Legend of Infinite Mecha

Chapter 217: evil

As Liu Ling's shout suddenly sounded, Xiluo's body quickly reacted.

The facts show that Xilu still trusts Liu Ling's partner very much. His first reaction is not to continue the current action, nor to turn around to fight back, but to let the body loosen his finger.

One of the fingers of Flying Wing Gundam was released, and the beam saber, which lost the input signal maintenance, turned off the beam at that moment.

The Flying Wing Gundam started to fall in an instant, and the body's beam saber also released beams again after passing through the shuttle.

The high-heat beam extremely close to the body shell caused part of the shuttle's armor to explode. Fire broke out from the shuttle, and the aerodynamic shape of the damaged shuttle lost control for an instant, and then a vicious circle was triggered, causing the shuttle to fall toward the ground with black smoke.

"That's..." At this time. Heroine looked at the swaying and falling shuttle, and then remembered who the man in the white military uniform he saw through the porthole of the shuttle at that moment was.

The marshal of the coalition government forces in the earth circle, the representative of pacifism, Nobenta.

I am afraid. Sitting in this OZ transport plane are all powerful figures in this faction of the army.

In fact, Xiluo still doesn’t know where Liu Ling is—he and Dior know that the Thunder Angel Gundam driven by Liu Ling and Xuefeng is equipped with an astonishing stealth system—at least with the current methods. , It is completely impossible to detect its location, no matter which band of radar, or even a sensor in the visible light area.

Thunder Angel Gundam acting with a propulsion method other than GN particles. In front of everyone, it seemed as if there was no existence-the shout was heard only by Shiro sitting in the Wing Gundam...

Everything seemed to be an illusion, and this strange atmosphere made people more nervous and alert.

However, the flying wing Gundam flying into the air and the shuttle falling down with the black smoke dragged down, this scene was projected on the display of another shuttle as it was.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a thing... How can there be such a thing..." Sitting in this shuttle, General Septim's face was full of shock, despair, and a person's momentary shock. All the expressions and feelings that can be revealed later.

Even if they have different positions and different opinions, Marshal Nobenta and other colleagues are also soldiers he respects. They all think about the situation in their own way, and want to do something for this huge coalition-even in it. There may be some selfishness, but the starting point is definitely worthy of admiration.

However, these well-intentioned generals, at this moment, the mobile weapon called Gundam sent by the colony was wiped out in a flash...

At this moment, the attitude and feelings towards the Gundams became dark and deep, surging.

At this time, Leidi Ann stood by his side just right.

Dior Maxwell and his Grim Reaper Gundam slightly lowered their bodies and made a posture on the battlefield.

Opposite him, there is a mobile suit covered in crimson armor, also named Gundam.

For the time being, the relationship between ourselves and the enemy is unknown. But judging from previous combat operations, the possibility of hostility is greater.

"Thank you for the missile that just said hello!" Dior said, the beam sickle in Grim Reaper Gundam's hand once again released a green beam blade, "Then, I should pay it back!"

The jet on the back and the driver on the lower body released thrust at the same time, making Grim Reaper Gundam holding the handle of the beam sickle and rushing forward in an almost horizontal line.

On the other side, Heavy Armed Gundam also ejected a dagger for melee combat from his wrist and swung it in the direction of Reaper Gundam.

I have to say that as drivers on both sides, they do have incredible driving skills. Dior, who had no intention of hurting people, didn't really swing the blade of the beam onto the armor of Heavy Armed Gundam. The driver of the heavily armed Gundam, Cartel, also saw at a glance the disadvantage of using a dagger against the huge beam of blades, and instead put it on the hilt.

Also as a Gundam, the output of the two machines is inseparable, and the two machines are in a stalemate in this short period of time.

However, the stalemate did not last long. A vortex of flame passed between the two stalemates, causing them to jump a step back, and then turned their gaze to the source of the flame.

A mobile suit with white as the main color, with a device that looks like a roaring oriental dragon with an open mouth stretched out from his right hand - and on both sides of this device, two have just retracted their attack but still There appeared to be some yellow vents.

A round shield is fixed on the left arm. Behind it, there is a device similar to that of Reaper Gundam's sickle, which is also a kind of beam weapon.

"Does such a meaningless battle satisfy you!" The voice of the person who appeared on the scene was very dissatisfied, as if the several Gundams and their pilots in front of him were already horrible.

"What do you mean?" Dior didn't really care about this person's tone, but he felt a little concerned about what he meant.

