Kendo True Explanation

Three hundred and sixtieth IX meeting two

Lin Fei sat quietly on the chair with a calm face.

After many days. Some major events from his previous life resurfaced in his mind.

Although many have been seriously off track. But it can still be used for reference.

In the previous life, Lin You should have gathered all his companions to have the power to resist Isaha, after all, the opponent is also a b-level strongman. There may also be holy artifacts. It is completely impossible for a mere d-level to resist. Unless they really gathered everyone, and everyone's strength has been greatly improved. From this point of view, before encountering Isaha, the group of them probably encountered many other things first, and they were able to grow, and finally it was possible to confront the b-level powerhouse. Although it is barely self-protection.

"It's time to meet Griffin..." Lin Fei murmured.

Underground in the European Alps

base of titans

In an empty garden. On the green grass, an African male lion about the size of a rhinoceros was lazily lying on the grass, with a black mane around its neck that was extremely majestic.

Griffin was wearing a white tight-fitting animal taming suit, carrying a large bucket, and was pouring water on the lion one by one.

The giant lion shook his head from time to time to shake off the water droplets on his head.

Roar! !

The lion let out a low growl, and turned his body impatiently, preventing Griffin from watering.

"You bastard!" Griffin cursed with a smile, and slapped the lion's head with a slap. There was a muffled bang, as if a weight of several hundred kilograms suddenly fell to the ground. The lion rolled his eyes and fell to the ground. Obviously passed out.

Only then did Griffin calmly start watering, rubbing his hands on the lion while pouring.

"My lord, a contact request from the First Councilor." A virtual image of a blond woman in white appeared directly beside Griffin.

"The first congressman? There are still two hours before the battle, what else is he doing at this time?" Griffin said casually.

"He said he was just asking about some personal matters." The woman whispered.

"Unicom." Griffin said without turning his head.


The image of the woman disappeared instantly.

A vague golden figure appeared behind Griffin with a faint golden mist. The fog cleared, and Lin Fei stood calmly on the grass. His eyes fell on the huge lion.

"Master Griffin is very interested," Lin Fei turned his gaze to Griffin. "The Titan Lion King Beast, even in the other world, is one of the leading beasts. It is an endangered species."

"I will collect everything with the word Titan on it." Griffin turned around and handed the bucket and ladle to the waiter who stepped forward beside him. "What's the matter? It's about to start, do you still have time to come to my place?"

"It's about the metal scepter." Lin Fei said lightly.

"Metal scepter? The current contractor?" Griffin asked casually.


"It seems to be that young man named Curran?" Griffin seemed to remember.

"It's indeed Ke Lan. As you know, I'm very interested in energy scepters." Lin Fei stopped short.

"Although I really want to help you, there is nothing I can do." Griffin smiled and said, "Kuran is not in my hands. The United States is not my country alone."

"Give me some information. I need to know the specific target." Lin Fei stretched out his right hand, and a small spiral pattern suddenly appeared on the palm of his hand. "The conflict between you and the Tower of Threads, I can send my people to help resolve it."

"The Spiral Tower..." Griffin frowned. "If you participate, it will really help me a lot, but I really can't help it. Ke Lan is not in my sphere of influence, but I can introduce you. That guy is not an easy person to deal with. I am very Don't like him."

"Alright." Lin Fei nodded.

"The Vulcan Cult is a by-product of him. That guy is also the top figure in the American supernatural world. In fact, although I don't want to admit it, the fact is that his power and influence in the United States are indeed greater than mine. Curran is a research project established by one of his confidantes himself, and he attaches great importance to it. I suggest you try to get in touch with it first, and it is best not to have too much hope." Griffin is the first time to comment on a people. …

Lin Fei also felt a little tricky. Originally, I thought that with Griffin's power, it would be a trivial matter to directly bring up Curran, but I didn't expect that things have become a little more complicated now.

"his name is?"

"Hannas, Hannas Bloomington." Griffin dried his hands with a towel. "This person has a very bad temper. Although I have a good relationship with him, we often quarrel. We are best friends who grew up together, and our relationship is just like this, let alone other people." Griffin waved his hand, "With I come."

Lin Fei followed him out of the simulation park and into the metal passage.

The two walked on the aisle, one in front of the other, some staff members in white clothes passed by from time to time, and when they passed by the two of them, they took the initiative to bend down and salute, with a natural and gentle attitude, calm and calm, without the slightest panic Obviously, he has seen big scenes before.

Following the silver metal passage, the two walked into a huge control room.

Like a movie theater, a huge screen is facing the console.

It was empty. It was dark.

Lin Fei just walked in following Griffin.

Immediately behind him, the metal door closed automatically.


The entire control room suddenly lit up.

"Welcome Lord Griffin and the First Councillor. Everything in the special liaison room will be identified by voiceprint."

A synthetic female voice suddenly sounded, and then fell silent after a word.

Griffin walked up the side steps. As he walked, he introduced: "This is my most frequently used contact room, with the highest security. Even if it is me, there are only a dozen of such contact rooms. The cost is very huge. The transmission signal encryption specifications are the highest. It can effectively prevent the detection and interference of supernatural beings and electronics."

