Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 171 Meeting Again

Shang couldn't help sighing: "Ye Zi, what a pity, you could have acted like a hero to save the beauty, but now you have no chance! What a great opportunity, what a pity!" Ye Zhong wanted to roll his eyes.

Regardless of whether the woman in front of him is a beauty or not, Ye Zhong himself does not have the consciousness to be a hero.

A series of footsteps approached quickly, and a large group of security guards surrounded the crowd, all of them staring at each other. Each of them also held a hot wire gun in their hands, pointing the gun at the group of big men.

This group of big guys didn't dare to move at once. Even though they thought they were superior in skills, they definitely didn't dare to play with the heat gun.

The security captain, Caton, was a middle-aged man in his forties, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a dignified appearance. His gestures and gestures were a bit vigorous. He lowered his body and asked, "Who wants to cause trouble?" His eyes slowly swept over everyone. , and finally settled on this group of ferocious big men.

Knowing the current situation, the big man in the head spread his hands pretending to be generous, and said with a forced smile: "Haha, we just wanted to make a joke, but we didn't expect such a strong reaction! Hey, I'm so sorry!" The expression of laughing and laughing.

Carton stared at them, and the laughter stopped abruptly. Carton turned his gaze to the only woman in the room and asked, "Is what he said true?"

The expressions on the faces of the group of big men suddenly became tense, and they all stared at the beauty. The beauty hesitated for a moment, obviously not wanting to make matters worse, and nodded lightly: "Yeah!"

Seeing this, Caton fixed his eyes on the group of big men, and said in a deep voice: "Since it's a joke, let's forget it this time, but I hope this kind of joke will not happen next time!"

"That's that, that's that!" The leader of the big man hurriedly responded.

This turmoil, which was not considered a turmoil, passed quickly, and Caton left the restaurant with the security guards, leaving the two of them in the restaurant, looking at the group of big men from a distance from time to time. By the time everyone came back to their senses, Ye Zhong had long since disappeared. It's just that the face of the big man in that county was cloudy, with a look of indignation, and a lot of curse words in his mouth, obviously he was worried about this big loss of face.

When the others saw the group of fierce men leaving, the atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became lively again, and a large group of people immediately gathered beside the beautiful woman Shang had mentioned, and they all came up to show their courtesy. However, the beauty kept looking for Ye Zhong in the crowd, but found nothing, and felt disappointed, so she forced a smile to politely reject the crowd, and went back to her room disconsolately.

"Hey, the chance for such a good hero to save the beauties is gone, Ye Zi, do you really have no chance for beauties? But why do you always meet beauties?" Shang's tone was full of doubts.

Without allowing Ye Chong to answer, Shang suddenly turned pale with shock and said, "Hey, it's time to change shifts again, God, why are you doing this to me? I just saw a beautiful woman and I'm about to go down! This is the cruelest thing in the world! Ye Zi, let me tell you..." The voice stopped abruptly.

"Yezi!" The voice was flat and calm, and Ye Zhong knew that it was Mu who came up!

"Well, Mu, you're finally here!" Ye Zhong felt a little relieved. Although Shang sometimes had a lot of tricks, he always felt that Mu was not reassuring. For example, the space jump error last time, if it was Mu, that would never happen! Moreover, Shang's loud noise sometimes really gave Ye Zhong a headache, and there were some weird questions and sayings, which gave Ye Zhong a headache even more.

Being with Mu is much simpler, and Ye Zhong is more used to it. In fact, Ye Zhong also understands his weakness. Interpersonal communication is his weakness, and Shang has helped him a lot in this regard. However, he himself also understands that at least for quite some time, he probably won't have a qualitative change in this respect.

"It seems that Shang has caused you considerable trouble!" Mu said.

"Yeah, but that's how he is, as long as he doesn't meet so-called beauties, he's relatively quiet!" Ye Zhong said truthfully.

"Well, he has always been proficient in this!" Mu summed up Shang's characteristics very succinctly.

"Well, that's true! We still need ten days to reach Rich Star, and then find a way to transfer to other spaceships to enter Blazing Star, it seems that there is a ship to Blazing Star!" Although knowing that Mu should know the current situation, Ye Chong still briefly introduced to him.

"Well, a more efficient way is to hijack this ship, change the course, and fly directly to Blazing Wind Star. According to the data, it only takes twelve days to arrive! And according to my calculations, the success rate of hijacking is 100%. More than ninety-five!" Mu made a suggestion.

Mu and Shang are indeed two completely different styles!

hijack? This is a way, but after thinking about it, Ye Zhong decided to give up this idea. At this time, it would be too bad for him to attract attention. Now he just wants to go to Blazing Wind Star quietly, find Lu Caizhi's teacher Wang Weixing, cure his strange disease, and then find a place where no one knows him and live in peace. Simple life is the best then!

