Knight's Infinite Journey

Chapter 165 Recovery and Exploration

"Silver Blood Elf"

Yadimu looked at the picture that appeared in front of him, somewhat thoughtfully.

Those who can be revealed on the character panel are all extraordinary bloodlines.

In other words, it is at least the blood of silver.

Does this body have silver blood?

Yadimu was a little surprised.

However, his body was born into a noble family. If his ancestors were brilliant enough, it would not be impossible for him to have extraordinary bloodline.

Just looking at it like this, this bloodline has already become so thin that I don’t know where it is.


Yadimu couldn't help but shake his head.

But it’s not bad to have this bloodline.

At least it can be an introduction for Yadimu to continue to improve in this bloodline.

Apart from bloodline, there is not much else.

Because of the body replacement, most of Yadimu's data have changed, and he has become like an ordinary person.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the mental attributes, which are still the same as before.

This actually made Yadimu feel quite pleased.

Although his physical strength is gone, with this level of mental strength, he is not without the ability to protect himself.

It shouldn't be a problem to exterminate the group of bandits after that.

Just as he was thinking this, a feeling of weakness came from his body.

Feeling this intense feeling of weakness, Yadimu couldn't help but stand up silently.

The goal is ambitious.

But compared to that, what's more important right now is finding something to eat.

Otherwise, he would probably starve to death before Yadimu could go and take revenge.

Yadimu thought this in his heart, and then dragged his heavy body and started to take action.

In the next few days, the little girl from before still came here.

Every time she came here she would not come empty-handed, but would bring something with her, which seemed to be given to Yatimu as food.

These should have been dug out of her own rations.

It can be seen that the girl herself is not well off, and she looks a bit stunted.

But even so, she still insisted on giving Yadimu a ration.


Another early morning, Yadimu looked at the dry food brought by the girl, and finally chose to refuse: "I'm not hungry yet."


Aaliya looked at Yadimu blankly, and was a little surprised by Yadimu's answer: "Do you dislike these things?"

She thought Yadimu disliked the taste of these things.

No wonder.

Although he was already down and out, it could be seen from Yadimu's appearance that he should be a noble.

Since he was born into a noble family, it was normal for him to look down on these foods.

Thinking of this, her face couldn't help but darken.

"No, you are overthinking."

Yadimu glanced at Aaliya, and then pointed to the side: "If you want food, there is plenty there."

Aaliya looked there, and was suddenly startled.

There were fishes and occasionally other river delicacies arranged neatly there.

"So many fish!"

Aaliya was stunned for a moment: "How did you catch me?"

She looked at Yadimu and felt particularly magical.

Yadimu's body cannot move now.

His body had been severely injured before, and such a short world was not enough for him to recover.

And the fish in this river are not as easy to catch as they appear on the surface.

This is a matter of course.

Given the poverty of the people nearby, if these little things were really that easy to catch, they would probably be eaten up long ago.

Professional fishermen don't have much harvest yet, let alone people like Yadimu who can't move freely.

How is this done?

The girl was puzzled.

But the answer to the question is actually quite simple.

It is true that Yadimu cannot move freely, but his spirit can be used without any restrictions.

With his powerful mental power, as long as there is life around him within a few dozen meters of him, he will immediately sense it and even capture it directly with his mind.

This is how these gains come.

In short, even in such a dire situation, Yadimu can still make a living easily.

Even if the wild beasts outside come, they can't get close to him.

But Aaliya couldn't figure it out.

That day, she stayed with Yadimu and successfully had a full meal.

"Can I bring some fish back?"

After finishing the meal, Aaliya looked at Yadimu and asked hesitantly.

Yadimu nodded indifferently.

These things were all he got casually and were of little use to him.

Anyway, if you get too much of it, it will rot. If anyone wants to take it away, just take it away.


After learning what Yadimu meant, the girl jumped up happily: "I will never tell anyone else about this."


Yadimu didn't comment on the girl's statement and just nodded.

In this way, several days passed.

Yadimu's body slowly recovered and he could gradually stand up.

On this day, early in the morning, there was a sound of heavy footsteps outside.

That was Alia, who came here early this time.

But compared to the past, she didn't come alone this time, there were a bunch of people behind her.

Next to her, there was a rather burly man following her.

The man was covered in animal skins and had a burly build. He was also holding a vicious dog in his hand, following Aaliya there.

"Is this where it is?"

The man followed Aaliya here, then looked around, with a look of urgency on his face: "Is that outsider here?"


In front of the man, Aaliya's face looked a little ugly, and her attitude seemed a little reluctant.

In the past few days, she had been taking some fish from Yadimu and brought them home.

Her family is not rich, there are elderly people who need to be taken care of, and they usually don't have enough to eat.

These extra river fish can serve as a good source of meat to supplement some nutrition for the elderly and children at home.

But as time goes by, some things can no longer be concealed.

The harvests repeated again and again attracted the attention of people around.

Under their pressure, Aaliya revealed the existence of Yadimu.

Hence the current scene.

"Why do we have to attack that outsider?"

After a moment of silence, Aaliya said in confusion: "He didn't do anything wrong, and he also helped us."

"What do children know?"

The man looked at Aaliya with contempt written all over his face.

But he finally explained Aaliya's doubts.

"That is an outsider after all. Although he helped us for a while, who knows what he will do in the future?"

"Besides, the fact that he was able to catch so many prey while unable to move indicates that there is probably something wrong with him."

"He's probably a blood user!"

When he talked about blood people, the man's face showed a look of longing: "I asked, and there are indeed nobles among the outsiders who came here some time ago, and they may have inherited the ancient sacred blood."

