159 Others play bows and arrows for money, but anchors play bows and arrows for death!

Come to the backyard,

Chen Tian watered the spirit fruit tree and the spirit tea tree with special spiritual water, as for the other plants in the backyard, he hadn't taken care of them for a long time, and they were all taken care of by the little white rabbit.

After watering the spiritual water, Chen Tian checked the growth of plants in the backyard and walked towards the century-old wild ginseng.

Sensing that Chen Tian came over, the hundred-year-old wild ginseng consciously contributed to the 3 ginseng roots.

Chen Tian nodded with satisfaction.

Now he refines ginseng medicine for his grandparents every day, and then secretly puts it in their teapots.

And my grandparents are nourished by ginseng medicine every day, and their spirit is obviously much better, and even their wrinkles have expanded a lot.

"Keep one for the old tortoise. "

The three human roots collected this time, in addition to two for grandparents, Chen Tian planned to leave one for the old tortoise.

Although turtles live a long life, it is rare for them to live to 100 years old.

Chen Tian worries that the old tortoise may die one day, after all, it is 180 years old, four years older than the longest known turtle......

Therefore, Chen Tian plans to leave a ginseng root to save its life, anyway, the yield of ginseng root is very high now, and there can be a yield of 3 roots every day, so you don't have to worry about using it.

After returning to the front yard to feed the old tortoise ginseng medicine, it was already late, and the lights in the room of the little Chinese medicine doctor and little Ida had already been extinguished.

Chen Tian also yawned and went back to the house to rest.


Early the next morning.

The roosters in the village began to croak dutifully, and then the sound of pots and pans began to be heard in the village.

A new day begins.

When the sky was bright, Chen Tian also stretched his waist, and when he got up from the fresh air he smelled in the morning, he suddenly felt refreshed and full of energy.

A carp got up, Chen Tian put on his clothes and came to the courtyard, and saw a beautiful figure.

Little Ida is wearing sports super shorts, a small vest on her upper body, revealing snow-white arms and slender long legs, and her model-like figure is very eye-catching.

At this time, she was rinsing her mouth in the yard with Chen Tian on her back, and her slightly upturned little buttocks shook with the brushing action.

"Ah, Chen, good morning. Xiao Ida saw Chen Tian come out and bite his toothbrush while smiling and turning back to say hello.

"Morning, little Ida, you woke up pretty early. Chen Tian smiled and nodded, and also took a toothbrush and a cup to brush his teeth and wash his teeth on the side.


"Chen, can I borrow your knife and bamboo basket?"

After washing, little Ida came to Chen Tian with a smile on her face, leaned forward slightly, and said politely.

"What do you want a knife and a bamboo basket for?"

"I'd like to dig some grass for Alex. "

Chen Tian was stunned for a moment, "Ya pear?" "

"It's Ari, not Yali, that's the name I gave to the old tortoise. Little Date waved her hand to correct Chen Tian's pronunciation.

"Well, it's an old tortoise, you can dig grass for it, the sickle and the bamboo basket are in the utility room. "

Chen Tian shook his head helplessly,

It is estimated that the old tortoise will not accept it......

"Thank you Chen, you're so nice!" Little Date leaned forward with a smile and suddenly kissed Chen Tian on the cheek!


A sudden fragrant kiss made Chen Tian a little stunned,

When he turned back, Little Date had already run to the utility room, took a sickle and bamboo basket and walked out of the courtyard door.

"Tsk, foreign girls are open, and they kiss when they say they are pro. "

Chen Tian touched his cheeks, smiled, didn't care, went back to the room, took a simple wooden bow, and prepared to practice archery.

After setting the target, Chen Tian also released the drone and opened the live broadcast room.

"Anchor, good morning!"

"Anchor early, my little Date beauty, I want to watch Little Ida!"

"What's yours, it's mine!"

"Tsk, don't say it, you two fight, and if you win, you can take a look at my wife. "

"What's the noise, little Date is everyone's. "


As soon as the broadcast started, the barrage was very lively, and many people in the live broadcast room were waiting to see Little Date early in the morning.

There are exotic beauties here, and Chen Tian found that these guys' enthusiasm for watching his live broadcast was obviously much higher, and they squatted early in the morning to wait.

"Morning guys, little Date is out and will come back later, so you can only honestly watch me practice archery. "

Chen Tian smiled unscrupulously, and then opened his bow and arrows to prepare to start his daily off-target practice.



Seeing that Chen Tian took out the bow and arrow again, the big yellow squirrel went to the backyard with a whin, not daring to stay in the front yard at all.

Even the little Chinese medicine doctor who had just gotten up to set up Tai Chi for the elderly hurriedly closed the door.

The outside world was too dangerous, and he thought it would be better for him to go back to sleep......

"Tsk, the anchor's archery skills are still so spicy. "

"Anchor, please stop playing with bows and arrows, it's too embarrassing......"

"can shoot dozens of meters off the bull's-eye, and you are the first person to be the anchor. "

"I trembled through the screen, for fear that a crooked arrow from the anchor would shoot me. "

"Others play bows and arrows to collect money, and the anchor finishes bows and arrows to collect life, and randomly charges a lucky onlooker dog life~..."


When Chen Tian practiced his bow and arrow today, he was still off target.

However, Chen Tian is not in a hurry, as long as the skill chance is triggered, he can say goodbye to this kind of day of using bows and arrows as burning sticks.

Therefore, even though the archery technique is a little spicy, he still insists on practicing.

After practicing for more than half an hour, Chen Tian saw sweat on his forehead and his arm was sore, so he stopped shooting.

As soon as Chen Tian stopped, he saw the little Chinese medicine doctor coming out of the room, the little squirrel and rhubarb also poked their heads out of the house, and Xiao Ida was holding a sickle at the entrance of the courtyard and looking around in front of him.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that Chen Tian had stopped shooting arrows that everyone dared to walk into the courtyard.

"Hey, you're back so soon, and you've cut so much?"

Chen Tian looked back and said that the bamboo basket on Xiao Yida's back was full of grass and a little surprised, she had only been out for half an hour, and the grass in the bamboo was full, and it was very tightly stuffed, and the amount of grass was obviously a lot.

This mowing efficiency is okay!

"Hee-hee, I have uncles mowing the grass for me. "

Little Ida said with a smile on her face, she had just gone to the meadow, and the villagers around the meadow were eager to help her mow the grass when they saw it, and they didn't let her go to the field, saying that such a beautiful girl was not suitable for farm work.

So, little Date stood the whole time, and within a few minutes, the grass in the bamboo tower was full, and it was all cut with the help of the village uncles......

"Tsk, good looks are good, and you can eat them everywhere. Chen Tian shook his head.

"Hee-hee, the uncles are very hospitable. Little Date laughed.

"Well, yes. "

Chen Tian nodded noncommittally, and silently added in his heart that they were not only hospitable to people, but also very hospitable to beauties......


"I'm not going out today, but yesterday I dug up an ancient sunken wood, and I plan to cut it into furniture. "

After breakfast, Chen Tian walked to the backyard and said to the audience in the live broadcast room.

In the backyard, there is still a ten-meter-long ancient sunken wood, and Chen Tian plans to make it into a handy piece of furniture today, striving to raise the junior carpenter to a higher level.

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