Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 526 Resilience (3)

The acceleration of the fleet also immediately increased the damage to them from the flying rocks. Except for the battleships that are still shooting at those rocks with super large diameters, the other spaceships have completely given up dodging, and instead travel at full speed.

The pressure on Ye Zhong and Shang at the forefront of the fleet suddenly increased.

The speed of those flying rocks suddenly increased, and Ye Zhong had to muster all his energy to deal with these dangerous and deadly rocks. If he was hit head-on by a rock, his chances of surviving would be pitifully low.

Shang has completed replacing the energy bar five times. He is now standing on the bow of the spaceship at the forefront.

What they are doing now is exchanging spaceships for time.

The spaceships exposed to the roaring rock attack couldn't last long, one spaceship after another either exploded or lost control. The speed of the fleet did not decrease in any way because of the casualties of these spaceships, and the chaotic stone sea became even more chaotic because of the high-speed assault of this fleet.

The spaceship at the forefront of the fleet was under the greatest pressure and would have exploded long ago. But because of Ye Zhong and Shang's tenacious battle, although the hull of this spaceship is no longer in shape, it is still tenaciously leading the entire fleet forward.

The soldiers who returned to the ship were all sitting or half lying on the floor, all with their faces upturned, staring intently at the battle between Master Jie and the light armor with the severed arm on the holographic screen.

There was no sound in the huge cabin.

The surviving captains all blushed and had thick necks, screaming as hard as they could, ordering the crew to rush forward.

Suddenly a burst of flames erupted ahead, and another spaceship exploded! The spaceship behind did not have any intention of slowing down at all, and passed through the fireball formed by the explosion at high speed.

Time seems to be elongated, every minute and every second is so slow.

Ye Zhong felt that his hands were getting heavier and heavier, but he didn't dare to let his hand speed drop even a little bit. His mind has gone blank, and he has no energy left to pay attention to other things. He was struggling to hold on now, his combat uniform had already been soaked in sweat, and his heavy breath was extremely hot. His eyes were fixed on the holographic screen, and the chaotic rocks on the holographic screen were moving chaotically. He was no longer able to make predictions like he did at the beginning, and now he was all relying on his abnormal reaction ability.

Shang's shooting frequency also dropped significantly. Ye Zhong understood that it wasn't something wrong with Shang, but that the Falcao sniper rifle had overheated.

But in the eyes of those soldiers resting on the spaceship, Master Jie's light armor is still so erratic, his shots are still so sharp, and the blue light emitted by the broken-arm light armor is still as dense as flowers blooming, beautiful and crazy.

Their vision was not enough to see that Ye Zhong and Shang were actually in trouble. If at the beginning, the rhythm of the battle was in the hands of Ye Zhong and Shang, now Ye Zhong and Shang have lost this control, and they have been dragged into the rhythm of these roaring rocks.

I don't know how long it took, but when Ye Zhong felt that his brain was becoming more and more numb, and his consciousness had begun to blur a little bit, someone suddenly shouted in the communication channel: "Look! There!"

Ye Zhong suddenly lifted his spirits, he knew that they had finally arrived!

In front of them, there is a long and narrow blank area with a diameter of about 25 kilometers and a length of about 150 kilometers, and the coordinates of the space jump point are inside.

There is not a single rock in this blank area, and those flying stones seem to always avoid this area, and no rock flies into this strange area.

The fleet plunged headlong into the void, unimpeded.

"This is it! This is it!" The pirate captain couldn't contain his excitement. The pirate captain has been in the captain's room of the Hashgar, after all, he is the only one who has been here before. These days, the pressure on him is very heavy. Even many people in the fleet have a hostile attitude towards him, thinking that it was because of his proposal that all this happened. Others are skeptical about the authenticity of this space jump point. People have never heard of any space jump point in the Death Fragmentary Star Belt.

Coupled with the hardships and dangers experienced during the journey these days, watching one after another companions sacrifice in front of him, and all of this is directly related to him, the original proposer. Sometimes he would also think, if he hadn't mentioned this space jump point, would Master Jie have thought of a better way? Perhaps in that case, these companions would not be sacrificed.

All kinds of complicated emotions were mixed together, and the stubborn pirate captain in the past suddenly burst into tears and wailed loudly.

