"Brother, looking at you like this, it must not be your first time coming in."

The speaker was an old man in the cell next door. He had slightly white temples and looked to be about sixty or seventy years old. He was thin and had a yellowish complexion. He looked like he had been in this cell for a while and was obviously not healthy.

"Brother, what did you do to get here?"

"Publicly insulting the emperor."


"Don't try to trick me. If you accuse me of insulting the emperor, I'm afraid there's no way to survive. I guess Qiu Houwen has been executed. How can you still be so calm?" The old man was suspicious.

"Queen Qiu wants to kill you?" Hearing this, Qiao Mu finally sighed, with regret in his voice.

"I just wish I couldn't face the fault of stabbing the emperor. In that case, I should be sentenced to Ling Chi."

"I said, do you know that Lingchi is executed, right? I heard that it is a very rare technical job. If I am executed by Lingchi, there will definitely be many people coming to watch, right?"


Has he stayed in the cell for too long and failed to keep up with the times?

Why is it that when people outside talk now, he can't keep up?

He then abruptly changed the subject: "Brother, those jailers just now seemed to say that you are the head catcher who has just arrived?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Is there someone above you? Is there a prominent elder in the family?" the old man asked in a low voice.

Qiao Mu thought for a moment.

The ancestors of his Qiao family are endless, and it is not wrong to say that the elders of the Qiao family in the future will have a prominent position.

"It's not quite what you think, but it's okay." He said ambiguously.

"My brother is indeed not an ordinary person." The old man praised.

He paused and then said:

"Actually, in my early years, I was a righteous thief who robbed the rich and gave to the poor. I specialized in robbing corrupt officials and giving the property to the poor... But once, I fell into the hands of a big family..."

"That wealthy family heard that a stranger was born among their children...and then I came in?"

"Did someone attack you?" Qiao Mu became a little interested.

He is very interested in the strength gap between immortal cultivators and warriors.

"There's no need for strangers to take action... Ever since the stranger appeared in that big house, there have been a few more patrolling officers and soldiers around... I didn't have time to run. Then I went to jail."

"Although I'm in prison, I actually still have some stolen goods outside that I haven't had time to sell. They are some antiques that are inconvenient to throw to the poor... The total value must be at least a thousand taels..."

"Brother, if you have a way to escape, if you can take me with you, I will give you all these things worth a thousand taels."

"Oh." Qiao Mu was noncommittal.

The guy who co-authored said so much, he is a righteous thief and someone who stole the stolen goods. He is just trying to win sympathy and use inducements.

"My method of escape cannot be found by ordinary people." Qiao Mu said casually.

"....Tell me about it. Even though I am old, I still have some skills." The old man was slightly excited.

Qiao Mu then said seriously: "First, you must commit a fatal crime."

"Secondly, when you go to the execution ground, greet the executioner cordially. Have you eaten?"

After hearing this, the old man became more suspicious.

Have a meal? Is this some kind of code? This person who just entered the prison has already prepared the executioner. He can escape as long as he tells the secret code?

But they are already on the execution ground, and they can talk to the executioner, so they won’t be executed immediately, right? How else can I run?

"Then what?" he asked.

"There's no more, I've already said it." Qiao Mu closed his eyes and ignored him.

The old man thought for a moment and then suddenly realized... The way this man was talking about escaping was the way to escape using his head?

Is this person trying to amuse me?

The old man was a little dumbfounded. He wanted to try to see if the new prisoner had a way, but it seemed that he couldn't do it even if he had a way.

In a courtyard in Fucheng.

Emperor Yonghe was pacing in the courtyard, his brows still deeply furrowed.

He was still thinking about the previous experience of being scolded by Qiao Mu in the teahouse.

Whoever he is, he has never been insulted like this by someone pointing his nose at him in so many years.

Especially the very back.

"Then what Qiao Pif is questioning is not the difference in strength between our Great Yan Dynasty and the foreigners..."

"He suspected that I was greedy for life and afraid of death. For the sake of my own safety, I gave up my country and the people to the immortal cultivators..."

After thinking about this, his face became a little darker.

If that Joe Piff was an ordinary person, then he might not be able to leave the teahouse and would die.

But he is not alone.

He was a talent recommended by Wang Shanhe, the Minister of Justice during the late emperor's time.

If Wang Shanhe was still alive at this time, he would be over seventy years old, and he was about to die. At this time, he would recommend a talent to be the head catcher in Heyang Fucheng. It is probably to guide the younger generations and regard this person as a man who needs to be polished. Jade's thoughts.

Qiao Mu's political views probably also represent Wang Shanhe's political views after he retired to seclusion...

In his heart, he was still willing to give Wang Shanhe three points.

After all, Qiao Pif is not just Qiao Pif, and Wang Shanhe is more than Wang Shanhe.

Wang Shanhe represents a long-gone era when civil and military ministers sacrificed their lives to serve the country. He also represents the ideal that Emperor Yonghe had when he was young, to become a wise king and turn the tide...

While he was thinking, Guard Chu quickly walked into the courtyard.

"Your Majesty, that Chopif was captured and imprisoned by the officers and soldiers."

"I think someone in the teahouse reported him for talking nonsense about government affairs, and he was arrested and convicted by the officials of this prefecture..."

