Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 422 Inas: What are you talking about?

Before the rise of the night elves, trolls were once the overlords of the mortal world of Azeroth.

They ruled most of ancient Kalimdor, and even the mighty Yaqir Empire was defeated by the Troll Empire in its heyday.

In its heyday, the troll empire respected the Zandalar clan as its suzerain, and built a majestic mountain city around the holy mountain Zu Dasa, named Dazara.

The name comes from the first troll lord, Daza, who was also the first troll lord to enter into a pact with the Devilsaur Loalezan.

Since then, the loa worshiped by the Zandalari have been known as the loa of kings and are worshiped by all Zandalari trolls.

However, based on Sharlayan's knowledge of trolls, they have a very flexible understanding of the word "pious".

Belief in loa is piety, and plundering the power of loa for his own use is also out of piety. This is the strange way of thinking of trolls.

In addition to the suzerain Zandalar, the troll empire also has many subordinate clans.

After countless years of fighting each other, the three most powerful clans emerged.

These three clans are the Amani, Drakkari, and Gurubashi, representing the Forest Trolls, Frost Trolls, and Jungle Trolls respectively.

The forest trolls headed by the Amani clan have been in a slump since the troll war, and now even their hometown has been breached by the high elves. The remaining Amani trolls can only be exiled to Zumashar, the territory of the Moss clan, to survive.

The leader of the jungle trolls, the Gurubashi clan once occupied a large jungle area in the south of ancient Kalimdor.

In ancient times, the prosperous troll empire once formed an alliance with another powerful empire.

This empire is the Mogu Empire established by the Mogu in Pandaria, led by the mighty Thunder God.

Sharlayan had heard about Thor's deeds from the barrage a long time ago.

It is said that the mogu emperor forcibly took the power of the guardian from the demoralized and decadent Grand Guardian Ra-den.

With this mighty power from the Guardians of the Titans, Lei Shen quickly united the many mogu clans who fought against each other, and established a unified mogu empire for the first time.

In the long battle, Thor, who has been invincible all over the world, gradually swelled.

He wants to get involved in more titan authority and further expand its strength and influence.

Thor set his sights on the Forge of Origination located in the southern part of ancient Kalimdor.

The tol'vir who guards the furnace of origin is also a titan creation, and is ordered by Raiden to guard the furnace of origin.

Thor couldn't get Raiden's certification authority, and Tovir would naturally not let him pass.

The angry Lei Shen led the army to go out and beat the tol'vir back steadily.

In order to prevent the Forge of Origin from falling into the wrong hands, the dedicated Tol'vir activated the Forge of Origin in desperation.

Including Thor himself, all the mogu army and Zandalari reinforcements on the expedition to Uldum died suddenly on the spot under the impact of the huge energy released by the furnace of origin.

Uldum, where the Furnace of Origin is located, was originally a tropical rainforest full of vitality. Under the power of the Furnace of Origin to reshape the world, the entire jungle instantly turned into a barren desert, and even destroyed Tanari near Uldum. Silithus and Silithus.

The Tanaris Jungle is also the territory of the Gurubashi trolls. After the brutal desertification, some of the Gurubashi trolls who stayed there gradually adapted to the desert environment.

After the Cataclysm, Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdom were completely separated, and the trolls of Tanaris were cut off from the Gurubashi clan, forming a brand new clan of trolls, commonly known as the Sandfury clan.

Frost trolls are led by the Drakkari clan, and they have lived in the icy Northrend all year round since Kalimdor was not divided.

As early as before the Empire of the Night disintegrated, Sandara located in the Moonsong Forest had conflicts with Zul'Drak next door.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with rubbing, it's just that the Highborne in their heyday rubbed the Drakkari troll on the ground.

With the infinite energy supplied by the Well of Eternity, except for the territories of giant dragons, wilderness demigods and titan guardians, the Dark Night Empire, whose magic civilization is extremely developed, can flatten the entire continent.

After finally waiting for the Dark Night Empire to collapse and Sandara to perish, the Drakkari trolls finally ushered in a golden period of development.

It is the nature of trolls to be warlike. Without the threat of the highborne from Sandara, they began to tentatively invade the Grizzly Bear Hills in the south, and had bloody conflicts with the local indigenous race, the furbolgs.