Finally safe, the fleet slowly stopped in this blank area. At this moment, Ye Zhong, who had fought hard for more than three hours, seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and now he didn't even have the strength to lift a single finger.

The entire fleet fell into madness, and everyone was celebrating their escape from the dead. The joy of surviving a desperate situation turned the entire fleet into a sea of ​​joy. Although Wei has not completed the space jump so far, everyone thinks they have succeeded! Such a special blank area also made everyone full of confidence that there is a space jumping point here.

When Ye Zhong returned to the Hashgar, he was treated like a king! All the surviving spaceships lined up neatly, as if they were being inspected by the king, and every crew member stood up to salute their leader. And when Ye Zhong entered Hashgar's hatch, all the crew members of the entire ship spontaneously came to greet Master Jie who led them to another victory. They lined up in two neat rows, and the originally not too wide passage seemed narrower.

Ye Zhong had no choice but to get out of the driver's compartment of the Han family.

Ye Zhong's current image is actually quite embarrassing, his clothes have long been soaked in sweat, and he looks like he has just been fished out of the water. His face was covered with sweat, his wet hair was sticking to his forehead, and there was a puddle of water under his feet for a while.


Swipe, everyone straightened their backs and saluted incomparably upright.

"Welcome back in victory!" Xiqing and Xiu bowed in unison, with a bit of piety.

"Welcome back in victory!" More than 900 people shouted in unison.

Ye Zhong was at a loss, he had never experienced such a scene before. Speaking of which, he is more used to the San style, just following him silently, and there are not so many fancy things. What he wants most now is to rest, and now he feels tired even if he moves his feet.

But he quickly regained his composure, waved his hand, and said lightly, "Let's go."

Although the sudden disappearance of the broken arm light armor was a mystery to everyone, but no one dared to investigate it carefully. Just kidding, how to check? Are you going to ask Mr. Jie?

After the joy of the rest of the life, followed by the sadness of the dead.

In this blank area, Ye Zhong and the others rested for eight hours. Who knows what will greet them after the jump? If they encounter danger in their current exhausted state, they don't even have the most basic ability to protect themselves.

During these eight hours, Ye Zhong didn't fully use the time to rest. In fact, after resting for five hours, most of his physical strength has basically recovered. During these eight hours, the fleet completed its reorganization. And the casualty statistics came out.

This is a series of shocking numbers.

Only three of the 150 spaceships deployed on the periphery survived, and six of the spaceships in the middle of the fleet were lost. Of the 2,500 soldiers, 600 were killed and 400 were injured. There are only 1,500 teachers and soldiers who can use the power in the world. Most of the dead teachers were fatally hit during the short time of returning to the spaceship. The final death toll of the entire fleet was 8,641.

But now is not the time to address these issues; there is a more pressing problem before them. Then there's the upcoming space jump.

Ye Zhong made a comprehensive plan for the upcoming space jump. Especially if the people get separated, where should they meet up. In terms of space jumping, his luck has always been quite good, but there will be some accidents almost every time, not to mention that there is still a certain risk in this space jump, how dare he take it lightly.

With all this done, the timing was just right. At this time, Alva's fleet had just reached the edge of the death shattered star belt.

"My lord, everything is ready." Xiqing was a little nervous. Although Xiu looked calm on the side, his tightly clenched fists also revealed the tension in his heart.

Ye Zhong nodded: "Let's go." Compared with Xi Qing and Xiu, Ye Zhong has experienced many more dangerous scenes than this, and now all his preparations have been completed. Those teachers and soldiers who had finished their rest all entered the state of preparation for battle.

If, as the pirate captain said, the exit at the other end of the space jump point is on Ghost Star, no one thinks this move is superfluous.

Ghoststar is a rather eerie place, and there are many rumors about it. Almost from its inception, Ashenvale has been a place full of mystery. No matter what kind of spaceship it is, once it approaches this weird planet, it will immediately disappear without a trace.

At the beginning, many self-reliant explorers went to explore, but none of these people came back. Later, this place became more and more evil, and later the scientific research team simply stationed troops nearby to prevent others from approaching. Gradually, Ghost Star has become a place that no one wants to go to, even pirates don't want to patronize it. This has almost become an unspoken rule in many industries.

(To be continued, if you want to know what will happen next, please log in

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