"As for money matters, let's wait until the salary comes in. There's no rush."

He didn't really regret it right away. He wanted Qiao Mu to block the knife for him the next time he encountered a bandit.

If you really had this intention, you wouldn't say it so nakedly.

The main reason was that Qiao Mu, a military attache who could block the arrows of the big-headed soldiers, really made him feel ashamed and made him want to make friends.

A soldier who puts his life and death at risk is always more likely to gain the respect of others.

the other side.

At the rear of the main force, Lieutenant Chu also saw Qiao Mu's messenger.

"The vanguard has already encountered the bandits, and Centurion Qiao Mu was injured in the first battle?" Lieutenant Chu only sneered after hearing this.

Injured so quickly? Isn't it a bit too weak?

It seemed that this tree was really an embroidered pillow, and it was much easier to deal with than he expected.

From this point of view, maybe Qiao Mu would have died in the hands of bandits without his calculations.

"I understand." Colonel Chu nodded and said:

"Then send a message to Qiao Mu to continue exploring the road. Didn't the bandits escape? Follow them wherever they go."

"If you find the location of the copycat, you will have made a contribution this time."

Lieutenant Chu led a large force of a thousand people and followed slowly and from a distance.

In the distance, I heard shouts and fights coming from the trees in front of me. It was obvious that I had encountered bandits again.

Lieutenant Chu was not in a hurry, he just stayed still and followed slowly.

Qiao Mu took the lead as before, rushing directly into the bandits with great vigor.

After repeating this several times, Qiao Mu got a few more wounds.

And the sergeants behind him were gradually infected by his bravery without knowing it.

When they faced the bandits for the second time, they fought closely behind Qiao Mu.

When they faced the bandits for the third time, they began to charge towards the bandits following Qiao Mu.

The human heart is made of flesh.

If you have a commander who is willing to block arrows for you and always fight on the front line, others will naturally not fall behind.

Even if you can't block the sword for your superior, you can still charge with him.

A military attache who is not afraid of death, a military attache who blocks arrows for his subordinates...

Qiao Mu has won the respect of all the sergeants with his actual actions.

After repelling the fourth wave of bandits.

Arbor walked up a hillside and looked at the small valley ahead.

The mouth of this valley is relatively narrow, only wide enough for three or four people to pass side by side. The trees in the valley are lush and green, and the grass is half a person high, making it a suitable place for an ambush.

"Old Huang, since you are familiar with this area, does this valley have a name?" Qiao Mu asked.

"No ah."

"Since there isn't one, let's call it 'Luo Mu Valley'."

"Falling wood? This means fallen leaves, right? It's not autumn yet, where did the fallen leaves come from?"

"It's not interesting, just looking for good luck."

Qiao Mu held the tip of the spear, carved the words "Luo Mu Valley" on the trunk next to him, and stood on the hillside overlooking the valley in front of him.

Wait a minute, where should I die?

He was looking for a feng shui treasure that looked pleasing to the eye, so that he could bury his body later. Maybe there are some metaphysical bonuses?

When he reached the entrance of the valley, he stopped and took a break.

We encountered several waves of bandits just now, and they all fought and retreated, escaping in this direction.

Qiao Mu thought, either the bandit's stronghold was in the valley ahead, or there was an ambush ahead, trying to lure the enemy deeper.

So if he continues to move forward, it may be his death.

At this moment.

There was a sound of footsteps behind him.

"Qiao Mu, why did you stop moving forward? Didn't I want you to continue exploring the way forward?" Lieutenant Chu walked over with a stern face.

He had been following from a distance. When he saw the tree stopped at the entrance of the valley, he led the people over.

"There is a valley ahead, there may be an ambush..." Qiao Mu was mid-sentence, but was interrupted by Colonel Chu's displeased wave of his hand:

"You are a centurion. Should you consider whether there is an ambush? If there is one, we will naturally rescue you."

"Anyway, they are just bandits. Those bandits cannot be the opponent of our Yancheng Army. Don't make excuses for being timid."

Qiao Mu looked at Captain Chu and saw that he was as heavy as water and looking at him coldly.

"Or do you want to disobey orders?" Lieutenant Chu said coldly.

His hand was already on the scabbard on his waist.

I heard that Qiao Mu was so stubborn that he dared to hold the city lord's son by the neck and threaten the city lord in Yancheng City.

So he was also mentally prepared for the other party to disobey.

As soon as Qiao Mu made any move, he could immediately kill him for disobedience.

Eighth-grade warriors have no suspense against unqualified warriors!

What's more, there are thousands of soldiers and nine ninth-grade warriors beside him.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Mu's reaction was beyond his expectation.

"Take your orders." Qiao Mu'an calmly handed him over and left, but the look in his eyes at the end was a bit strange.

It seems that there is a kind of... gratification of getting one's wish?

Naturally, he didn't understand Qiao Mu's mentality.

Born to be immortal, he has been seeking a high-quality death.

If he died because of disobedience and was killed by an eighth-grade captain like him, it would be a bit lame in Qiao Mu's opinion.

He doesn't like it.

And what if Colonel Chu asked him to fight against the bandits and die in battle?

