On the way back, Li Xinran told Luo Chen that she felt the curse was lifted, but she couldn't explain why.

After she burned papers with her classmates, she went back to the dormitory and had a dream. She dreamed that she was answering questions, which was the same experience as Luo Chen and Zhuomeng. However, Li Xinran thought it was because the exams were stressful at that time, so she was still taking exams in the dream. , didn’t take it seriously.

In fact, that dream was the beginning of the curse.

Zhuo Meng was even more curious about whether Li Xinran and his classmates really passed the grudge and obtained exam results.

"Do you believe in this equivalent exchange?"

"They both got the grades and were cursed. Maybe some people are willing to accept it."

Luo Chen smiled and said, "Their test scores were achieved by themselves without any help at all, but they did provoke the resentful ghost and were cursed."

Zhuo Meng asked: "In your profession, don't you have a way to change your life? Many people believe in you because they just want to change your life."

"Those are two different things. What we can do is seek good fortune and avoid disaster, help the client avoid things that are not good for him, choose things that are good for him, and directly change his destiny. That is not something ordinary people can do..."

After saying that, Luo Chen was stunned for a moment. There was indeed a way to change one's destiny. Master said that there were very few people who knew this method and were called destiny changers.

But no one knows what will happen after changing the destiny. It is like the butterfly effect and may disrupt that person's life, which is not a good thing.

In the afternoon, the three returned to the university town.

Luo Chen returned to the rental house to rest, and his WeChat message started ringing immediately. He opened it and took a look. It was Yun Duo who had just created a group chat for three people, and Xiaobei was complaining in the group.

"Let me just say that there is something wrong with my love luck. Now I can't clear it up."

Yun Duo made a gloating expression, "Gao Haifan is sure to defeat you. If you can't beat him, then join him."

"Is he sick? I have so many female fans. Why do you want to spread rumors about my affair? Is it any good to him?"

"If you want to blame me, it's because you are too charming. He would rather lose followers than fall in love with you."

"Is he worthy?"

Luo Chen saw the lively chat between the two and didn't want to join in. Xiaobei and Yunduo took turns chatting with him. Xiaobei asked him: "Don't you know mysticism? Is there any way to change the fortune? Help me delete the peach blossom luck on my body." Lose."

Yun Duo suddenly said, "I heard that Gao Haifan became a big internet celebrity after he hired an expert to change his fortune."

This sentence aroused Luo Chen's interest, "Where did you hear about it?"

"The Internet celebrity company he signed with was run by a friend of my father's, so I heard a little bit about it, but it may not be true."

If it were true, there would have been a lot of people queuing up. There shouldn't be too many people in the world who want to change their lives.

Yun Duo treated it as a casual chat, but Luo Chen replied seriously: "Actually, the real change of fortune is an exchange of equal value. If you want to increase one kind of fortune, you must weaken the other aspect of your fortune."

"If that's the case, many people would still be willing to accept it."

"But no one knows what the weakened fortune is. It's random. It may shorten your lifespan. It may make you lose arms and legs and become disabled."

After saying this, Xiaobei took it seriously. She asked: "If Gao Haifan was the person who changed his life, what price did he pay? I see that he lived a glorious life, with countless female fans and wealthy women. He would have earned wealth and freedom long ago. , I didn’t leave school, just because I wanted to date girls in the normal school.”

The three of them seemed a little serious and curious.

Yun Duo suggested that since Xiaobei was entangled by Gao Haifan and they wanted to find a way to solve it, they might as well take this opportunity to quietly investigate whether Gao Haifan had really changed his life. If so, let Luo Chen take action to save his good fortune. All dispersed.

"How can I do that?"

"What, don't you want to help Xiaobei?"

After saying that, Yun Duo posted several photos of Xiaobei in the group. Luo Chen almost had a nosebleed when he saw them. Why were they photos of swimsuits...

You sneak attack on a young man of mine, you have no martial ethics.

"I help!"

Xiaobei has a figure that she trained in dancing, and her curves are in the golden ratio. Under her bikini swimsuit, all her big muscles are on display.

Luo Chen used his single hand speed and clicked to save it in one go. By the time Xiaobei shouted to withdraw, the photo had already entered Luo Chen's mobile phone album.

"Stinky Yunduo, isn't this a photo of the last time we went to the beach? You secretly took a photo of me."

"I don't just have these photos, Luo Chen, if you take care of things, I'll give you more. Do you want to see Xiaobei's cosplay?"

Luo Chen was stunned, "Huh? There is also a second dimension?"

In order to fight back, Xiaobei also sent various photos of Yunduo. The two beauties actually competed with each other's photos. Luo Chenke was so busy that he couldn't stop saving them.

At night, Luo Chen ordered takeout and had a delicious dinner. He was still thinking about the fight in the afternoon. He was lucky enough to see the figures of the two goddesses. Of course, Xiaobei didn't need to say more, and Yunduo's figure was no different. Duorang, her innocent and beautiful girl style seems to be more likely to make straight men fantasize.

In the live broadcast room, viewers came one after another, chatting with Luo Chen while watching him eat dinner. They felt that although Luo Chen was live broadcasting metaphysics, he was very down-to-earth and didn't seem to be talking too much.

Some people teased him that his dinner was too shabby. Luo Chen told them that this was a takeaway in the university town. In terms of price and taste, it was probably the best deal in the city.

A fan who works after graduation said that only after graduation did he realize that the most cost-effective meal in life is in college.

When Luo Chen heard this, he ate even more deliciously.

Although it is a metaphysics live broadcast, it is not possible to do something for everyone every night. After all, there are still a few weird things. In addition to Luo Chen answering questions about some people's birthdays and horoscopes, the live broadcast room gradually turned into chatting and sharing weird things. The place has become a comprehensive bedtime story channel.

A fan said that when he was a child, he saw a fish larger than a human in the river in his hometown. He told the adults, but the adults didn't believe it. He is still not sure whether what he saw when he was a child was real.

Some people also say that he once got drunk in the middle of the night. On his way home drunk, he saw a few children playing shuttlecock, but it was midnight at that time. No parent would let their children come out to play at midnight. Moreover, it was winter, and several children were playing shuttlecock. The children are all wearing summer clothes. After he sobered up, he dismissed the incident as a drunken delusion.

"What you are talking about was seen by one person. It is most likely an illusion, but what happened in my hometown was seen by many people together."

Luo Chen clicked on the voice chat and said, "Let me tell everyone."

"Have you ever seen a toad as big as a basin?"

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