Kendo True Explanation

Chapter 388 Rescue One


Washington Arlington National Cemetery

The reddish sunset sprinkled in the tombstones, and the white tombstones and black inscriptions looked extraordinarily solemn and solemn under the rendering of the sun.

On a piece of yellow-green grass, as far as the eye can see, there are all white tombstones, neat and orderly.

Lin You and his party walked along the steel railings outside the cemetery. The line of sight kept looking inside.

"Woo..." In front of a tombstone, a blond woman was crying bitterly in front of the tombstone. The white bouquet was quietly placed in front of the tombstone. There was a faint sadness in the air.

Lin You and his party walked past the tombstone. It seemed that everyone was infected by the woman's cry, and everyone felt a little heavy in their hearts.

Everyone was covered with a layer of golden-red sunlight, making them even more solemn.

This is a national cemetery. Compared with ordinary cemeteries, in addition to the silence and coldness, there is also an indescribable solemnity.

Meryl sighed slightly while watching the scene in the cemetery.

"I still remember when a friend of mine passed away and I came here to attend the funeral... At that time, I was just like her..."

"Okay, don't talk about it. What's the next step?" Chen Guang interrupted. She seemed to have some red eyes, probably because she thought of her father who had just died. Quickly change the subject.

"According to the information I bought, it should be around here..." Meryl returned to God. "Everyone look for it, and take this." She waved her hand slightly, and some fine green light spots flashed instantly, and some of them were automatically attached to everyone.

"At a certain distance from the target base, these light spots will automatically glow. Everyone pay attention."

"I'm going this way."

Lin You and Phil walked in one direction together.

Others were also divided into several directions to scatter and search.

The entire Arlington National Cemetery is completely bathed in the golden red sunset. It seemed extraordinarily quiet.

over time.

The worshipers around also left here slowly, and the vehicles drove away slowly. The entire cemetery became more and more quiet.

Lin You and Phil walked quickly along the railing on the edge of the cemetery. Lin You's wrist is wrapped with a green bracelet automatically woven by some green light spots.

They had been walking for twenty minutes.

"Why is there still no response?" Lin You asked boredly.

"Be patient." Phil looked around at the surrounding environment.

The two walked for a while.

Suddenly a faint green light emanated from Lin You's wrist.

This means that the bracelet will automatically shine when it is directly above the target point

"I found it." Lin You immediately lifted his spirits. He took out his cell phone and was about to make a call. But he didn't want the phone to ring first.

She hastily pressed the connect button.

"Hey, I found it. Everyone, come here. I'm at the back of the cemetery." This was Chris' cold voice.

A group of people regrouped behind the cemetery.

A green meadow. Five people stand together.

"It's here..." Meryl faced a parking lot on the edge of the grass.

"The entrance is in the parking lot," she added. "I just probed with Chenguang."

Several people turned their eyes to an underground parking lot in front of her.

"The security facilities are perfect." Chen Guang frowned slightly, "There are almost no dead spots. It seems that we can only use that one."

"Are you sure?" Meryl asked.

"It shouldn't be a problem, just block it for two hours. Don't forget that I'm not an ordinary person now." Chen Guang smiled.

Lin Youfeier and Chris could only stand aside, not knowing how to deal with it. All three are laymen.

while talking.

Suddenly, a white car drove out slowly from the ramp exit of the parking lot. The car turned right along the driveway towards the five people. …

The white car slowly accelerated, just as the car passed in front of several people.

In the car, a man with short blond hair rolled down the window gently, and glanced at them indifferently. Then he caught a cigarette naturally, lit it, and took a deep breath.

"This person should be a government official." Meryl said in a deep voice, "and he looks like he is in the army. This is what his clothes and the things in the car tell me."

A small green spot of light flew out of the departing car and came back to her.

"Then you can be sure, it's here." Chen Guang took out a small mirror from his waist, something similar to a makeup mirror. Open it at will.

"Okay, let's start. I'm going to block."

The mirror surface on the vanity mirror suddenly dimmed, turning into a black display screen. A series of waterfall-like data streams suddenly flashed above.

Chen Guang skillfully pressed something on both sides of the mirror.

A large amount of data on the mirror suddenly accelerated and slid down.

Golden Base 7

Lin Fei sat quietly in her seat.

"I have something to say about the energy scepter," he said suddenly.

The people of the Dark Alliance left, and he had to remind others in advance. His determination for the power scepter.

The other four looked at him at the same time.

Lin Fei looked around at everyone.

"Presumably everyone knows my intentions? There are a lot of words for this collection of energy scepters. I am bound to win. I hope everyone will take care of this."