Qiao Mu almost couldn't help but dance to Commander Chu on the spot to hear me say thank you.

Lieutenant Chu, you will be my good brother from now on!

When I cash out my chips and have money, I will send you on your way, brother!


"Boss, you have been injured. You should tell Captain Chu if you can let another centurion lead the army to explore the road." Old Huang babbled beside him.

"Stop talking, military orders cannot be violated. We cannot disobey Captain Chu's wishes."

"That's not possible..."

Qiao Mu raised a hand to stop the discussion of the sergeants behind him, and the voices behind him suddenly stopped.

From such a simple action, it can actually be seen that after experiencing several battles, he has gained a certain prestige among this hundred-man army.

"Listen to me." Qiao Mu said:

"You all need to be smarter later. If you find an ambush when you enter the valley, or if the bandits are too powerful, retreat quickly. Captain Chu will not wait to die even if he wants to come."

Qiao Mu only suspected that Colonel Chu was targeting him, but he had no evidence and was not completely sure.

No matter what, he still had a hundred people under his command. The other party wouldn't let these one hundred people be buried with him just to kill him, right?

So he gave this order.

Qiao Mu held a spear in one hand and walked forward step by step. Blood was slowly seeping out of his robe, and the lower half of his back was stained light red with blood.

After these few battles, he already had three arrow wounds on his body, plus three or four stab wounds.

The warriors who have reached the limit of training have reached the peak of ordinary people's physical fitness, but they are still flesh and blood.

Qiao Mu can still fight, but he doesn't have much energy left.

But at this moment, his injured back seemed surprisingly reliable in the eyes of the sergeants behind him.

Especially Lao Huang, who was protected by Qiao Mu many times.

"The boss seems to be only about twenty years old. He is really reliable..." Just as he was saying this, killing sounds like mountains and tsunamis suddenly came from all directions in the valley.


In the grass, in the woods, on the slopes... Bandits with heads wrapped in turbans emerged from everywhere, covering the mountains and plains.

A rough visual inspection revealed that the number of these bandits was estimated to be hundreds or even thousands.

"Are there so many bandits hiding in Dongshan?" Old Huang's eyes suddenly widened and his heart trembled.

They, the sergeants, thought from the beginning to the end that these bandits were just a mob, and their total number might not exceed 200. The officers and soldiers naturally had a huge advantage. Who would have thought...

"What are you stunned for? Run!" Qiao Mu's shout came from in front of him.

Lao Huang and others immediately ran back, subconsciously looking back as they ran.

Then they saw a scene they would never forget for a long time.

The bandits were densely packed all over the mountains and plains, rushing in like a sea tide.

Qiao Mu, holding a spear in one hand, stood alone in front of the sergeants, like an isolated reef under the tide that was about to be swallowed up.

"The boss is cutting off the back?"

"He is the leader here, and he is actually cutting off our queen?"

Lao Huang and others felt dazed for a while and did not fully react. Only their feet were still running subconsciously.

There were hundreds of bandits, which could not be compared to the battles they had encountered before.

With such a huge number, even warriors who have developed inner strength will be unable to fight against them. The inner strength will be quickly exhausted.

Even Captain Chu, the only eighth-grade warrior in this army of thousands, could not fight against thousands of people by himself.

So...Qiao Mu is risking his life to cut off the queen for them?

While their heads were still dazed, they had already reached the mouth of the valley.

But at this time, groups of officers and soldiers appeared at the entrance of the valley. These were supposed to be their reinforcements and comrades, but at this time, they were vaguely blocking their retreat.

"You are not allowed to retreat without permission! Anyone who disobeys the order will be executed!" Lieutenant Chu opened his eyes wide and shouted loudly.


"Captain Chu wants to fight the bandits in this valley? Then aren't we just squeezing in the middle?" The sergeants' expressions suddenly changed.

Lieutenant Chu's loud shouts were heard far away in the valley, and the tree standing at the front was also moved and turned its head.

His gaze traveled hundreds of meters and came into contact with Captain Chu behind him.

Lieutenant Chu's face was expressionless, and his eyes were as cold as before, as if he hadn't seen Qiao Mu, and he seemed to be looking at a dead person with no emotion at all.

Seeing Commander Chu's eyes like this, Qiao Mu suddenly understood.

Colonel Chu was indeed prepared to let him die.

In order for him to die without any suspense, Lieutenant Chu had people completely block the retreat, and also blocked the retreat of hundreds of sergeants under his command.

The thousands of troops behind were not just sitting idly by, but were slowly entering the battlefield and were about to fight the bandits in the valley. It's just that the mouth of the valley is too small and so wide. Not only will this thousand-man army not be able to enter for a while, but it will block the retreat of Qiao Mu and others. It can be expected that if there is a decisive battle, the hundreds of sergeants caught between both sides will basically have little chance of survival.

"If I don't die, will the hundreds of people under my command have to be buried with me?" Qiao Mu understood Captain Chu's meaning at once.

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Lao Huang's voice was filled with panic and fear.

This little old man has always been a bit of a thief. He ran very fast when he was running away. Now that there was no way back, he ran behind Qiao Mu again at some point.

Apparently, he suddenly recalled Qiao Mu's promise.

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