Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 709 Medivh: I opened the door to release the orcs for Azeroth!

Azeroth is protected by planetary barriers arranged by the Titans. Even if the Burning Legion calculates the teleportation coordinates, it is useless. They can only stare at the barriers stupidly.

Before leaving, Medivh wrote down the coordinates of this planet, and looked through the information shared when he and Sargeras' soul shared the same body, and Medivh found the name of this planet.


Not allowing Medivh to think more, the large interstellar psychic ceremony pulled his soul into a wormhole.

Just a few minutes later, Medivh came out from the other end of this soul-only wormhole, and the beautiful Azeroth was already in sight.


When he automatically flew towards Azeroth with the pulling force, Medivh turned around and looked at the closed wormhole, resting his chin with one hand and fell into deep thought.

"The special space channel that only the soul form can pass through, who put it so close to Azeroth?"

"Shadow Realm?"

With Medivh's knowledge, he would naturally know the existence of the Shadow Realm.

The astral mage also roamed in the shadow world in the form of a soul, and met some members of the four major covenants who originally came from Azeroth.

The Shadow Realm, the world of the dead, corresponds to the entire universe, not just Azeroth, but the dead souls of the entire physical universe, the ultimate destination is the Shadow Realm.

"Forget it, I will study it in detail later."

Medivh shook his head, temporarily letting go of his whimsical guesses.

"Let's solve the hidden dangers cast by the Burning Legion in Azeroth first, I hope there is still time."


Maintaining the large interstellar psychic ceremony for a long time, the exhausted Sarean was sweating profusely, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted until the end.


A translucent soul virtual influence psychic appeared in the center of the magic circle.

As soon as he came back to his senses, he saw an unknown half-elf. Medivh looked up in a daze, and as expected, he saw his mother Aegwynn with an excited expression on the periphery of the magic circle.

The last time Medivh met Aegwynn was in Karazhan. At that time, the communication between the two was not harmonious. Medivh, who had been taken away by Sargeras, fought with Aegwynn.

At that time, Aegwynn had long lost the power of a guardian. Even with the help of a blue dragon friend, he was no match for the flourishing Medivh.

If Medivh's soul hadn't tried its best to prevent Sargeras from killing his mother at the last moment, the weak Aegwynn would not even have the chance to escape.

"Mother, and...Merry Dongfeng, right?"

Drifting in the universe for a long time, and finally returned to his hometown, Medivh's face lost the ferocity and arrogance he once had, and regained the gentleness and elegance he should have had.

"Long time no see, I'm back."


Aegwynn took a deep breath. Being strong, she didn't want others to see her weak side. She sniffed her nose and tried to control her emotions.

"Welcome back, son."


"So that's how it is."

After following Aegwynn, Sharlayan and others back into the hut, looking at his familiar and broken body, Medivh shook his head with a wry smile.

"Originally, I planned to forcibly get into my body, use arcane techniques to barely maintain my body's functioning, and leave again until the day when I complete the atonement, I didn't expect..."

"But that's fine."

Medivh sighed softly: "If I can have a restored body, I will have more time to complete the preliminary preparations, and let the Burning Legion fall again in Azeroth, just like it did ten thousand years ago .”

Medivh was a little surprised to learn that Sharlayan had known about the arrival of the Lich King for a long time, and had already prepared to deploy manpower to the Scourge.

Most of the prophets and prophets are lies. Medivh has traveled the star world for so many years, but he has never seen a few genuine prophets.

Moreover, even if there are real materials, the so-called prophets can only intercept some fragments of the future, and there is no guarantee whether these things will really happen.

After all, the future is not static, but any slight difference in choice will lead to a different path in the future.

Sharlayan's plan against the Scourge was quite a bit of a prophet's plan, and Medivh was very curious about the source of information for this young half-elf who was not yet 30 years old.

"I didn't expect that in the years I left, there would be a rising star like you with outstanding vision in Azeroth."

