to understand the connection between this energy and the truth they were seeking.

"Now is the time!" Pym shouted, aiming at the head of the mechanical giant and releasing a powerful energy ray. Bai Ye used his mind power to guide this energy into the inside of the mechanical giant.

The mechanical giant made a huge buzz, and its body began to disintegrate, eventually turning into a pile of scrap metal. The mechanical army in the entire factory also stopped attacking, like a group of indifferent machines that had lost their command.

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