Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 668: Burning Ghost Ship

"We can't continue like this, we must find a chance to severely damage these wild ghost elves."

Although Sato Kaede was very pleased with the growth of the elves in his hands at this time, the excellent overall view of the battlefield cultivated in the mysterious island told him that if it continued, they might not last until dawn.

His mental power spread almost to the entire battlefield. According to his estimation, the trainers on board had already defeated no less than four hundred wild ghost elves.

But even so, the number of wild ghost elves coming from the ghost ship has not decreased, they have been continuously joining the battlefield, and there is a tendency to become stronger and stronger later.

Today, the elves in the hands of many trainers have fallen, and some trainers even fell to the ground and their lives are unknown. The situation on the battlefield is gradually tilting towards the side of wild ghost elves.

But, how can we break the situation now? Sato Kaede continued to direct the three elves in his hands to deal with the wild ghost elves nearby, while thinking about this question.

In the end, when his eyes shifted to the broken ship on the right side of the cruise ship, which was only about half the size of the cruise ship, he immediately thought of a way to break the situation.

Obviously, the big reason why those wild ghost elves have been chasing the cruise ship is because of that ghost ship. If this ghost ship can be defeated, then these wild ghost elves will not be able to Reinforcement and pursuit continued.

In fact, there is no need to destroy the ghost ship at all, it is enough to let the speed of the ghost ship pass the ship at all.

"Everyone, we can't go on like this. These wild ghost elves have been coming over from the ghost ship for reinforcements. It's only 6 o'clock now, and it will be at least half a hour before the sun comes out. Together, we must find a way to block the reinforcements of these wild ghost-type elves, otherwise we will only die."

"And that ghost ship is the key to breaking the situation now. We don't need to destroy the ghost ship, as long as it can't keep up with the cruise ship, so that it can effectively block the opponent's reinforcements."

"Now, I need some people to attack the ghost ship with me. It is best to have a fire elf and an elf who has learned the dissolving liquid move and the poison move. If you have the courage, come with me."

As soon as Sato Kaede thought of the key to breaking the game, he immediately commanded the stinging jellyfish and the lamp monster to defeat a level 35 wandering night spirit blocking the front, and then opened his voice and shouted loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards the railing on the right side of the cruise ship with the three elves beside him.

"Damn it, I'm going to die anyway, why don't you fight while you still have the strength left, and I'll go with you."

"This group of damned wild ghost-type elves won't give me a living, so I'll just burn their lair down before I die, and if I do, I'll go with you too."

"You saved my life just now, I listen to you."

Sato Kaede's performance in this battle is obvious to all. When he spoke, some nearby trainers who had been supported by him immediately responded. They quickly got rid of their opponents in various ways, and then charged with Sato Kaede.

"Little ones, can we not lose to these brave young people? Show your backbone and let us make a deal for them."

"Great crocodile, iron-clawed lobster, you all show your strength. These little scumbags will not trouble you. To deal with them, it is a crushing attack."

Lei Gu, an old captain, was shocked when he heard Sato Kaede's words and saw so many people dared to follow him on the adventure. He blushed and shouted to the nearby sailors.

A group of sailors on the cruise ship have followed Lei Gu for many years, and they are basically old sailors. Now that they heard his order, they responded one after another, and then followed Lei Gu to command their elves to clear the obstacles for Sato Kaede and others .

Some sailors were also full of enthusiasm at this time, and they also brought their elves to follow Sato Kaede to charge the ghost ship.

With the help of Lei Gu, a powerful trainer, and a group of old sailors, the way forward for Kaede Sato and others was finally opened. However, the ghost ship has always kept a certain distance from the cruise ship, and it must go into the sea if it wants to get close.

Faced with such difficulties, Sato Kaede did not hesitate at all, he took the lead, and he directly jumped into the sea with the stinging jellyfish, lamp monster and big tongue shell.

When the others saw Sato Kaede's bravery, they also gritted their teeth, their hearts froze, and then they released their water elves, and then jumped into the sea as well.

This time, a total of 30 trainers followed Sato Kaede to charge the ghost ship, and some of them were usually sailors. They had a large number of water-type elves in their hands, including 25 stinging jellyfish.

Therefore, Sato Kaede and others have no problem at all in terms of walking on the sea.

Under the command of Sato Kaede, the sailors let their sting jellyfish use the mirror attribute on the sting jellyfish that Sato Kaede had transformed into a normal sting jellyfish at this time, so that their sting jellyfish also temporarily changed their own attributes For the general department.

It is precisely because of this that under the protection of these stinging jellyfish, Sato Kaede and others were not immediately killed by a large number of ghost-type moves of a large number of ghost-type elves coming out of the ghost ship.

Of course, many wild ghost elves don't only know ghost moves, they also use other moves.

Under the command of some wild ghost-type elves with extremely high IQ ratios and strong strength, Kaede Sato and others finally suffered casualties. Five trainers were killed by a large number of ghost-type elves before they successfully approached the ghost ship. The moves were sunk like the sea.

This mission is a race against time, and soon, Sato Kaede and others quickly approached the ghost ship with the method of diving with the stinging jellyfish by breaking it into pieces.

Finally, after sacrificing 10 people, Kaede Sato and 20 other trainers finally managed to get close to the ghost ship.

The whole ghost ship was already in tatters, but Sato Kaede discovered through mental power detection that many of the holes in the ghost ship were tightly blocked by some dark green sea belts emitting black light. Let the ghost ship appear and sink.

According to the plan Sato Kaede said before they left, as soon as Sato Kaede and others approached the ghost ship, they immediately released and directed their own fire elves and elves who could dissolve liquid to attack the ghost ship.

After a while, the ghost ship started to catch fire, and the fire was very strong. At the same time, under the attack of the solution moves of the poisonous elves such as the stinger jellyfish, a large number of holes appeared on the ghost ship again, and many dark green kelp were also destroyed. The solution is dissolved.

For a time, the entire ghost ship began to dismember and sink, and a large number of decayed planks fell from the ghost ship.

At the same time, after the ghost ship was severely damaged, whether it was the wild ghost-type elves in the ghost ship or the wild ghost-type elves on the cruise ship who were fighting fiercely with the trainer, they all seemed to be male creatures who had been hit to the point , The fighting power suddenly dropped sharply.

Seeing this situation, the trainers left on the cruise quickly seized the opportunity to kill the enemies in front of them, and Kaede Sato and others quickly commanded the stinging jellyfish under them to dive into the water with them, and then rushed to Headed in the direction of the cruise ship.

"Well, what is that thing? A treasure chest!"

"Lamp monster, catch the small box in the water that just fell from the ghost ship."

Before leaving, Kaede Sato, who had been releasing his mental power to detect the surrounding environment, suddenly found a simple and simple box pulled out from the bottom of the ghost ship, and he immediately directed the lamp monster around him to bring it over through telepathy.

Afterwards, he didn't have time to see what was in the box. He continued to direct the stinger jellyfish, lamp monster and big tongue shell to protect him and rush towards the cruise ship.

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