There are three consoles, which are horn-shaped, and Griffin naturally walked to the front console.

"I will directly transmit this image of yours. You talk to him yourself. That guy, he lived in that land for a long time before the founding of the United States. It's hard and soft! It's very troublesome." Griffin shrugged. "Don't forget that there is no time to set off, our mark is still on you."

"Of course." Lin Fei nodded. Ke Lan had to help Lin You and the others bring it up. Although he didn't know how Lin You and the others successfully rescued Ke Lan in the previous life without provoking this mysterious strong man who even Griffin had a headache. But now the world has changed, he can no longer pin his hopes on the inertia of his previous life, he has to plan ahead.

Griffin lightly pressed a button on the console.

The world around Lin Fei suddenly spun, and countless scenes flew by. In an instant, he was in another place.

There is an endless green grassland under your feet, and the faint fragrance of green grass permeates the air.

The breeze blows over the body surface, it is warm and not at all cool.

The entrance is completely green. It seems that there is only one color in the whole earth.

The sky is blue, so clear that it doesn't seem like the earth. Layers of white ladder clouds are slowly floating, like countless stairs.

chirp! !

A few birds sang and flapped their wings as they flew past Lin Fei's head.

In the direction of Lin Fei's front, a solitary gray stone tower stood on the grassland.

The stone tower seems to have existed for a long, long time. Naturally, there is a sense of historical heaviness.

"Welcome! Guests from afar."

At a window on the second floor of the stone pagoda, an old man in a gray cloak showed his head and looked towards Lin Fei.

The old man was leaning on a slender brown wooden stick in his hand. His clothes were dirty, as if they hadn't been washed for a long time.

Lin Fei nodded.

"Excuse me." He strode into the stone tower.

The interior of the stone tower is very bright, and rays of light come in from the windows, like beams of light. The specks of dust in the air are also slowly floating in the light beam, which is very clear.

A long layer of dust had accumulated on the ground. It's a little soft to step on.

Lin Fei slowly walked up the stairs at the corner of the stone tower.

The entire stone tower is full of windows without glass, almost a watchtower that is completely ventilated from all sides. …

On the second floor, the old man in gray robe just now was standing quietly at a window, with his back to the stairs that Lin Fei came up from.

"Even if you're Griffin's friend, you have to follow the rules. What do you want from me? What are you going to give in exchange?" the old man said softly.

"Metal energy scepter, that's why I came here." Lin Fei said lightly.

"Energy scepter? Don't you know the example of Griffin?" the old man asked in surprise.

"What's none of my business?" Lin Fei said in a deep voice, "I am me, he is him."

"Hehe, you have character. The energy scepter has given up even the temples of the Holy See, and you still have expectations." The old man turned around and faced Lin Fei.

The gray stone tower and the gray robe and cloak on his body almost blended together, making it difficult to distinguish.

"What if I don't give it to you? What are you going to do?" He asked with interest.

"Not for me?" Lin Fei's eyes moved slightly.

"I will find another way. There is no one in the world without desires, and there are desires in life. Even you, you will have goals and wishes you want to achieve."

"That's right." The old man nodded. "There are a lot of people who know this, but there are very few who are really practical. Because no one can know exactly what other people want."

He looked directly into Lin Fei's eyes.

"What I see in your eyes is sharpness. Do you know why Griffin doesn't like to be in contact with me? It's because of my eyes." The old man pointed to his own eyes.

"My eyes can see through people's hearts. Even he can't escape. No one likes their privacy to be seen through."

It was only then that Lin Fei noticed his eyes, which were pupils like two black swirls. The pupils were slowly rotating, and they were almost the most perfect spherical shape, giving people a strange feeling.

"In the records of the Holy See, I am called a devil. Our eyes are black, which is the source of seduction and corruption. We have sheep's hoofs and black wings. Do you know my real name?" The old man smiled strangely stand up.

"I am Sariel, the king of evil eyes, we are the great alliance of the dark world..." He opened his arms slightly. "I've been looking forward to the moment when I meet you. The first member of Golden Council, there should be an alliance between Golden and us, and we have only one common enemy. That is the Holy See."

Lin Fei narrowed her eyes and looked at him.

"Devil? Hehe..." He raised his hand, and countless blue flames slowly emerged from his arm.

coax! !

The flames rose violently, constantly turning into countless grimaces and hideous shadows, frantically trying to get out of Lin Fei's body, but was blocked by invisible restraints time and time again.

"If it's the devil, then so am I."

he said calmly.

"The time is not yet ripe, we are about to unify the entire world of dream eaters. Gold will become the supreme palace of the strongest dream eaters in the world!! Let's talk about the alliance at that time."

"Really?" Sullivan smiled, and countless black smoke billowed from behind. "Then, I look forward to seeing you next time." He began to slowly dissipate into countless black air and disappear.

Lin Fei turned around and walked down the stairs slowly. The blue flame instantly exploded. The whole person slowly turned into countless blue light spots and dissipated. . ).

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