Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 548: The Dark Night Republic on the Right Track

The historical conflict between the night elves and the high elves could not be eliminated in a short period of time, but the relationship between some high-level officials of the two races is quite close.

It was not the first time for Sharlayan to cooperate with Malfurion, and he knew his character and character very well.

Malfurion is low-key and humble, not like his old girlfriend who is rich and power-hungry, nor is he as hot-tempered as Maiev, nor is he paranoid like his younger brother Illidan.

The members of the Council of Night each have their own personality flaws, but Malfurion is the only one who knows the golden mean and can balance and coordinate different opinions from all sides.

Also, that doesn't mean Malfurion is a bad-tempered dough man.

Once he encounters a situation that requires him to stand up, he will not hesitate to take the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

The War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago is a stark example.

Perhaps in the eyes of impulsive and extreme people like Illidan, Malfurion's character is too meek, but Sharlayan believes that this is the maturity and prudence that a race leader should have.

If the night elves really made rapid progress like Illidan, they might all become demon hunters in a short time.

What is a Demon Hunter?

This term has appeared in the barrage of conversations many times, and Sharlayan's ears are almost full of cocoons.

It is true that the demon hunter is "handsome" in the eyes of many people.

But handsome can't be eaten as a meal.

Sharlayan has always considered himself a pragmatist.

If you want to become a demon hunter, you must first learn to control and decipher the power used by demons-fel energy.

As we all know, evil energy is the representative power of the chaotic side, and it requires an extremely tenacious will to perfectly control evil energy.

Not everyone can always stick to their original intentions like Illidan. According to the information provided by the barrage, it is not too common for demon hunters to be corrupted by evil energy and degenerate.

What kind of harm will the abuse of evil energy cause to one's home planet? Just look at Draenor.

Through barrage reminders from time to time, Sharlayan has long known that Illidan is a powerful combat force that can be used, and his ultimate goal is to protect Azeroth and his beloved priestess.

But this paranoid man who would rather bend than bend is an out-and-out double-edged sword, and if he doesn't use it well, he will hurt himself.

【Zera likes you. 】

[Turalyon: What the hell did you do! 】

[Velen: Calm down, don't waste it, throw the corpse into the furnace. 】

【Grass! In this way, Velen is also a pragmatist. 】

"Speaking of Velen..."

Sharlayan's heart skipped a beat.

Since the draenei came to Azeroth and moved to Azuremyst Isle, their technicians and scholars have been exchanging academic and engineering skills with the high elves' mages and engineers.

Delaney has experienced too many hardships during the tens of thousands of years of wandering.

After finally coming to a relatively peaceful world, they have been slumbering and recovering for the past few years, and have not participated in any disputes within Azeroth.

At the beginning, the human country headed by Lordaeron still upholds xenophobic psychology, worrying that this group of aliens will cause trouble secretly.

Time has proved the virtue of the Draenei. The Draenei who have gone through countless hardships have long become Buddhists. They cherish this rare peaceful time very much. They are not the kind of race that likes to jump up and down and mess around.

As the spiritual leader of the Draenei, Velen usually does not participate in the actual affairs of the clan, and at most gives some suggestions on the general direction.

As mentioned in Kael'thas' letters, the prophet Velen and the retired old king of Quel'Thalas, Anasteria, maintain a good relationship. The two often communicate with each other through the permanent portal connected to each other. visit.

‘In the future, if you have time, you can go to Azuremyst Island to see how the new home of the Draenei is being built. '

Sharlayan didn't explicitly tell Malfurion what he had gained, and the archdruid knew it well and didn't ask further.

Just as Sharlayan knew Malfurion, after many cooperations, Malfurion also got to know the Earl of Deep Shadow who had risen so fast. He knew that Sharlayan was not a braggart.

Since Sharlayan's aboveboard guarantee can suppress Freya's authority and avoid the worries of occupying the Sholazar Basin, Malfurion is willing to believe him.