The furbolg is the family of the giant bear demigod Ursoc and the brothers Ursol, and one of the traditional allies of the night elves.

After the demigods they worshiped fell in the War of the Ancients, the furbolgs did not fall for themselves like the quilboar.

The peace-loving furbolgs still maintain an optimistic attitude to live their every day, and they never think about expanding their territories.

During the time when the world tree Andashir was polluted, some furbolgs were polluted by the crazy power of the ancient gods, and fought with each other.

But as Andashir was cut down, the affected furbolgs returned to normal and continued to live peacefully in the peaceful and peaceful Grizzly Bear Hills.

The invasion of the Drakkari trolls broke the original peaceful life of the furbolgs.

Based on the Dak'Saron Fortress built at the junction of the two places, the Drakkari trolls began to gradually encroach on the territory that originally belonged to the furbolgs.

The valiant frost trolls even advanced to the northeast and northwest of the furbolg capital Greythroat, and the two frontline camps of Zabukharak and Dakirkin attempted to encircle Greythroat in the center.

But the furbolgs are not vegetarians either. Under their fierce counterattack, the Dakirjin camp on the northeast coast was breached, and only Zabkharak in front of the Daksaron Fortress barely survived.

If the high elves want to gain a firm foothold in Crystalsong Forest, furbolgs are undoubtedly a worthy ally.

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Due to the grievances between the night elves and the trolls thousands of years ago, the trolls of all clans are very hostile to the elves, and there is no possibility of friendly relations.

Since they are bound to be hostile, Sharlayan will of course have to make corresponding plans before the official start of operations.

Sharlayan intends to win over the grizzly-throated furbolg, who also has a grudge against the Drakkari trolls. The two sides form a two-pronged situation, attacking the Drakkari trolls from the east and south respectively.

As the center of the entire Northrend continent, the crystalsong forest extending in all directions is a proper place for the Four Wars.

The south is close to Dragonbone Wilderness, and there are connections with Sharlayan, Stellagosa, and Inas, so there is no need to worry that the giant dragon will be unfavorable to the high elves who have taken root in Crystalsong Forest.

On the western cliff is the Icecrown Glacier. Before Ner'zhul came, this extremely cold glacier was only inhabited by a small number of Vrykul, and it will not pose a threat to Crystalsong Forest for the time being.

The storm cliffs in the north are one of the areas that need to be focused on. No one can say whether Loken's steel army will have evil intentions against the neighbors who moved here suddenly.

In the worst case, the pioneer team of Crystalsong Forest may also face the enemy's two sides. As the initiator of the plan, Sharlayan must make corresponding preparations in advance.

If Sharlayan can gain a firm foothold in Crystalsong Forest, Sharlayan also plans to take advantage of the trend to occupy Wintergrasp, which has a lot of minerals and polar herbs.

Going a step further, Sharlayan will even try to enter the Sholazar Basin, in order to test the reaction of the guardian of life, Freya, to see if she has been controlled by Yogg-Saron.

But these are things for later, right now we should first consider how to gain a foothold in the crisis-ridden Crystalsong Forest.

He explained his next plan in detail with Inas, Stellagosa and Tinagosa, and all three of them looked at him with confused expressions.


Inas shook her head dumbfoundingly: "I didn't realize that you have such a strong strategic vision before. Quel'Thalas really found a treasure."

Although Inas was also the owner of the system before, the same system played a completely different role in her hands than in Sharlayan's hands.

For Inas, the system is an encyclopedia from another world, from which she can learn a lot of useful knowledge for research.

Therefore, Inas is considered a professional researcher, and her strategic thinking is no better than ordinary people.

Not to mention Stellagosa and Tinagosa, the two sisters could understand every word of Sharlayan's words, but they were confused when they connected them.

Sharlayan smiled helplessly: "Forget it, let me sum it up."

"Conquer Crystalsong Forest, win over Grizzlymaw, carefully guard against enemies from Storm Peaks and Zul'Drak, and expand further in Northrend after gaining a firm foothold, it's that simple."

After finally getting the three of them to understand his intentions, Sharlayan looked out the window with a slight frown.

"By the way... what are father and uncle doing, and Valeera who went to call someone, why hasn't she come back for so long?"

Inas narrowed her eyes slightly, and asked vigilantly, "Could it be that Backlight Blade has obtained some important information and is working overtime to analyze it?"

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