Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Four hundred and twenty nine chapters Ming Lun new technique 3 teachers 9 streams gather 1 body

Su Jie was talking about Zhang Hongqing.

So far, the hidden weapon that Su Jie has seen is the most powerful, the one that appears and disappears, killing people invisible is Zhang Hongqing's shot. Even if Su Jie hadn't had a flash of inspiration at that time, he might have been poisoned.

Even if he encounters this shot now, Su Jie still has to be careful, and he must not take it lightly, otherwise he will be shot by the bullet and still die without a whole body.

"I never thought it was an indiscriminate method." Xu Changshou said: "Concealed weapons and lime powder are the same, and lime powder is not as effective in close combat. Even in the realm of the living dead like me, the enemy's I don't know how you evaded it, but I can succeed in people who are in the same realm as me, or even people who are a line higher than me. Anyway, I grew up This is how I use it when I am a punk, and I am still like this in this state, I am not ashamed, if you think this is not in line with the demeanor of a master, then I am not a master, I used to be a punk, and I am still a punk now bastard."

When Su Jie heard these words, he felt a little strange.

According to the principle, a person climbs up from the bottom, and as his living conditions improve step by step, he enters a certain class, and he will naturally subtly follow the taste of this class and integrate into the circle.

Few people can change the assimilation of this social class.

The hooligans have the habit of hooligans all day long, and they are full of dirty words, but after they join the work and have a regular life, they will automatically change their original behavior, start learning, discuss projects, how to get promoted and raise salary.

After becoming middle class, they will think about where to buy a house, a car, and how to live a better life.

After becoming a rich man, it is another world.

The current Xu Changshou, he can be said to have become a "master" figure, with a bright future, but he still looks like a rascal, and his mentality does not change, and he does not want to change. This is a mutation.

This is also of great benefit to Su Jie's social psychology research.

Individuals and classes are subtly influenced, and the overall atmosphere of social class changes the psychological state of individual individuals, thereby affecting the physiological state.

The atmosphere of which social class is in has the greatest influence on people.

Regardless of the external medical material conditions, which class of people live the longest and are the healthiest.

These are the areas that Su Jie needs to study.

Practice and social form are inseparable. Even hermits who live in seclusion in deep mountains and old forests belong to a social class. Among the three religions and nine streams in ancient times, there were hermits who belonged to the upper nine streams.

"Are you still in contact with your group of gangster friends?" Su Jie asked.

"Of course there is." Xu Changshou said: "Don't forget the class you are in when you are successful. This is my way of practice. My unique truth."

"You don't need to say it." Su Jie said: "I already know your cultivation method. You have to try all classes once, integrate many life experiences into your own emotions, and comprehend the various states of the world. For merit, calcining in the fire of the heart and refining it into a golden pill, this is an ancient method, the world of mortals refines the heart."

"I think you have a sense of omniscience. It seems that in this world, there is nothing you don't understand, and there is no reason you don't understand." Xu Changshou said: "I don't know how you cultivated, and neither is the old principal. It is very understandable, he said that you seem to have the memory of thousands of generations. From ancient times to the present, all your reincarnations have been blessed on your body, leading to the current state, I can also see the shadow of ancient times from your body , the shadow of modern times, the shadow of the war years. What is going on here."


"It's very simple, you just integrate yourself into each age. This is not reincarnation. Of course, if you want to force it, it's not impossible. This is my sentence. In the spiritual world, the concept of time does not exist. As long as you want to go back to any era, your thinking can go across time and space and reach that era, so that you can be contaminated with the atmosphere of that era. Across the past and present, the spiritual world can go to any time and space. Finally, the feedback reaches yourself In this way, the life experience has been accumulated." Su Jie said: "The accumulation of life experience you mentioned is the day-to-day life of ordinary people. In terms of attitude towards life, there is a huge difference between people in terms of physical fitness, but the difference in spiritual level is quadrillion times that of the body."

"Then I'll try it." Xu Changshou said: "We are willing to learn everything. People say that learning a subject should be profound and don't be distracted, but I don't think so. I think it is necessary to learn from the beginning. Knowing a thing or two, maybe we can learn from each other and make up for each other. For example, the Buddha jumps over the wall in cooking, which is a hodgepodge of many dishes, and it is delicious when cooked in the end."

"You have your own ideas." Su Jie said: "Next, what else do you want to compete?"

