Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 103 G'huun's Whispers

Zuldazar is separated from Nazmir by a wide river that flows into the sea.

In order to defend against those crazy blood trolls, the Zandalari built a camp called Zul'gar at the junction of the two places, where a large number of elite Zandalari soldiers were stationed.

The pterodactyl knight was still circling and overlooking at a high altitude, trying to find out the intruders who dared to break into Dazar'alor and commit murder.

Thinking of all the weird legends of Nazmir, these flying knights dare not cross the border at will.

Blindly running away made Sharlayan feel very aggrieved, this sneaky style of action was not in line with his character.

But considering that the purpose of Alfa's test is likely to be related to his mother Inas, Sharlayan could only suppress his inner irritability and continue to travel through the lush tropical jungles of the Zandalar Islands.

Across the Zurga River, Sharlayan officially entered Nazmir, where the climate and scenery are very different from the beautiful Zuldazar region.

Nazmir is a swampy area, as rich in moisture as the wetlands Sharlayan once visited.

The towering trees blocked a lot of sunlight, coupled with the mist that often permeated the entire swamp, even in broad daylight, Nazmir's visibility was very limited.

According to the information provided by the barrage, Nazmir was once the origin of the race of trolls.

Due to a sudden blood plague, a large number of trolls died of disease.

But to the horror of the trolls, the corpses of their loved ones buried in the soil broke out of the ground shortly afterwards. This zombie attacked all the living people frantically, and anyone who was scratched by them would be quickly assimilated.

The early capital of the trolls, Zul Nazman, fell completely under the erosion of the blood plague, and most of the surviving trolls moved southward under the leadership of a Nazmani named Dasa.

Dasa is the first king of the Zandalari Empire. It was he who signed the contract with Rezan, the devil dragon god, and with the help of many loa, he fought his way out, and finally established a majestic new king in the Zuldazar area. Capital - Dazar'alor.

And those trolls corrupted by the blood plague continued to stay in Nazmir, and gradually evolved into the current blood trolls.

Unlike the Zandalari trolls, who vigorously develop magic and technology, the blood trolls still retain their primitive matrilineal social customs.

They don't have any technological means, and only rely on their weird blood magic to make the Zandalari dare not easily invade.

The Zandalari kings of all ages have always wanted to recover Nazmir, the place where the trolls originated, but they have not been able to do so due to various reasons.

As soon as he stepped into the border of Nazmir, Sharlayan immediately felt that something was wrong. Something invisible and intangible was gently scratching his soul, and incomprehensible whispers began to echo in his ears.

Sharlayan: "What the hell is this?"

[The whispers of the ancient gods, don't try to interpret the content of these words, the more you understand, the greater the possibility of being corrupted by the ancient gods. 】

"Ancient God..."

Sharlayan's leopard showed a serious and humane expression: "No wonder the powerful Zandalari Empire has not been able to regain Nazmir at its doorstep. It turns out that there is such a secret behind it."

After being nurtured by the barrage, Sharlayan already had a deeper understanding of the existence of the Old Gods.

Simply put, the Old Gods are the parasite of Azeroth, the cancer of the planet.

Because their tentacles are buried deep in the earth, in a way that they live in symbiosis with the planet, the Old Gods are very difficult to kill.

Even if he is fatally injured, the ancient god can hide in the depths of the earth and recover gradually.

The only way to kill them is to sever the link between the Old God and the planet.

It is rumored that the father of the gods, the titan Aman'Thul, once tried to forcibly pull Y'Shaarj, the most powerful demon with a thousand heads among the ancient gods of Azeroth, out of the ground.

Although Aman'Thul successfully killed Y'Shaarj, it also caused great damage to Azeroth, and the essence of the planet spewed out from the wound.

With the joint cooperation of the Titans, the wound caused by pulling Y'Shaarj was healed, but it left a scar full of energy from the planet's essence-the Well of Eternity.

The Old Gods of Nazmir are not true native Old Gods.

In order to gain a deeper understanding of the ancient gods, a parasitic creature on the void side, the Titans established a laboratory named Odir in Nazmir in ancient times, studied the structure of the ancient gods in depth, and simulated a man-made ancient god.

They hope that the guardians of Azeroth they left behind can understand the weaknesses of the ancient gods through this experimental individual named G'huun, so that they can deal with the remnants of the dark empire more targetedly.