The facts are indeed as Sharlayan said.

As the Grand Guardian who commands all the titan guardians of Azeroth, Raiden's authority level is undoubtedly the highest.

Although Raiden obviously had reservations when granting Sharlayan permission, it only prevented him from using some devastating Titan equipment, and it was more than enough to suppress Freya's civilian authority.

Before Sarlayan planned to go to Un'Goro Crater, he not only wanted to inspect the oil field, but also planned to rewrite the authority of the Titan facilities in the crater area, and completely bring Un'Goro Crater under his control.

But turning around and thinking about it, Sharlayan temporarily dismissed this idea.

According to the information provided by the barrage, there are fixed portals between Sholazar Basin and Un'Goro Crater, which are also Freya's field laboratory.

Anyway, they have to go to Northrend in the future. Sharlayan intends to teleport directly from the Sholazar Basin to the crater, and it will not be too late to rewrite the permissions at that time.

After receiving Sharlayan's guarantee, Malfurion was obviously moved.

It's not that the night elves are not interested in Northrend's rich natural resources, otherwise Fandral would not have deliberately planted a World Tree in Grizzly Hills.

It's a pity that he messed up in the end and failed to establish a stable dream passage between Northrend and Mount Hyjal, so he could only cut Andashir down with tears.

In the following thousands of years, Malfurion had been busy suppressing the endless nightmare monsters in the dream world, and a large number of elite druids were also involved in the emerald dream, unable to march into Northrend.

It wasn't until Nightmare King Xavius ​​was wiped out and the Nightmare forces were uprooted that the druids were finally freed from their heavy responsibilities, and Malfurion was able to devote more energy to paying attention to family affairs.

After the Night Republic was formally established, Malfurion gradually straightened out the chaos in the country, and the night elves finally started to stride forward again.

No one would despise their own country's excessively rich resources.

The night elves who occupy more than half of Kalimdor do have a deep background, but this does not mean that they can rest on the credits of the past and not think about making progress.

Malfurion is not the original leader of someone who is addicted to food. He is very clear that there are still many threats hidden in Azeroth, and he dare not relax for a moment.

And Northrend happened to hide one of the uneasy factors, the ancient god Yogg-Saron.

Although Malfurion didn't know the whole purpose of Sharlayan's suggestion to Kael'thas to go to Northrend to expand the territory, he could probably guess that part of the purpose was to monitor the changes in the storm cliffs.

Malfurion was not stupid, but very wise.

As an old fritter who has lived for more than 10,000 years and is the head disciple of the forest demigod who maintains a cooperative relationship with the Dragon Clan, he has long been aware of the existence of the Titan Guardian, and is also quite concerned about Ulduar's abnormality.

Malfurion was also moved by Sharlayan's march into Northrend. He knew that Earl Deep Shadow was not a random person.

While Kul Tiras and Quel'Thalas battle the vrykul and trolls in eastern Northrend, the west, separated by Dragonblight, is peaceful.

Malfurion, who had been busy with internal affairs before, couldn't spare his hand. As the development of the Night Republic gradually got on the right track, Your Excellency the Speaker naturally turned his attention to the place where Azeroth is currently fighting the most intensely.



With both parties willing, Sharlayan successfully persuaded Malfurion.

A few days later, at the meeting of the Dark Night Council, he will formally put forward a decision-making proposal for marching into Northrend with the authority of the speaker, which will be voted on by the members of the council.

After agreeing to meet Malfurion in the Sholazar Basin, Sharlayan walked out of the gate in satisfaction, intending to join the three girls who were shopping in the city.


When he walked out of the council hall, Sharlayan happened to pass by an elderly man wearing a white priest's robe.

In the past, this kind elder would look at Inas's face and bow to him politely.

But this time it was different, the elder walked past Sharlayan without saying a word, with a sullen face, and walked towards Malfurion's office with windy strides.

Sharlayan: "... Menopause?"


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