Kanagawa Taoist College Students

Chapter 515: Will there be some kind of classic plot in this seemingly complete story?

"Yes, Kofu City!" Minako Suzuki didn't understand why someone was so "excited" when hearing about Kofu City, so she nodded solemnly and said.

"Oda Nobunaga's treasure?" Li Xuehao looked at her suspiciously, "Miss Suzuki is in Tokyo, how did she find out that there is a treasure in Kofu City?"

"My sister was also entrusted by someone, a man named Xiaohe Kazuhiko. He went to Tokyo University to find my sister, and then gave her a treasure map..." Minako Suzuki seemed to be fully prepared and answered all questions.

"Does Miss Suzuki trust this person named Xiaohe that much?" Li Xuehao certainly didn't believe that Miss Suzuki would trust people easily. He could only say that Xiaohe Kazuhiko gave her enough evidence to believe it, and this is what he wanted to know. , how come the other party has Oda Nobunaga’s treasure map.

"Ogawa-kun's ancestor was a close confidant of Oda Nobunaga, named Ogawa Aihei. According to Ogawa-kun, during the chaos at Honnoji Temple, his ancestor Ogawa Aihei took advantage of the chaos to rescue the seriously injured lord Oda Nobunaga. Then he brought him to Yamanashi Prefecture, but Oda Nobunaga died of his injuries soon after. Ogawa Aihei buried Oda Nobunaga and a large number of treasures he brought out in a hidden valley." Minako Suzuki has obviously been removed from the mountain. Her sister heard the complete story, maybe the purpose was to win his trust.

Li Xuehao actually didn't quite believe this "story" because it sounded too bizarre. It was doubtful that he could bring out a large amount of treasures after rescuing a seriously injured person. After all, when you are running for your life, who cares about taking your belongings with you? I wish I could strip naked and run faster.

Moreover, it is also questionable why Oga Aihe buried the treasure instead of taking it away himself. Even if he resisted the temptation of the treasure because he was loyal to Oda Nobunaga, why did he leave a piece of the treasure behind? picture? Do you want his descendants to take out the treasure? But this contradicts his loyalty.

However, doubts remain doubts, and Li Xuehao decided to agree to Miss Suzuki's invitation. Anyway, he was going to Kofu City to take the twin resentful Ogasawara sisters back to their hometown for a visit, which would be considered as fulfilling their "last wish" before becoming Buddhas.

"I agreed, but in terms of time..."

Before he could finish speaking, Suzuki Minako had already said: "Sister said, the time can be arranged by Manaka. Oga-kun's commission is for one month, as long as the commission is completed within this month."

"Then let's set it on the weekends next week." Li Xuehao thought for a while and said.

"Why not this week?" Minako Suzuki frowned slightly. If this week, wouldn't there be more time in the schedule?

"This Sunday is my birthday." Li Xuehao said lightly.

"Birthday..." Suzuki Minako looked a little surprised and looked at him carefully, but didn't say much, "Then so be it."


"Manaka, what did Director Suzuki say to you? It seems very mysterious." After the club activity time, Li Xuehao and Yamamoto Ryota went downstairs together and were about to go back. Yamamoto Ryota asked chattering beside him.

"Some little things that have nothing to do with you." Li Xuehao glanced at him sideways and continued going downstairs.

"It's so heartless, Manaka. We are the closest friends. Is there anything you can't tell me?" Yamamoto Ryota was obviously jealous and insisted on asking the truth.

"Isn't that... your pure senior?" Li Xuehao happened to go down to the entrance of the third floor corridor and pointed at a girl who was walking over in the corridor.

Yamamoto Ryota ignored the gossip for a moment and looked in the direction of his finger. With his eyes shining, he waved excitedly over there: "Jun-senpai, Jun-senpai, here, here!"

"Ryouta." Over there, Aisaka Junya saw Ryota Yamamoto and walked over with a hint of surprise. However, when he saw someone next to Ryota Yamamoto, his eyes became a little complicated.

Seeing her slight hesitation, Li Xuehao knew that the trouble was probably caused by teaching her brother Ainfang Shinya a lesson in the basketball gym that day, but he still greeted politely: "Aisaka-senpai."

"Manaka-kun!" Jun Aisaka looked a little reserved and glanced hesitantly at Ryota Yamamoto next to him.

In this awkward atmosphere, Li Xuehao knew it was not appropriate to stay and be a light bulb, so he hurriedly said goodbye: "Liangtai, I'm going back first, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, Manaka." With "Jun-senpai", Ryota Yamamoto doesn't care about anything, and someone's departure is exactly what he wants.

After bidding farewell to Ryota Yamamoto and the other two, Li Xuehao went back to the classroom, took his schoolbag, went downstairs, changed his shoes, and walked out of the school building.

It was already evening and the sun was setting. The sun is not strong, but it casts a long shadow on the person.

Walking out of the school gate, the petals of the cherry blossom trees on both sides of the road have basically withered, and only some pink color can be seen occasionally under the trees.

Li Xuehao carried his schoolbag, walked the cement road belonging to the school, turned the corner, and then walked straight, which led to his home.


I originally thought I would go home peacefully as usual, but after turning the corner, I encountered something unpleasant.

Several people blocked his way. To be precise, they didn't block him, but the girl in front of her.

From the back, the girl was tall, about 1.7 meters tall, with long hair tied into a ponytail behind her. Under the short skirt of the school uniform, her slender legs were exposed, and she was wearing white socks and a pair of black leather shoes.

This is the standard Sakurano high school girl dress.

Opposite the girls, stood three boys... perhaps it would be more accurate to say they were men.

One of the three men stood in the middle. He had medium-long hair that was parted from the middle to both sides. His hair was dyed yellow, and he had a short beard on his chin, which seemed to be the result of not shaving cleanly.

This look was decadent and full of unruly feeling, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was a bad boy.

The two men next to him looked about the same age as him, in their twenties. One is a little fatter and the other is shorter, maybe less than 1.6 meters.

But the "temperament" of the three of them is similar. They are all the kind of characters who can be easily recognized as gangsters at a glance.

Judging from the three people's actions of stopping the girl from letting each other pass, it is obvious that this is a drama about a bad person teasing a high school girl. Normally at this time, a nosy person will appear, right? Only in this way can it be consistent with the bloody plot of "hero saves beauty".

Li Xuehao didn't think he was the "hero" because he didn't know if it was an illusion. The scene in front of him always gave him a sense of violation, as if something was very wrong.

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