"Just now, you have eliminated all the peace leaders in the coalition government!" The visitor put the extremely cruel facts in front of the three of them.

At this time, under the work of the body detection device and the computer, a video signal was cut off.

"...This is a full-scale declaration of war on the colony side!" In the center of the screen is Septim, the general of the unified government of the earth circle. Righteously speaking, full of grief and indignation, "Just now, we were still discussing peaceful negotiations with the colony-but now, the core of the meeting, Marshal Nobenta is no longer there! He is an MS sent by the colony. Killed!-I repeat, this is a brutal and unkind act of aggression by the colony!"

"...We will not succumb to the threat of the colony, we will fight to the last minute!"

The speech quickly reached the last moment.

This time, no matter who it is, it can be seen that it is no longer from the position of a main combatant general, but is indeed out of the heart, anger and declaration from the heart.

however. After finishing all this, General Septim, but as if exhausted all the strength of his body, he bent his upper body feebly.

"Thank you very much, General Septim-but after this. You are worthless."

"Wh -" Before Septim's words were even asked, the door behind the shuttle opened actively, and the violent air current rolled him and his seat directly out of the shuttle and entered the high-altitude air. in.

"Although it's a pity to ask you to leave at this moment..." Leidi Ann said and raised the gun. The lens of the glasses reflects the yellow light of the setting sun, making it difficult to see her eyes and expressions.

The next moment, a bullet reflected the brilliance of the setting sun and fell towards the ground.

She didn't even look back to confirm whether the shot had hit or not, so she turned around, leaving behind a figure that looked sinister and arrogant.

"Can't let you dirty Master Telles' shoes."

The pilot of Shenlong Gundam, the Gundam pilot on the last side, Zhang Wufei walked out of the cockpit, sonorously.

"All of these are conspiracies planned by OZ... you have unknowingly become puppets in the hands of Teres Kirinada——!"

"How come..." Cartel took off the windshield, his eyes shaking.

"Damn it!" Dior slammed his fist on the console angrily-but no matter how he vented his anger, all of this has been forged and cannot be undone.

Troy didn't speak, but his firm and speechless eyes were no longer the same as before.

However, at this time, Zhang Wufei turned around.

"Even so, I will continue to fight OZ-even if I am the only one left... Nezha..."

In Zhang Wufei's heart. What I can't forget is a young girl.

Her name is Long Meilan, and she is the granddaughter of his teacher "Super Teacher" and his fiancee.

They are good at martial arts-perhaps it would be more appropriate to say "good at fighting"-but because of this talent and inheritance, in AC133, the unified government of the Earth circle took the whole family as hostages and threatened to leave. The earth is confined to L5 (Lagrangian Point 5. Located on the plane of the earth and the moon, on the side of the earth) in the semi-abandoned space colony A26.

What's more, the matter did not end so simply-not long after they were forced to emigrate to A26, this colony was declared abandoned, and its residents were dispersed and moved to other cosmic colonies, and their family, But was asked not to leave here...

At this time, dark events broke out.

Under the instruction of the coalition army or OZ who do not know, the final cleaning activity within the colony is about to begin, and the method used is the broad-spectrum biological killing weapon YO-448...

The news spread quickly. In order to survive, the tribe began to fight.

There is no mobile suit, or even warplanes. You can only rely on infantry-style combat weapons to fight the mobile suits stationed in the colony and other forces-even this race that is famous for fighting is extremely deadly and injured.

The sacrifice finally got the result it deserved. The purge order was not implemented in the end-although it is unclear whether it was because there were no enforcement troops or the upper class changed their minds because of their battles, the clansmen continued to survive.

However, whether it was Teacher Chao or Zhang Wufei, they couldn't be happy at all at this time.

Long Meilan, a young girl who calls herself "Nezha", a rising star in the clan, lost her precious life in this struggle...

For the first time, Wu Fei truly experienced the existence of "evil" in this world, and decided to get rid of it with his own hands.

Not long after this, Dr. O, who finally came here from many places, brought a beheading plan called "Meteor Combat" and the corresponding mobile suit made of Gundam Nim alloy.

Wu Fei became the executor of this plan, that is, the driver of Shenlong Gundam.

In order not to forget this girl, he turned the Gundam that Dr. O gave him to "Nezha", and went to the earth alone before planning.

He has only one goal and purpose, and that is to "behold evil downright," so as to comfort the spirit of the fiancee in the sky...

"Yes, even if I am alone, I have to..."

Wu Fei's fist unconsciously clenched tighter.

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