Speaking of this strange disease, Ye Zhong really had some doubts. I don't know if it's the effect of meditation, or the cause of the strange disease itself, the longer the time interval between Ye Zhong's onset, the longer Ye Zhong has not been ill. And I don't know whether Ye Zhong has adapted to this inhuman pain, or the pain is really reducing. Ye Zhong was able to consciously fight back when the attack occurred. Ye Zhong even wondered if this strange disease would heal automatically after a while.

Ye Zhong opened his eyes and woke up from his deep breath! I don't know if it's because he hasn't meditated for a long time, but the effect of his meditation this time is extremely remarkable. He can already clearly feel the spiritual consciousness during the meditation. According to the information obtained from the old man Yin, this should be the completion of the meditation. initial training.

This surprised Ye Zhong inexplicably. He thought that he entered the country like a snail a while ago, and he didn't know when he would finish the preliminary training. Later, when I arrived in Jiukai City, there were many masters and masters everywhere, and Ye Zhong didn't even dare to practice meditation. He only estimated that the extremely weak sense of consciousness that he had worked so hard to practice before had disappeared in all likelihood, but he didn't expect this The second Mingxi has made rapid progress, and completed the preliminary training of Mingxi in one fell swoop. How could Ye Zhong not be surprised by this?

After thinking for a long time, Ye Zhong still couldn't come up with a reason, so he had no choice but to give up.

However, the benefits brought by this meditative breath are real, and he has a deep feeling. His original eyesight and hearing were excellent, but now not only his eyesight and hearing have slightly improved, but what makes Ye Zhong most happy is that his mind is very clear, as if soaked in water, cool, and his thinking is a little quicker.

After waking up, Ye Zhong felt empty in his stomach. He looked around and found that it was already past the normal meal time, and there should be no one in the restaurant. Ye Zhong planned to go to the restaurant to find something to eat.

The restaurant on the Yeguang spacecraft is open around the clock, and you can eat no matter what time you go. When Ye Zhong came to the restaurant, he was the only one in the big restaurant. The so-called beauty he met last time was not here this time, which made Ye Zhong feel relieved.

There are many food supply machines that serve food neatly arranged in the restaurant. The main body of the food supply instrument is a long metal cabinet lying on the ground, one end is the food outlet, and above the outlet is an optical computer.

Ye Zhong walked up to a food supply meter and randomly ordered a few meals on the optical brain. Most of these things he hadn't eaten, so he simply ordered randomly. Soon, beep, there was a light sound, a tray of various foods was sent out from the exit, and brought to Di Zhong, Ye Zhong picked it up, found a place at random, and ate according to the order. He was the only one in the entire restaurant, and Ye Zhong didn't need to worry about any image problems, so he concentrated on eating.

When Ye Zhong was eating happily, he suddenly heard several people talking in a low voice. Ye Zhong raised his head. A group of people had just entered the restaurant, speaking recklessly as if no one was around. Ye Zhong couldn't help frowning slightly, isn't this the same group as yesterday?

It just so happened that those people looked this way, and met Ye Zhong's eyes. The eyes of the group of people lit up, and they all got up from the seats they had just sat down. Surrounding posture.

Ye Zhong just glanced at those people, and immediately acted as if he hadn't seen anything, and still buried himself in the bitterness.

"Stinky boy, hehe, you are here alone today, let's see how you can escape!" The big man in the head said with a smirk, approaching this side step by step, his fists clenched and rattling. The people around are all laughing.

What surprised them was that the guy in front of him didn't show any timidity at all. Since everyone appeared, he hasn't stopped eating. Could it be that this guy has just been released from the starvation prison? The big man in the lead couldn't help feeling a little absurd.

Thinking about the embarrassment of a group of his brothers being surrounded by security guards yesterday, an unknown karma suddenly rose in his heart.

The group of big men surrounded Ye Chong, all of them sneered. They didn't notice the coldness that suddenly condensed like needlepoints in Ye Zhong's eyes with his head down!

"Hey, brat, we really don't turn around like mountains and rivers!" The leader of the big man smiled, and stretched out his big hand like a cattail fan to Ye Zhong's shoulder. The other people all showed signs of enjoying the show, the person in front of them was emaciated and emaciated, he was the perfect object to play and humiliate. Several people also showed a look of eagerness, obviously wanting to play by themselves.

The big man's hand barely touched Ye Zhong's clothes. Suddenly, everyone's eyes blurred, and no one could see what was going on. Then, a shrill scream pierced the tranquility of the restaurant!

Everyone was startled, isn't this, this voice the boss's?

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on their boss, and they couldn't help but gasped at once, their faces changed drastically!

I saw that the right hand of their boss was irregularly distorted, like a twist, and thick white bones poked out from the elbow, and the white flesh was ripped apart. Since no blood vessels were injured, only a faint blood was splashed on the bones and flesh, which looked impressive. Want to vomit!

In such severe pain, this big man didn't faint, and people couldn't help admiring his endurance. But it was his misfortune at this time. He was bent over, hugging his right arm, his face was twisted together in pain, and there was a miserable howl in his mouth, which made people's hair stand on end!

Everyone is stunned! Totally stunned!

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