"We have no problem. But unfortunately, the metal scepter is in the hands of the Dark Alliance. You have also seen Sariel, one of the Seven Dark Lords. Maybe you can talk to him directly." Griffin Shrugged.

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Of course, I will take the initiative to contact you, but now, what I want is a clear answer from everyone here."

"Oh?" The Night King smiled slightly, but didn't speak. He just looked at Lin Fei.

"I'm fine." Luo Jia seemed to have a good impression of Lin Fei and took the initiative to express his opinion. He also gave a Holy Brahma Stone before, which can be regarded as a small payment. Even for the super strong, a Holy Brahma Stone is hard to come by. Although the effect is not great, there are many can be substituted.

"I follow Lord Griffin's advice." Snake Girl looked at Griffin.

Lin Fei's eyes fell on Griffin.

Griffin sat in his seat, just smiling.

"Master Griffin, what do you mean?" Lin Fei asked.

"Me?" Griffin laughed, "It depends on how determined you are, Lord Yan Fei..." He looked at Lin Fei meaningfully.

"Determination?" Lin Fei lowered his eyes. "The collection of energy scepters is my direction. No matter who it is..." He raised his head, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes, "Anyone who blocks me is my enemy..."


The seat under Griffin clicked, and a crack opened.

His smile slowly faded. Staring at Lin Fei.

The two looked at each other.

"I hope everything goes well for you..." Griffin's figure slowly disappeared from the seat.

The conflict between the two has already shown signs of intensification in the matter of control. This time, Lin Fei learned that Griffin seemed to have some kind of intention through some channels...

The Night King sitting across from him smiled.

"By the way, Lord Yanfei, there is something that I may need your help with. How about we talk about it in detail later?"


Lin Fei said softly.

Both Snake Girl and Luo Jia nodded slightly to the two of them, and automatically disappeared in their seats.

The Night King flicked lightly, and a flash of bright red flew in front of Lin Fei in an instant. Turn into a red card.

Now there are only two people left in the whole hall. He is no longer secretive.

"One of my traitors, Scarlet Wing, is now fleeing to Dongfang Huaguo, which is your territory. I hope you can take action to capture him back."...

"Is it just a traitor?" Lin Fei pressed his fingertips on the red card on the table.

"He is my daughter." There was a hint of tenderness in the Night King's eyes.

"Daughter...?" A smile appeared on Lin Fei's face, "I will take the time to see it myself."

Scarlet Wing, the strongest c-level in the legend, belongs to the peak powerhouse in the c-level. Lin Fei is also a little curious about what the night king's daughter will be like.

"If possible, please try to save her life..." The Night King said with emotion. "Then take my leave."

As soon as the words fell, he slowly disappeared in his seat.

In the hall, Lin Fei was the only one left.

He crossed his fingers on the table. A thoughtful look appeared on his face.

Arlington Underground Base

Inside a black air duct.

Lin You and his party were crawling forward carefully. Keep your hands and feet as light as possible, not daring to make any noise.

While crawling, Lin You looked carefully at the ventilation window below.

Through the gaps in the shutters, you can clearly see the brightly lit rooms below.

"What are you doing? Hurry up..." Phil behind her urged, and now she had turned into a black cat again.

"Well, right away." Lin You was a little slower because of distraction. Hearing the urging, he hastened to speed up.

In the black metal passage, only the louvers that pass through from time to time have light coming in. Everything else is dark. Fortunately, the green bracelet Meryl gave earlier can be used for lighting.

The light green shimmer can illuminate a few meters in front of the range in this environment, and the light is not too glare.

The touch of the cold and hard surface of the tunnel spread from Lin You's hands and knees into her body, and she vaguely felt that it was getting colder and colder.

He wears a small earphone next to his ear, which is a short-distance communicator provided by Chenguang. There is also a microphone attached to the mouth that can be used as a walkie-talkie.

"Attention, our destination is ahead. Everyone just needs to be a little careful. According to the information, this is just an ordinary research base. There should be no special personnel like supernatural beings." Meryl whispered road. "I fired up the new shielding ball that Dinning made. Just enough to cover us all together, to shield the camera and some heat-sensing weapons. Just be careful not to make too much noise."

"En." Chris and Lin You responded at the same time.

"If all goes well, Ke Lan, the metal scepter contractor, should be rescued this time." Chen Guang whispered, and she crawled in front of Lin You. As the two weakest members of the team, they are naturally protected objects.

"It's a pity that Antos only came to China today, otherwise it would be much better with him." Meryl regretted.

"Then why didn't you wait for him to come?" Chen Guang asked.

"He doesn't trust our abilities. I asked him, but he is unwilling to act with us." Meryl smiled wryly.



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