Legend of Infinite Mecha

Chapter 271: Showdown between zeros

When using the zero system, a large amount of information will be directly communicated to the driver's brain, so for the driver, the body is like his own body. At this time, the action of manipulating the body has become as natural as manipulating one's body with the nervous system-it can be said that this is also an alternative mental synchronization manipulation technique.

However, this system structure also has a huge drawback, that is, it corresponds to it. The situation predicted by each system is the same as the real one for the driver. And this kind of illusion, but too real, lingering situation, will bring great pressure to the driver's spirit.

Aquarius Gundam sensed the attack of Wing Zero. He stood on the high ground on the coastline.

After reaching a certain distance, the flying wing that was originally used either like a bird or a high-speed shuttle to make a wake on the sea surface suddenly deformed and rose, and the high speed when it penetrated into the atmosphere was instantly dragged by the air. Dissolve quickly.

The two planes confronted each other at the critical distance of the war.

Subsequently. It was as if someone made the sound of a gunshot at the start of the game, and the two machines unanimously took out their weapons and sprinted at full speed.

The beam saber drawn from the shoulder and the electric whip shot from the arm were intertwined, preventing each other's further attacks, and this kind of tactics also allowed the two to see the true identity of the opposing driver.

In the previous two duels, they had already figured out each other's driving habits and level, even if they had grown up at this time. Even each other is going all out under the zero system, but these habits and driving skills that have reached a height that is difficult for others to reach can't be changed.



The voices of the two were transmitted from the speakers in the cockpit of each other almost simultaneously.

"Why are you here!" There was no body around, and Jigusi asked the question first.

"I solved the last enemy in this battle." Xiluo replied lightly.

"Well, I want to confirm it." After Jigusi was roughly certain, he wanted to further confirm his judgment, "Heiro, are you my enemy now?"

Shiro was still immersed in the battle of the Zero System, and the only reply he could give was this one.

"Go ask the zero formula."

"What?!" Jigusi was shocked that Hero actually knew the existence of the Zero System.

Now, it seems that the mystery hidden in Flying Wing Zero's body has become more.

Jigusi thought so, but the movement on his hand did not stop. After a confrontation ended, he simply ascended into the air-this was to investigate the situation of Shank Kingdom.

Not only the body's own sensors and cameras, but also the camera equipment that can be used in the universe to obtain satellite images.

The large area behind Shiro seemed to have been turned over, full of traces of explosions and MS battles, and some embers were still burning, releasing dark smoke. Scattered everywhere are the wreckage of MD and MS, either intact or damaged from the surface, and were abandoned here after the driver got out.

All this is just like when he was forced to leave Shank's kingdom when he was young, with broken walls and dead bodies everywhere.

"Where is Shank Kingdom?" As he said this, the picture displayed on the auxiliary monitor began to move.

Leaving the suburbs as the defensive line, the entire urban area of ​​the small country does not seem to be affected. Judging from the situation on the ground. The defensive line seemed to be pressed to the area close to the edge of the city, but it seemed to be pushed back again. Only a small amount of stray bullet fragments and small cracks and stains caused by shock waves remained on the most edge buildings.

The kingdom itself seemed to have survived this catastrophe without any risk, and the defensive team should have taken the initiative to temporarily withdraw-very much in line with the style of operating pacifism during the war.

"So, what's the point of our fight here?" Regarding the confrontation with Gundam Aquarius, Jigusi had doubts.

Hero did not give an answer, just said what he wanted.

"Lilena made a declaration--and I just fight in the way I can."

Hilo's mobile suit was reflected on the radar screen, looking up at Jiggus. The Zero System had already begun calculations in order to destroy the enemy aircraft. Several patterns emerged in Jiggus' mind.

"The guy who rushed to resist will be dealt with! That's how it is said, Zero?-Well, as a pure warrior. Let's put an end to the destined battle with you here!"

After the curse words ended, Juggs grasped the bar and pushed it to the end——

The Flying Wing Zero wielding the beam saber and the Aquarius Gundam who was waiting for the battle with the beam saber were agitated.

The duel began.

Turning off the interference system that is meaningless for the use of the flying wing zero type, and supplying more energy to the attack and body control, the Aquarius Gundam began to tap the body's own performance.

As a sister machine developed in the same series as Abian Gundam, the performance of Aquarius is by no means idle.

In the previous two matches, there were no winners or losers. This time it was a mobile suit with almost equal performance.

This battle can be said to be evenly divided.

However, the stern opening is completely incomparable in the past.

The mobile suit that reached the speed of sound in an instant, the linked impact of the limbs leveled the tree, dug up the ground, and rolled up the sea.

It is doubtful that this will be the situation of MS war.

However, this is not enough for two people.

"Too slow! Too slow, Agoures! To exceed the speed of that guy's reaction!"

"Flying Wing Zero! Let me see victory!"

Both manipulators demanded higher abilities for their mobile suits.

In order to obtain a higher prediction value, the two zero-form systems compete to read the opponent's next hand movement first, and then prompt the operator of the next hand prediction.

