Bai Ye stood up and walked to the laboratory console. He touched the control panel with his finger and activated the holographic projector located in the center of the laboratory. As a faint blue light flashed, a realistic holographic projection appeared in the air.

Located in the center of the laboratory, the holographic projector is a cylindrical device made of high-tech materials. Its appearance looks simple and exquisite, with a smooth surface without any uneven marks, as if it exists like a work of art.

The size of the holographic projector is not too large, about two meters high and one meter in diameter. Its overall design adopts a modern style, with compact structure and smooth lines, exuding a technological atmosphere.

The surface of the holographic projector is covered with a transparent material, similar to glass, but more transparent and smooth than glass. This material has good pressure resistance and wear resistance, and can protect the core components inside the projector without affecting the projection effect.

When the projector is activated, it emits a faint blue light, mapping the surrounding space into a realistic virtual world. This light is full of mystery and magic, exuding an otherworldly atmosphere that attracts people's attention.

There is a control panel on the top of the projector, which is filled with various buttons, sliders, and displays for operating and controlling various functions of the projector. The control panel uses touch screen technology, which is very convenient and fast to operate and can meet various user requirements for projection effects.

The bottom of the projector is a stable bracket that is used to fix the position of the projector to ensure its stability and safety. The bracket is made of high-strength alloy material with a solid structure and is not susceptible to external interference and damage.

This holographic projection shows a three-dimensional virtual space in which various experiments and simulations can be performed. Bai Ye operated the control panel and gradually listed the two's ideas on the clone equipment improvement plan on the holographic projection.

"Of course, all of this would not be possible without your full support. I believe that these clones will soon become a more powerful fighting force."

"In addition to weapons and equipment, we also need to consider the improvement of armor equipment." Bai Ye said, "Clones need to have enough protection in battle to better protect themselves."

The working principle of the projector is to project images into the air through the reflection and refraction of laser beams to form a realistic three-dimensional virtual scene. The optical system and computer system inside the projector will adjust the direction and intensity of the light beam in real time according to the requirements of the image to ensure a clear and stable projection effect.

Bai Ye continued to operate the control panel and listed the virtual models of communication equipment and reconnaissance equipment on the holographic projection one by one. The projection displays virtual models of various high-tech communication equipment and reconnaissance equipment, demonstrating powerful communication and reconnaissance capabilities.

The projector is equipped with an advanced optical system and computer system inside, which can achieve high-definition, high-brightness and high-stability holographic projection effects. It can implement various complex projection operations according to the user's instructions to meet the user's various needs for the virtual world.

"The first thing we need to consider is the improvement of weapons and equipment." Bai Ye said, "The combat effectiveness of clones mainly depends on the quality and performance of the equipment."

Bai Ye continued to operate the control panel and listed the virtual models of new weapons and equipment on the holographic projection one by one. The projection displays virtual models of various high-tech weapons, including laser rifles, electromagnetic guns, particle cannons, etc., showing powerful lethality and destructive power.

"In general, we need to comprehensively improve the equipment level of clones." Bai Ye said, "Through the improvement of equipment, we can improve the combat effectiveness of clones and enhance their survival and combat capabilities on the battlefield."

Bai Ye continued to operate the control panel and input Walter's suggestions onto the holographic projection one by one. The projection displays virtual models of various armor equipment, including combat vests, kneepads, helmets, etc., as well as their performance parameters and improvement plans.

"In addition, we can also consider improving the performance of communication equipment and reconnaissance equipment." Bai Ye said, "Clones need to have good communication and reconnaissance capabilities in battle to better grasp the battlefield situation."

Walter nodded and agreed: "Yes, the quality and performance of armor equipment are crucial to the survival and combat effectiveness of clones. We can consider improving the bulletproof performance and durability of armor to increase defense and flexibility. "

The projection effect of the projector is very realistic and shocking, and can present any virtual image in the air, making people feel like they are in a whole new world. It can achieve high-definition, high-brightness and high-contrast projection effects, making images clearer and more vivid, and colors more vivid and colorful.

"We can also consider adding some new weapons and equipment to deal with different combat scenarios." Bai Ye said, "For example, laser weapons, electromagnetic guns, etc., these are the development trends of future wars."

Walter nodded and agreed: "Yes, the introduction of new weapons and equipment can improve the flexibility and adaptability of clones on the battlefield and enhance their combat capabilities."

Walter nodded and agreed: "Yes, the improvement of weapons and equipment is crucial. We can consider improving the shooting accuracy and range of weapons to increase lethality and stability."

Walter nodded and agreed: "Yes, equipment improvement is a long-term project that requires our continuous efforts and exploration. We will go all out to ensure that the improvement work achieves substantial results."

Walter nodded and agreed: "Yes, improvements in communication equipment and reconnaissance equipment can enhance the clone's intelligence collection and command capabilities on the battlefield and improve its combat efficiency."

Bai Ye continued to operate the control panel and input Walter's suggestions onto the holographic projection one by one. The projection displays virtual models of various weapons and equipment, including rifles, pistols, rocket launchers, etc., as well as their performance parameters and improvement plans.

The projector has a very wide projection range and can cover the entire laboratory space, allowing people to clearly see the projection effect no matter where they stand. It can achieve 360-degree omnidirectional projection, allowing people to observe and experience the projection effect from different angles, and obtain a richer and three-dimensional visual experience.

Walter said with a smile, and at the same time walked aside and pulled out a chair for himself to sit on, then picked up a cup of coffee and drank it.

The discussion between the two gradually unfolded in the holographic projection. They constantly put forward new ideas and suggestions, and discussed the improvement directions and strategies of clone equipment.

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