"A bloodline person who is still alive and may have just awakened. Do you know how valuable this is?"

"As long as we catch him and sell him, the money we get will be enough for our whole family to live a life of superiority, do you understand!"


Aaliya opened her mouth, still wanting to say something.

"Nothing but!"

The man glared at her: "Do you want to disobey me?"

"Without me, you would have died in a pile of garbage long ago. Who raised you up?"

Aaliya opened her mouth, but finally stopped talking and fell into silence.

As if she had accepted her fate, she walked forward obediently and brought the man to the place where Yadimu was before.

But by the time they got there, it was already empty.

"Where are the people?"

The man suddenly became furious when he looked at the scene in front of him.

There are still traces of the past in this camp, and there is even a bowl of prepared fish soup beside it, indicating that there were people living here before.

The man picked up the fish soup and found that the bowl of fish soup was even hot, with warmth in it.

"damn it!"

He was furious and pulled the vicious dog in his hand forward, trying to use the vicious dog's ability to find the person.

It's just that they searched for a long time, but in the end they couldn't find any traces.

In the end, they had no choice but to give up and leave this place.

And not long after they left, Yadimu's figure appeared here again.

Everything around the camp was empty.

Including some of the food he had prepared before, all was taken away by the man, leaving nothing left.

Yadimu was not surprised by this result.

He calmly lit a fire there, lit it up again, and then waved his hand.

A fish automatically jumped out of the river, landed in Yadimu's hands, and was easily taken care of.

"My body has almost recovered."

After finishing the meal, Yadimu stood up.

He looked into the distance and murmured to himself: "It's almost time to go find out the news."

As soon as he finished speaking, he put out the fire, and then silently walked away.

Time passed slowly.

After leaving the previous camp, Yadimu did not immediately go to Huamu Village to inquire about the news.

His appearance is too obvious. If you go in directly, you will be exposed to the eyes of the people around you, and you will not be able to find out anything at all.

Therefore, he did not move towards the village immediately, but was patrolling around.

The next day, he arrived in Lima.

According to Aria, this is the largest town nearby and the most prosperous place.

The purpose of Yadimu coming here is quite simple, just to inquire about some information.

If possible, it's a good idea to hire a few helpers.

He now has a different body. Although he barely retains some of his power because his mental power is still there, it doesn't change the fact that he is weak.

If you want to rely on yourself to become powerful in a short period of time, to the point where you can wipe out an entire bandit group by yourself, it should be too late.

However, you can still consider using external forces.

So, he came to the city of Lima.

In Lima, the streets are bustling.

As soon as Yadimu entered here, he was stared at by two men.

"Be obedient."

The man forced Yadimu into the corner, looked at him and smiled ferociously, holding a dagger in his hand: "As long as you hand over the money you have, I won't hurt you, do you understand?"

"This is the territory of our Shaman Gang. If you are sensible, please hand over your things quickly!"

Two big men stood in the corner, blocking all the roads in all directions.

They had been squatting at the gate before, and as soon as they saw a stranger coming in nearby, they immediately looked for an opportunity to attack.

Yadimu is just one of their targets.

But what surprised them was that, being coerced by the two of them, Yadimu did not show any fear or nervousness.

On the contrary, he had a smile on his face from beginning to end and seemed quite calm.

After a while, Yadimu walked out of the alley.

"It solves the problem of food and accommodation."

He weighed the wallet on his body and was quite satisfied with the weight inside.

When he first entered the city, he noticed the two gangsters.

However, he didn't take the initiative to refuse, and just took the opportunity to make a fortune.

Normally, Yadimu would not take the initiative to do something as shameless as robbery.

But for gangsters, it's another story.

If it's a robbery, it's a robbery.

From the two gang members, he found almost seven silver coins. According to the memory of his predecessor, this purchasing power should be considered pretty good.

If there are no additional expenses, the money will be enough for Yadimu to use for several months.

I don’t know how many times those two people robbed before they had the money.

He found a random tavern and walked in.

"Eating or accommodation?"

The owner of the tavern was a somewhat bald middle-aged man. When he saw Yadimu coming in, he greeted him enthusiastically: "The menu is outside. If you need anything, please let me know. We will try our best to satisfy you."

"Is it?"

Yadimu smiled and then said, "What if I want to find some bodyguards?"

"Then you should go to the labor market next door."

The tavern owner said: "There are many people applying for jobs there, but the price is not cheap."

"Of course, if the price you give is right, I also have a few old friends who can introduce it to you."

He said with a smile on his face.

Yadimu knew without asking that the boss would definitely take a commission from the employment fee he gave.

Evil middlemen exist at all times.

"First open a room for me and bring me some dishes."

Yadimu didn't ask any more questions, but opened a room first and prepared to have a good rest.

Along the way, although he was not weak, his condition was really bad.

Not to mention the physical weakness for the moment, my appetite is also quite uncomfortable.

After all, counting the time, he had been eating fish for many days and needed something delicious to change his appetite.

The boss smiled and agreed, and quickly arranged for the servants to come forward and vacate the room for Yadimu.

After resting in the room for a while, Yadimu changed his clothes and immediately went out.

He did not go to the so-called market immediately, but was thinking about it.

He was thinking about where the money would come from.

If you think about it with your feet, you can understand that hiring bodyguards will definitely cost a lot of money.

Especially if you take bodyguards to suppress bandits, you will need even more money.

Without enough remuneration, who is willing to risk their lives for you in exchange for money?

The few silver coins Yadimu had were definitely not enough.

So we must play to his strengths and think about where the money comes from.

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