Until now, because I was carrying something I wanted to protect. For the first time, the two people who have been deeply affected by the Zero System can fight completely purely.

The enemy only had one in front of him. This incident made the sense of purpose of the two people highly simplistic.


"The next blow determines the outcome!"

"Jagus, it's over!"

At the moment of two yelling, the two people's brains flashed in the middle of——

"this is……"


In the vision of the two people, nothing can be seen.

The brain and consciousness that had been receiving the terrifying flow of information since just now were suddenly thrown into the void of nothing.

——Shock like being punched by surprise.

The violent shock of consciousness caused the two to escape from the illusion of the Zero System.

What was flowing in front of me was not the image outside the cockpit. It is a display controlled by the Zero System, a torrent of numbers that shuttles from top to bottom at an unreasonable high speed.

For no reason, they felt that they could read something out of it.

At the moment when I understood the message from this mysterious and mysterious state, it was as if the machine's computing power had reached a critical point, and the surroundings turned black.

The head of the machine body, the part that has never been opened as a heat sink, released a hot and violent air flow for the first time.

The two men covered their heads and walked out of the cockpit.

Without all the computer-aided functions, it is impossible to maintain the stability of such a biped robot.

The two mobile suits fell down like this.

Due to the mental shock, neither of them is in a good state. The brain is difficult to grasp the control of the body, and the muscles of the whole body have also exhausted their strength in the previous battle-if there is no zero-type system to intercept muscle soreness and other signals. I'm afraid it's impossible for them to stand like this now.

As if affected by his previous combat consciousness, Juggs even wanted to use the pistol worn on his driving suit to aim at Shiro.

However, the weak muscles of the arm twitched slightly, as if it was already very difficult even to just raise the hand. The pistol finally slipped to the ground weakly.

The two also seemed to have exhausted their strength and collapsed on this piece of land.

There was silence around, as if there had never been a battle before.

It is located on the bridge of the OZMS aircraft carrier that overlooks the Shank Kingdom and is anchored on the northern sea. Now it's completely confused.

——Because of the loss of contact with the troops who were ordered to destroy the only MS that still continued to resist.

"Commander, as expected, the 42nd MD Airborne Division still couldn't get in touch." The communications controller stared at the radar and reported to the fleet commander.

"Really..." The commander who answered with a stiff expression paused for a moment: "Increase the number of MD landing troops! The enemy mobile suit was finally confirmed to be two! It takes ten times the combat power to deal with those guys!"

Deliberately not speaking the name Gundam, he issued an order.

Shiro and Jigusi regained consciousness after a few minutes.

Finally, when they could get up, both of them seemed to sit on the ground as if exhausted, unable to move.

The person who finally spoke first was Jigusi: "We, it seems that we are all being manipulated by the machine..."

It's a bit self-deprecating.

The zero-type system predicts the result of each other's attack, of course, it becomes an effective method that neither party can find—for this reason, the system is overloaded and crashes. Juggs thinks so.

To fully control this system, it seems that you need to have a strong spirit that can independently select the results of the system-to hand the choice to the machine, so that the battle, it does not seem to be a mature choice now...

Jigusi turned his gaze to Shiro.

What does this boy think? Will he explain the zero-form system from a different point of view?

"Aquarius says that we are entangled by contradictions on the surface, but in essence we have the same purpose. I don't think this is wrong..." Shiro whispered as if reading out the thoughts of Juggs. Said.

"is it……"

Jigusi laughed with self-deprecating taste.

Since I first encountered Flying Wing Gundam, I have always been fighting with Gundams. Is this the so-called "contradiction on the surface that entangles us"?

It seems that I am destined to be opposed by the Gundam manipulators....

Jigusi thought so bitterly.

but. Even if there is not much time left for the sadness of the world, there is not much time left.

Jigusi sensed the low sonic boom approaching from the sea.

"It's coming." Jigusi just said.

"It seems to be." Xi Luo said, supporting himself with his hands to stand up, and then threw the helmet on his head to Juggs.

"What do you mean?" Jigusi asked in confusion.

"I'm flying Wing Zero to deal with enemies at sea." Shiro replied, "Aquarius should give it to you-it's all melee weapons, I'm not used to it. And, I'm afraid Telles still I want to entrust this machine to you."

Although the Aquarius Gundam has reserved ports compatible with other OZ MS weapons. But his exclusive weapon only has two electric whips-it can be said that it is the same as Torukis, not so much a combat MS, it is more like a duel MS.

It's really like Telles's style, and it's also like his own style. Juggs looked at the dark blue mobile suit and couldn't help but chuckle at his friend in the memory.

It seems that the two of us are still thinking of going together after all-the specific content, wait for me to return to Shank Kingdom and ask you carefully, Telles.

The two entered the cockpit of the fuselage and restarted the fuselage that had been idle for a long time.

Almost at the same time as the outbreak at sea, the battle with the MD that landed directly on the ground also began.

It didn't take long for both sides to return to peace again.

At this point, the battle of Shank Kingdom, which lasted more than ten hours, was finally over.

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