Kendo True Explanation

Three hundred and eighteenth chapter depressed two

"Okay! Okay!" Barto was trembling all over, obviously excited to a certain extent.

Suddenly Lin Fei turned his head away.

A group of people wearing white robes inlaid with silver trimming were passing the three of them directly. Among them, a man in white robe who was walking in the middle of the crowd slightly raised his face and glanced at him. It seems to have heard Barto's voice here.

"Lila, I really want to hear those three people over there say they want purple ore." The white-robed man whispered.

"How is it possible? You heard it wrong. How could such a small place meet a strong man who uses purple raw ore." Another white robe on the side said casually. "Don't be distracted, we

Get out of here as soon as you finish your business. I don't want to stay in this place for a moment, it's too dirty. "


Lin Fei looked away.

"My lord?" Barto looked at him inquiringly, "Can I go?"


Barto led the three of them out from the exit of the town. Then walk along the high wall of the town. Until the back of Huangsha City.

Some gray-white large stones are scattered on the sand surface. This place looks much more solid than the sand dunes, and it seems that it is difficult to be blown by the wind and sand. Some green grass can also be seen from the gaps in the stones.

Lin Fei and the others followed Barto into a large brown tent next to the edge of the city wall.

Inside was a woman in a purple robe and a purple veil sitting cross-legged. Whispering with a man whose face was covered with a black veil and only a pair of eyes were exposed.

"The transaction is completed, and we look forward to the next cooperation." The purple veiled woman whispered.

The black veiled man nodded, stood up, and walked towards the sea of ​​sand without looking at Lin Fei and the others. It seemed that his pace was very slow, but he disappeared into the sea of ​​sand after a while.

"Welcome the new guest." Zisha woman said softly. He pointed to the chair in front of him. "Traders please sit down."

Lin Fei walked over and sat down slowly.

"Coming to me means that what you need is definitely not ordinary raw ore. Please tell me, striped ore? Broken gold ore? Or butterfly ore?" Zisha woman asked.

"We need raw purple ore." Lin Fei said calmly.

"Purple raw ore?!" Zisha woman was taken aback, and her languid body immediately sat upright. "Are you sure you need purple ore?"


"Purple raw ore is generally suitable for breaking through bottlenecks. It has a very strong probability of helping those with the highest level B or below to break through. So the price may be very high... Do you think?"

"Bid, as long as you have it." Lin Fei frowned slightly. "Hurry up, don't waste time."

"I would like to state in advance that the quality of our purple raw ore may be lower than that of the large mining area, so if you fail to break through... please forgive me." Zisha woman solemnly said. Standing up, he carefully took out a small black box from a small box behind him. Solemnly pushed it onto the table in front of Lin Fei.


Lin Fei took the box and gently opened it.

In the middle of the black ribbon, an irregular purple ore the size of an egg is lying quietly inside, constantly emitting a glittering purple halo. If it wasn't for the faint energy fluctuations emanating from it, Lin Fei would have thought it was just an ordinary stone painted purple.

"This is the original purple ore, and it's the same as the one I used last time." Jin Yi said through a voice transmission, "However, my lord, I have to remind you that although the original purple ore has the ability to break through the bottleneck, the stronger it is, the stronger it will be. With the help of energy stones, the probability of breakthrough is smaller. I was actually lucky at the beginning, and I broke through with one. I heard that the probability of breakthrough is also related to each person's aptitude."

"Is it just probability?" Lin Fei stared at the purple raw ore. "It doesn't matter, two if one is not enough, ten if two are not enough, there will always be a breakthrough." He said lightly.

"Make an offer." He looked at the Zisha woman sitting across from him.

"Eleven thousand." Zisha woman said softly.

"Okay." Lin Fei nodded, and Jin Yi beside him took the initiative to take out a stack of banknotes.

"My lord, I regret to tell you that I only have enough money to buy one." Jin Yi said helplessly via voice transmission.

"Got it." Lin Fei nodded.

After paying the money, the three walked out of the tent.

As a broker, Bator naturally got the money, but Lin Fei and the others rejected his request to continue accompanying them, and walked directly towards Shahai.

Lin Fei walked in the front, holding the purple ore in his hand, and traces of purple were continuously sucked into the skin of his palm. .

The true power that had been silent in the body suddenly began to boil. A trace of purple energy is like water put into a frying pan, which suddenly caused a large burst of crackling sound, and the countless bursting forces produced a huge driving force, driving most of the true power to start running crazily.

Lin Fei's face revealed a hint of joy.

"It really works! I can feel the bottleneck is slowly loosening."

Jin Yi and Yuan Yicheng looked at each other, and consciously dispersed and walked around to be vigilant.

But in an instant, the purple energy in Lin Fei's body stopped abruptly.

All the boiling real power subsided immediately.

Lin Fei's complexion changed slightly, and when he looked down, he saw that the purple ore in his hand had turned off-white. Apparently the energy has been completely exhausted.


"My lord? Didn't you succeed?" Yuan Yicheng walked over and frowned.