"It doesn't make any sense anymore. I'm no match for you." Xu Changshou said, "But you also have to be careful. There are so many masters in the Matthew Academy, and Seraphim is not the strongest. One of them is code-named 'Xu Dela's strong man. The most insidious and vicious, and good at using nerve poison, you have to treat it differently. For example, if the hidden weapon I just smeared with nerve poison on it, you pick it up with your hands, or your body is contaminated. If you drink a little, your whole body will be paralyzed. Anyway, he is good at poisoning, maybe the cup you drink from, the air you breathe, or the utensil you touch, he can poison you. No matter how strong you are, your flesh and blood can’t stand it Some highly poisonous things. This is real life, not inside, strong martial arts and deep internal force, you can be invulnerable to a hundred poisons, there is no such thing as practicing the Nine Suns Divine Art, and even the golden silkworm can't do anything about it."

"Xu Dela?" Su Jie knew the code name immediately, "This is the hydra monster in Western mythology, and its blood is highly poisonous. However, there are similar monsters in Chinese classical mythology. It is called Xiangliu, and it is also a hydra. According to legend, when Dayu was controlling the water, he was killed by Dayu. His blood was extremely poisonous and flowed on the earth, and the land would not grow any grains. Sometimes I found that, There are many overlaps between Eastern and Western mythology, but in very ancient times, Eastern and Western civilizations were completely isolated and had no contact with each other."

"I heard some scholars study that in ancient times, alien civilizations came to the earth. The monsters in the myths may be alien species. Otherwise, I can't understand why the billions of years of evolution history of the earth Among them, many species are able to evolve wisdom, but have not been able to evolve civilization, and human beings can enter the sky and enter the earth in less than a few thousand years, don't you find it strange? I have always been curious It is this question. It is said that you are a scientist. Have you studied this question? I am also studying the history of biological evolution. In the history of billions of years, there has never been a species that has evolved so fast as humans. And The history of human beings is too short. Why is the species in history the most intelligent? Philosophical thinking can understand the truth of the universe, and scientific ability can go out of space." Xu Changshou asked.

Obviously, this question has troubled him for a long time.

He longs for answers.

It's a pity that Su Jie doesn't know the answer, nor has he studied it.

Su Jie has studied the history of evolution, but that is the history of evolution after the appearance of human beings. As for the source, he has not yet reached that point of research.

"I don't know about this either?" Su Jie smiled: "I am not omniscient. There are too many things I don't understand in this world, and I am not much better than ordinary people."


"Knowledge is an ocean. We are all a drop of water, but you are a basin of water. Although it is small compared to the ocean, it is still thousands of times bigger than us." At this time, Xu Changshou suddenly became humble, There is no temperament of a punk.

Su Jie noticed that Xu Changshou's temperament changed again and again. While talking, he was a little gangster at first, then a student, then a scholar, sometimes like a small employee, and sometimes inadvertently as if he was a family member. A rich middle class, sometimes his temperament changes again, and he seems to be a rich man, and sometimes he bosses around, but he seems to be a high-ranking official.

Anyway, his temperament kept changing, if it wasn't for Su Jie, it would be hard to tell what kind of person he is.

This change in temperament was different from Long Tianming's.

The change of Long Tianming's temperament was that every three days, he would become a different person.

And Xu Changshou's core is still himself, but there are many kinds of social classes in which he lives, and the aura of the three religions and nine streams are all reflected in him.

Su Jie discovered that this may be the core of Liu Guanglie's real kung fu.

Three teachings and nine streams are integrated into one.

Liu Guanglie should have absorbed the essence of the great leader, and absorbed his own essence, and created a unique practice method to improve the Minglun Daoyin technique.

It has to be said that Liu Guanglie is a great educator, almost like a master.

This is also an object that Su Jie can study.

Liu Guanglie hoped that Su Jie would study this and improve his Minglun Daoyin technique.

"Go to my research room when you have time, and study kung fu and practice together." Su Jie extended an invitation to Xu Changshou.

"It's in City B." Xu Changshou knew, "But I also have a research club. The friends I've met over the years are all very powerful. When will you come over and give us a lecture?"

"A friend in the Jianghu?" Su Jie smiled: "A friend in the dark world?"

"It's not the dark world, it's the rivers and lakes." Xu Changshou said: "You have not come into contact with this class. There were green forests and rivers and lakes in ancient times, and there are now."

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