Without the influence of Sargeras, Medivh's demeanor is gentle and elegant, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Originally, Medivh planned to take advantage of the fact that the Scourge had not yet developed a climate, and would press the undead army, which was still in its infancy, to death on the Icecrown Glacier.

After listening to Sharlayan's description of the plan, Medivh realized that he hadn't thought far enough.

As Sharlayan said, Ner'zhul was just a chess piece left by the Burning Legion. Even if he was pulled out in advance, there would still be Ner'zhul and Obama in the future.

Just like the second-generation Nightmare King that Sharlayan met when he was meditating on the Wandering Isle.

Rather than letting the Burning Legion temporarily change its plan, it is better to use the advantage of foresight to plan and plan, and place a nail beside Ner'zhul when the Scourge was first established.

Ner'zhul is dishonest and will do his best to get rid of the Burning Legion's control once he has the chance.

If another person came up to take his place, Sharlayan couldn't guarantee whether the newcomer would still have the same ulterior motives as Ner'zhul.

Kil'jaeden hated the traitor most in his life because of the influence of Velen who fled without warning.

If Ner'zhul rebelled, the Burning Legion led by Kil'jaeden and Archimonde will inevitably concentrate its forces and find a way to deal with the traitors first, so as to buy more time for Azeroth to develop.

Believe it or not, Medivh originally wanted to open the Dark Portal to let the orcs in, just to wake up the human kingdoms that were still addicted to internal strife, and use the struggle to stimulate Azeroth's war potential.

Medivh's original intention was good, but unfortunately this idea was amplified by Sargeras, and the subsequent development completely deviated from his original idea.

In order for the Scourge to be able to compete with the Burning Legion in the land of Azeroth, some of Azeroth's creatures will inevitably be tortured by Scourge psychics.

Sharlayan has always had doubts about this, wondering if the Scourge should be allowed to grow in a limited way.

Medivh praised Sharlayan's plan, and the barrage translated and summarized the meaning of his tirade.

If you can't bear children, you can't catch wolves.

The human nations headed by the Kingdom of Lordaeron still don't pay enough attention to the hostile forces that threaten the civilization of Azeroth, such as the Burning Legion and the ancient gods, otherwise they wouldn't have the idea that the enemy is still desperately fighting among themselves.

Even without the influence of Sargeras, Medivh had long wanted to use the cruel reality to wake up those human kings who only knew how to fight for power.

It's no joke once the Scourge snowballs, and Medivh won't just sit back and watch Ner'zhul grow wildly.

He intends to use the Scourge to sound the alarm to all races in Azeroth, so that they stop unnecessary intrigue and unite as a priority to solve the threat of foreign enemies.

Anyway, with Kel'Thuzad as an internal support, it will be much easier to brake the sudden Scourge.

Medivh volunteered to go to Northrend to closely monitor the development of the Scourge.

But before he started to act, Aegwynn sternly stopped his adventurous plan.

"Sit down for me! I don't care what your future plans are, I must resurrect your body first."

"You also know that the Lich King is an undead, and Ner'zhul's soul power is far above yours. Isn't it sending a sheep to a tiger's mouth if you rush there in the form of a soul?"


With his mother's reminder, Medivh's impulsive emotions gradually calmed down.

"Okay, but..."

Medivh turned his head to look at his corpse, and rubbed the bridge of his nose with a strange expression.

"There is such a big hole in my chest, and even my heart is seriously damaged. How are you going to revive me completely?"

Sharlayan explained with a smile: "Mr. Medivh, please be calm, we have already made a corresponding plan, just wait... oh, they are here."

While Sharlayan was speaking, there was a sudden spatial fluctuation outside the cabin.


Onyxia pushed open the door first, and was taken aback when she saw Medivh's translucent soul.

"Don't block the door, you go in first!"

An impatient female voice came from behind Onyxia, and another gentle male voice persuaded from the side: "Chris, be patient, don't be so impatient."


Sharlayan frowned slightly, he recognized the owner of the male voice.

"Krassus? Long time no see."

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