The idea of ​​the Titans is good. If they continue to study, sooner or later they will be able to solve the problem of the symbiosis between the ancient gods and the planet.

But unforeseen circumstances, the originally thriving Pantheon was suddenly taken over by the bronze titan Sargeras who betrayed his compatriots.

All the titans were slain by Sargeras, only the souls escaped under the protection of Norgannon.

Without the constraints of the Titans, the Guardians dare not restart Uldir at will.

They built three pyramids to seal the entire laboratory, and left many spirits of nature to assist in guarding.

These natural spirits are the many loa on the Zandalar Islands today, and the three pyramids are scattered in the three main areas of the Zandalar Islands.

Nazwasa, the first seal, was located in Nazmir, and it was breached by the blood trolls many years ago and ceased to operate.

The second seal, Atu Aman, was built in the middle of the tropical jungle in the west of Nazmir, which was called Wharton by the local aborigines, and was guarded by the snake god Setaris.

Thousands of years ago, a servant of the ancient god N'Zoth landed on the Zandalar Islands, trying to corrupt the Zandalar trolls and make them serve their masters.

But before this hapless guy could start his own plan, Odir's defense mechanism was triggered, and a large number of titan creations poured out of the pyramid.

The mighty titan-forged tore the servant of the Old God to pieces, preserving its remains in the archives of Uldir.

Although the hapless Herald died before his start, N'Zoth discovered important clues through his tragic experience.

Artificial Old God, G'huun

He sent one of the few Xeraki under his command to try to release G'huun, who was sealed in Odir by the Titan Guardian, so as to completely corrupt the Zandalari trolls and bring Azeroth back to life. Come more suffering.

Contrary to N'Zoth's expectations, G'huun took control of Xeraki named Mythrax, and he sincerely recognized G'huun as his new master.

In order to release his master G'huun from Uldir, Mythrax led his men deep into the Wodun jungle, trying to destroy the second seal, Atul'Aman.

The snake god Sethralis fought a protracted battle with Mythrax, but unfortunately he was powerless in the end, and he was no match for Xelaki.

Before dying, Sethralis, who was seriously injured, detonated the power of the Titans contained in the Pyramid of Atu Aman, and died together with Mythrax.

The out-of-control force that erupted swept across the entire Wharton, turning this lush tropical jungle into a lifeless desert, and the second seal was broken.

Today, among the three sealed pyramids, only the third seal, Zuldazar, is still operating normally.

And this pyramid is located at the highest point of Dazar'alor, the capital city of Zandalari, and is carefully guarded as a holy place of Zandalari.

The double seal was broken, and G'huun, who had been greatly loosened, could already affect reality to a certain extent, which was why Sharlayan could hear whispers after entering Nazmir.

"This place is too dangerous."

Sharlayan shook his head, forcing himself to ignore the whispers of the charming mind.

"Complete the test as soon as possible and leave here, I don't want to be brainwashed by the ancient gods."

"Aha~ Mortal, I found you!"

Just when Sharlayan lost his mind a little, a sharp voice came from the jungle beside him.


Subconsciously jumping back a few meters, Salayan lowered his body and bared his fangs, looking vigilantly at the place where the sound came from.


A petite red dinosaur jumped out of the forest, tilted its head and looked curiously at Sharlayan, who was full of vigilance.

"Are you the mortal that Bwonsamdi fancy? Hmm... Interesting, you have such a strong vitality even though you are a mortal."

The red slender jaw dragon, which is only half the height of a person, raised its head proudly: "Mortal, the great Mr. Gani will give you a chance to change your ways."

"Give up on Bwonsamdi and believe in me instead. Lord Ghani can let the past go and forgive your crimes."

'Gani? '

Sharlayan's eyes showed surprise, but his body slowly backed away.

"Sorry, I have always believed only in myself, and I will not offer my faith to any existence, including Bwonsamdi."


Taking advantage of the stunned look on Gani's dragon face, Sharlayan seized the opportunity to eject and start, and disappeared into the dense jungle after a few vertical leaps.

"Hey~" Ghani looked thoughtfully at Sarlayan's disappearing back: "Don't believe in Bwonsamdi? That would be more interesting."

"That guy who doesn't see rabbits and doesn't scatter eagles, why did he not hesitate to offend Rezan to help you?"

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