Livestreaming the Hunt

Chapter 150 Thunder Gaba (Subscribe)

It took a lot of effort.

Wang Kuicai, Achim and the others loaded the heavy machine gun onto the fishing boat. With this thing, if there were any pirates to attack, at least they would be able to fight.

After boarding the boat.

Hank began to introduce his crew. In addition to him as the captain, there is also a first officer in the ship who is in charge of everything on the deck, an engineer who is in charge of repairing the engine and electrical equipment in the ship, and a sailor who is in charge of anchoring, lifting, and handling. Wait for chores.

On Wang Kui's side, he is the main fisherman, Jiang Chen is the operator, Zhao Zhongheng is in charge of the live broadcast, and then there are four security personnel. The driver will be picked up by someone from the security company when the time comes.

There are 11 people in total.

The bluefin tuna sailing hunting team is finally assembled!


With a loud siren sound, it was the captain Hank who pulled it, reminding the port that there was a ship that had to leave.

The first mate and the sailors started to turn the windlass quickly.

With the sound of water flowing at the stern, it was the engine that drove the blades to work, and then the boat began to move slowly.

Zhao Zhongheng looked excited. He had been on a boat before, but he had never been on such a big boat, and it was an ocean voyage.

But soon, he didn't think so.

As the "Hank" left the port, the waves were much larger than those near the port. Because of his lack of ocean experience, Zhao Zhongheng became seasick after a while, so he had to go back to the living area to rest while controlling the drone.

Wang Kui and Jiang Chen first changed their clothes and took the walkie-talkie.

Because the fishing boat will splash sea water from time to time, the deck is very slippery, and professional fishing shoes and fishing clothes must be replaced.

Zhao Zhongheng was shooting with a drone rotating inside the boat.

At this time, Wang Kui had already taken off his bulletproof vest. He had neat short hair and was wearing a blue-purple T-shirt, revealing the solid muscle lines of his forearms. The straps are connected, and a pair of black fishing shoes are on the feet.

Steel nails are installed on the bottom of this kind of fishing shoes, which are waterproof and non-slip, which can fully guarantee the grip.

The audience thought that Lao Kui was ready to start fishing for bluefin tuna.

But what I didn't expect was.

Instead, he communicated with the sailor first and prepared to get off the net.

"When fishing bluefin tuna, especially the big species that live in the deep sea, you must use the bait in the sea to lure them out. This kind of big fish likes to eat fishes such as herringomorphs and lanternfishes, so we have to catch them first. Enough bait!"

During the process of explaining to the audience, Wang Kui and Jiang Chen began to follow the sailors to rotate the large net disk at the stern.

It was a half-human-sized white metal roulette, with many chains tied to it, and the chains were connected to a huge gray fishing net, on which were wrapped many colorful things that looked like fish floats.

"Herring are particularly sensitive to color and sound, and these colorful net hooks will attract them to the bait!"

Wang Kui explained.

Everyone didn't expect that fishing for bluefin tuna was so complicated. They thought it was just like fishing in ordinary times, just attach the bait and just flick it.

Once the fishing net is cast, the next thing is to wait.

The security personnel wandered around the side of the ship, while Jiang Chen went to the control room to get familiar with the operation of the instruments. As an auxiliary operator, he had to give Wang Kui various data at all times.

As fishing boats continue to go out to sea, they have long lost sight of the mainland.

"Drip! You have entered the hunting and fishing ground, and the countdown to the system task has officially begun!"

At this time, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

At the same time, the east also showed a fishy belly, it was the sunrise!

It was the first time for many viewers to see the sunrise on the sea. After a while, the white of the fish belly gradually turned into pink, and orange clouds appeared in the eastern sky. bright.

The waves, bathed in the sun, looked like golden scales, which made the teeth of the audience chatter with excitement.

【Isn't this too beautiful? 】

[Looking at Lao Kui's sea fishing, I really want to rent a boat to go out to sea! 】

【Wake up, don't look at how much Lao Kui's employer spent this time, sea fishing is too expensive, if you don't catch anything, it will be a loss to grandma's house! 】

Hank controls the fishing boat to move eastward continuously.

Their route was to go east first, then turn east to northwest, and enter the Gulf of Aden.

Sailed for almost two hours.

Then Wang Kui and the sailors prepared to collect the nets, "Normally speaking, this trawling method usually lasts for half a day or even a whole day. If such a large fishing boat sails for one day, it can catch almost a ton. If you are lucky , and can even be fully loaded with several tons!"

"But we're just doing it as bait, so we don't have to wait that long!"

thump, thump, thump...

As Wang Kui and the sailors continued to turn the capstan, the iron chains entangled and made a crashing sound, and the fishing nets slowly surfaced.

Sharp-eyed viewers have already seen that there are many small golden-red fish entangled in the gray fishing net.

Wait until the net is fully drawn onto the deck.

Wang Kui removes a lively little fish from the net hook.

This is a small shuttle-shaped fish more than ten centimeters long. Its back is red, and its scales are red and gold gradients. It looks very beautiful.

"Herring is distributed in all oceans of the world. In the Indian Ocean in East Africa, the most common species is the sardine genus, and this is the golden sardine."

Wang Kui pulled out the Bowie hunting knife tied to his thigh, cut open the belly of the small sardine, washed it with water, and found that the inside was white and tender. "This small sardine is very cheap, but because of its strong fishy smell, Most of them will be canned, and the taste is actually delicious when eaten raw..."

Having said this, he bit the carcass of the little golden sardine, tore a bite out, and swallowed it into his mouth.

[Lao Kui's teeth are so good? 】

[Golden little sardine: Maze Fake! 】

[Thunder Gaba! 】

[Eat it raw, 666! 】

Wang Kui and the others did not bring any food except fresh water when they went to sea this time. The crew had their own dry food, but most of them were canned luncheon meat and compressed biscuits. The fishing boat itself had a lot of fresh seafood to eat. Few people like to chew compressed biscuits.

After chewing it twice, his face immediately changed.

The black sailors next to him watched and laughed, "Hey, brother, is it delicious?"

"This smell is really too strong!"

Sticking out his tongue, Wang Kui threw the small golden sardine in his hand into the iron basin, "It's too fishy, ​​that is, tuna likes to eat raw, we humans should cook it before eating it...slightly..."

It was the first time for the audience to see Lao Kui deflated.

【Haha, I should call Big Dipper over, that guy has a strong taste! 】

[Canned sardines are really delicious, but the stewed sardines taste very strong, I don't like to eat them either! 】

Afterwards, Wang Kui and the sailor poured all the small golden sardines in the net bag into the iron basin, which was full.

"These are about 300 catties. If they are shipped to Mogadishu and sold, they can be sold for almost 500 US dollars!"


God, I earned more than 3,000 yuan after going to sea for more than three hours!

The second update, please subscribe, monthly pass!

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