Lin Fei nodded: "But the effect is obvious. If there is more, it should be able to play a role." His cultivation base has been stagnant for a while, and now he sees the hope of a breakthrough, so naturally he cannot let it go. "One raw ore is not enough."

Jin Yi came over and said.

"Purple raw ore is considered a high-end product in the inner world, and it is a controlled material. Only the core of the major forces is eligible to use it. Generally, it is not allowed to be bought and sold in the market. If you need a large number, let alone whether we have enough funds. The supply of goods is also a problem. It is impossible to oversupply us here. At most two or three."

Lin Fei shook her head: "Two or three pills are definitely not enough. I can feel that according to this amount, it takes at least five pills at a time to break through the bottleneck."

"It's very troublesome. Although the inner world is different from the outer world, the density of strong people is much higher than that of the outer world. The guy I met just now is also a C-level master. So from this point of view, if we want to grab it hard, It may cause a lot of trouble, and we have a serious lack of understanding of the various situations and methods in the other world." Jin Yi analyzed.

"I have a suggestion." Yuan Yicheng said suddenly.

"Speak." Lin Fei looked at him.

"My lord, your true strength is different from ours. You have a strong camouflage feature, which is extremely difficult to be discovered. And there is a powerful camouflage. Why don't you just join the temple of the gods, my lord? Such the strongest organization, for the members All kinds of treatment are absolutely excellent, and with a strong background, it will be very convenient in the future. As for the hidden problem of the Sword Code, you don't have to worry at all. As the supreme temple, the wonder of the Sword Code is beyond our imagination The possibility of being discovered is extremely low. Moreover, you can also learn about the situation of the entire inner world through the platform of the Temple of the Gods, and hide it in it, which will also have a good effect on future development. If you can be in a high position, Maybe even the Holy See and heretics won't take action on you easily. Because that would mean provoking the temples." Yuan Yicheng's words undoubtedly gave Lin Fei a new way of thinking.

"Indeed, the Temple of the Gods is the most powerful force in this world. If I can rise to a higher position in it..." Lin Fei thought deeply, "Perhaps in this way, the situation in the previous life can be avoided in advance. Even if the Holy See or Heresy, it is impossible to do too much to the immediate family members of the high-level members of the Temple of the Gods. Moreover, it is possible to learn more top-secret information and inside stories. If Xiaoyou's secret does not involve too much interest, then it should be evaded. At the same time, some people can be quietly recruited as people who exterminate the temple."

"It's a way. Joining the Temple of the Gods should have great benefits. As the strongest force, they definitely have the most resources."

"Hoo.....Hoo..." Lin You's face was covered with sweat, and his right hand and right leg were stained with blood. The jeans and long-sleeved T-shirt he was wearing were also directly torn.

The surrounding Chris and Meryl were also pale, obviously exhausted.

"It's almost over, who are these guys? If you can't beat them, just blew yourself up!" Meryl said angrily.

The voice of morning light came from everyone's earplugs.

"There are no conspicuous signs on them, but judging from their combat methods, they should be members of the Vulcan Cult. During this period, the Vulcan Cult's people invaded China on a large scale, and all places where capable people were attacked were attacked by them. Look Come on, we just got hurt by the fish in the pond."

"Okay, it's over. Xiaoyou, come here and let me treat your wound." Meryl waved to Lin You.

"Okay." Lin You's face was pale, as if he might vomit at any time. Obviously, they were disgusted by the few people who blew themselves up. .

Now the ground is full of minced meat and bones, and some remnants of human organs, which are extremely bloody and disgusting.

Meryl raised one hand, and countless tiny green particles scattered like a cloud of dust. The green dots scattered on the ground, and all the flesh and blood melted into pools of blood, and then completely submerged in the soil, completely disappearing from the previous tragic scene.

After the group of people used Meryl's ability to deal with the corpse that was blown to pieces, the morning light sounded again in their earplugs.

"Guys, I'm sorry to share some sad news. We are running out of funds."

"No?" Meryl frowned, "I remember I gave you two hundred thousand dollars?"

"But you only spent 250,000 yuan to buy a polymer dialysis machine." Chen Guang said mercilessly. "There is also Chris's 150,000 yuan, which is also used cleanly. The raw materials for the enchantment ball are almost gone. Meryl, your healing ability needs the most expenses, all kinds of rare seeds, research equipment. And Fei The information costs I spent are also very high. I have to set out as soon as possible to find the contractor of the metal scepter."

"Everyone." Chen Guang said in a heavy tone. "Now we've reached the end of the rope..."

"We don't have time to take on tasks now, and we can't make any money at all..." Baba Noah in Chris' hands said helplessly.

Meryl also wondered: "I used to be funded by others for research equipment, and I have never been short of money..."

"I'm no longer a mercenary, and I didn't make any money at all." Chen Guang said helplessly in his earplugs.

"I heard that Xiaoyou's brother is very rich..."

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Lin You who looked dazed.

"Xiao You!"

Meryl walked over with a heavy face and held Lin You's shoulders.

"Everything is up to you!"

"Eh!??" Lin You's eyes widened.

. ).

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