"Hmm?" Emperor Yonghe narrowed his eyes:

"Even if we want to kill this person, I should give the order to kill him."

"Then...should I inform the prefect Lou in Heyang Prefecture? Tell him not to act rashly?"

"No need." Emperor Yonghe narrowed his eyes and said unhappily:

"The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped."

"Insulting the emperor... If such a crime is not punished, where is the majesty of the emperor? Even if he is not executed, he will be skinned in prison for a few days. We will rescue him after a few days." Emperor Yonghe ordered.

Chapter 69 Life and Death (4k

The moonlight entered the house, and the window lattice divided the moonlight into four pieces. Under the light, Qiao Mu stretched his body, and the iron chains tied to his body made a crisp sound.

"Why am I not dead yet?"

Qiao Mu fell into deep thought.

It was already the third night of his imprisonment.

For some reason, these jailers looked at him differently.

It's not that he was given special care.

But in this prison, as long as the daily meals were not deducted, and there were no jailers beating and insulting him, it was already a great care.

This made the old man in the next cell feel that Qiao Mu's background was more and more amazing. He insulted the emperor and came in, and he could still be so leisurely in prison.

There was nothing to do in the prison, the time was long, and he was bored. Qiao Mu spent the rest of his time practicing martial arts silently. Mostly he chatted and bragged with the old man in the next cell.

"Ahem..." The old man coughed a few times. He had been imprisoned for many years, his face was yellow, and his complexion was not very good.

"Brother, I am not an ordinary chivalrous thief... I am the descendant of the legendary thief from a hundred years ago."

"The thief's light kung fu was unrivaled in the world, and his light kung fu secret book is actually hidden outside. As long as you take me out..."

Qiao Mu said casually: "Then I will tell you a secret. In fact, I am not an ordinary head of the police, but the founding emperor of the previous dynasty."

Old man:?

"This former emperor has been dead for thousands of years, right?"

Qiao Mu said seriously; "This is not important. What is important is that you V me 50. When I get out of prison, I will make you a general."

"... ..are you still teasing me?"

"Didn't you tease me first?" Qiao Mu didn't believe it.

How could it be such a coincidence that I could meet the descendant of the thief saint while I was in the prison next door...Besides, the old man next door had dry blood and obviously didn't know the advanced breathing method. He should have been an eighth or ninth grade martial artist in his prime, and it was impossible for him to be a big shot.

"You young man...my child is about the same age as you. It would be great if he could be as smart as you."

"Unfortunately, he is a constable who doesn't tolerate any sand in his eyes. How could he have so many weird words like you..."

The old man was angry and amused. He shook his head and stopped talking to Qiao Mu.

He was old and weak, and he was not tied up with iron chains like Qiao Mu, so he could walk freely in the cell.

Suddenly, there was a meow.

Looking up, I saw I saw a little wild cat had come in through the small window above my head.

This wild cat was a mottled cat with white, yellow and black fur. It was a small window as narrow as a bowl, but the little wild cat was able to squeeze in. Qiao Mu could only sigh: cats are really liquid.

"Little guy, this is not the place you should come to. Go, go."

The old man waved his hand to drive the wild cat away.

The prison was dark and damp, dirty and musty. If a wild cat came in, even if it was not beaten and scolded by the jailers, it would not be appropriate if it ate something unclean.

He was old and weak, and he felt a little exhausted just by waving his hand to drive the little cat away.

He continued to walk a few steps in the cell, and suddenly his feet softened and he fell to the cold ground.

"Huh? Did you change to hitting the car this time? Are you trying to gain sympathy? "Qiao Mu, who was next door, was originally practicing with his eyes closed, but this time he was attracted by the noise and looked up. The old man was still lying on the ground motionless. Qiao Mu was a sixth-rank warrior, and his eyesight was not better than that of ordinary people. Although the prison was dark, he also noticed that there was no blood under the old man's body, and it was obviously not an external injury such as a broken head. "This old man..." He stood up and walked over to take a look, but after a few steps, the iron chain behind him had been pulled straight. "Where is the jailer? Come here." Qiao Mu made the iron chain tied to his body rustle, making a lot of noise. Soon, the jailers came over with curses, and when they saw Qiao Mu, the anger on their faces was slightly reduced. "Qiao, don't make trouble, you were also a public official before, so keep some dignity between each other." Qiao Mu didn't care what the jailer said, but just pointed to the old man who fainted on the ground in the cell next door: "A prisoner fainted. "

The jailer looked in the direction Qiao Mu pointed.


"Why don't you save him quickly?"

"Why are you so anxious? He's your father?" The jailer called a few colleagues, opened the cell door, briefly checked the old man's condition, helped him to the straw mat, brought him a bowl of water, then closed the cell door and left.

The old man didn't move during the whole process, and was obviously still in a coma.

"Is that it?" Qiao Mu looked at the backs of the jailers leaving.

"What else can we do? Old Qian is not a wanted criminal." The voices of other prisoners came from the prison.

"He is just a thief. Although he has been imprisoned for many years, no one has ever redeemed him. What else can he do?"

"That's what happens when you get older. Seventy-year-olds are rare in life. He must be in his early sixties. He is lucky to be able to stay in prison for so long."

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