Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 737: From dominance to confrontation

Remember [] for a second,!

The shadows stretched under the full moon, and the pier looked extraordinarily quiet.

After a few breaths, two strong lights suddenly appeared on the edge of the line of sight, from far to near, followed by the dull roar of the engine and the harsh sound of the brakes.

The doors opened one after another, and two figures came out one after the other.

Judy Starling took the initiative to greet, "oh~ what's the matter with the new doctor? After chasing me for so long, are you in a hurry?"

She deliberately led me to the predetermined ambush location, she must have seen through my disguise long ago, but since you want to continue the show, then I will play with you again...

Belmod thought, and continued to pretend to be puzzled:

"That's the question I want to ask, where are you going to take her!"

"Just going out for a ride, because I'm not like you, and now I have very-very time-"

Judy Sterling said with a helpless expression and spread her hands:

"The new doctor, the murder case is about to go to trial. You have to recruit the confession from the truth. If you deliberately conceal the fact that Miss Xiaoguang has activated the fuse, it might make the judge misunderstand whether it is the police or not. Wrong case."


Belmod was stunned for a while, she couldn't tell for a while, what tricks the fbi in front of her was playing:

"The culprit in that case was my stepmother, and the cause of death was electric shock. It has nothing to do with the fuse, right?"


Judy Starling laughed heartily, and then told the Metropolitan Police Department's deliberate concealment and revision of the transcript in order to protect Xiaoguang, who was used as a tool.

She pursed her lips, and her eyes on Belmod became a little more complicated:

"That's right... of course you wouldn't know, because the report you stole from the Metropolitan Police Department didn't record it, that's right, Belmod!"

At the same time, in an inconspicuous corner where containers are lined up.

"Oh? Well done..." Ye Genyi, who was standing in the shadows, praised in a low voice.

"You... have a grudge against her?" Haiyuan Ai thought she had guessed the truth.

"Oh, almost," Ye Geng said: "After all, except for me, most people in the organization have problems with their brains."

Unexplained Huihara Ai: "..."

Is it really appropriate for you to take yourself out in such a grand manner?

At the same time that Ye Gengyi spoke, he was actually listening to the progress of the case on the ghost ship that was holding the Halloween event through the hidden earphones.

A certain black skin disguised as Kudo Shinichi successfully solved the case, which meant that overtime was canceled.

The murderer was coerced by Belmod, in other words, she should also have the means to know what happened on the ship.

as predicted.

The thought just came to him.

On the dock, Belmod, who was called out of identity, tore off his disguise, pulled out the pistol hidden in his waist, and was about to fight back.

Almost at this moment, Judy Sterling, who took out the pistol one step ahead of her, pulled the trigger directly.

The bullet flew, and the powerful momentum made Belmode's hand holding the gun uncontrollably loosen, and the pistol flew out and rolled to the ground.

Seeing this, the corners of Judy Starling's mouth finally couldn't help but raise a smile.

It's both the joy of capturing the person who killed her father 20 years ago, and the excitement of being about to figure out why Sharon Wynyard doesn't grow old:

"With the child in the car to testify, we can cross-examine your true identity with the police, then... For the rest, wait for my companion to come out and take you back to question slowly."

"Oh, don't you think you've got the chance to win?" Belmod said casually.

"What do you mean?"

Judy Starling has sensed that something is wrong... What about the other agents? Why haven't you come out yet?


At this moment, a bullet with heavy wind pressure slid through her lower abdomen, and dizziness and burning pain rushed into her mind.

Judy Starling fell to the ground in pain after being shot.

The revolver in his hand fell to the side and was picked up by Belmod, who came to her later, "Calvados, don't kill her yet, I still have something to ask."

"You arranged for those agents to ambush here in advance, ready to arrest me, right?"

Belmod chuckled, "However, two hours ago, I disguised myself as you, came here once, and said in your voice...Tonight's mission is canceled, and I will ambush tomorrow."

"You..." Judy Sterling heard this, her breathing stagnated and the wound felt even more painful.


It's really a reversal without any new ideas. Before the task, you didn't even think about calling to confirm... Ye Gengyi looked over there with helpless eyes.

"What should we do now?"

The change in the situation made Haibara Ai's heart that had just stabilized rise again.

"What do you think of continuing to watch the fun?" Ye Geng said casually.

It's good that Conan hasn't killed himself yet. He cares more about the progress of the ghost ship than the life and death of Judy Starling.

Vodka is a bit silly, but it's strange that Kudo Shinichi didn't report to Gin about such a focus.

"You..." Hai Yuanai rolled his eyes at him angrily.

Immediately, he began to look around, looking for a suitable opportunity to run out.

If someone really wants to die today, she doesn't want anyone to replace her...

"Brother, I found the 'Japanese melon face', and he really cares about Kudo Shinichi."

At this moment, the voice of Kuroba Kaito came from the earphones again.

"Does he have any accomplices?" Ye Geng asked.

"I haven't found it yet," Kuroba said.

It seems that Jinjiu should only arrange for me and vodka to go on a boat... Ye Gengyi said "um" and said:

"Keep watching and let me know immediately if he calls or emails."

Then, he turned off the microphone and looked down at Haibara Ai who rolled his eyes around, "I want to do something":

"In 80% of confrontation situations the most basic and important task of being a bystander is to quickly analyze and judge the pros and cons of the situation from the audience's perspective, so as to consider whether or not to intervene. Or can the intervention succeed."

"But if it goes on like this, Edogawa will die!"

Hai Yuanai said stubbornly: "You should know him, that self-righteous detective, who has been investigating things in the organization."

"Belmode wouldn't kill him, um..."

Ye Gengyi was about to explain, when the news of 'Hitto Heiji tore off the disguise' came from his earphones, he paused and said, "Okay, I think I already know their plan, it's really naive. "

His voice just fell.

On the dock, a football burst out of the window in an instant.

At the same time as the Belmod pistol was shot, Conan stepped out of the passenger seat, tore off the mask disguised as Ai Haibara, and aimed at Belmod with a watch-type anesthesia gun, saying:

"This happens to be the dead end of the rifle. Let's go. Please bring Mrs. Judy to the car. Let's go to the police station together."

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