Lord of Deception

Chapter 257: Using the truth to deceive, only part of it (10k)

Frankly speaking, Yu Ziqing's visit this time was really not for the purpose of making a fuss.

It's just that he couldn't come up and ask how To Ye was doing after disappearing for a long time. Old Song Na really didn't have such information.

When Emperor Qian was not in seclusion, Lao Song could only do a favor and give Cheng Jing some information.

Lao Song would definitely not send people in private to explore the information in Langya Courtyard privately.

Not to mention getting the latest details of a head of the hospital.

When chatting with Taoist Longhu, he could only talk about some more important things. Seeing that Taoist Longhu's reaction was greater than expected, he could only quickly change the topic and bring it to To Ye.

It's obvious that Toye hasn't given up on finding out what happened back then, and 90% of the time, someone will be watching him.

I really want to find something, but I can't find it or confirm it. It is obviously the best strategy to chase after Toye and let Toye do it.

Just like if Yu Zi couldn't find out something, he would make a fuss and let the prince investigate by himself.

If he pursues it, it means that he really doesn't know. In this process, something will be revealed to some extent. This is the guide.

If he knew and didn't pursue it, or pretended to pursue it without revealing any valuable clues, then Yu Ziqing could also confirm it.

This principle is also true when it comes to To Ye.

After so many years, he has been in seclusion, and I am afraid he has already noticed it.

Yu Ziqing seemed to be thinking of others and changed the topic directly. Taoist Longhu suppressed his thoughts.

"To Ye, he has been in seclusion since he came in. It seems that he has reached a critical moment and is not to be disturbed.

The last time Mr. Cheng had something to do, he had to visit him. He had to wait for more than a month, but in the end we only had a few words. "

"Forget it in seclusion, spend some time, or ask other seniors for advice."

Taoist Longhu didn't ask what he wanted to ask for. He had the dragon talisman in front of him as a foundation.

When Yu Ziqing asks about things, he always asks the person who is best at it, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Outsiders think that the head of Langya Academy is very knowledgeable and seems to know everything.

In fact, internally, everyone knows that everyone has their own strengths and specializations.

It is also common for the heads of the hospital to ask each other for advice.

Just like this dragon talisman, if Yu Ziqing asked other courtyard leaders, he would probably not be able to tell that Kunyou was involved.

Taoist Longhu is now restless and has no intention of getting to the bottom of things.

He naturally knew that the involvement behind the dragon talisman was not that simple. There were some things that he was not sure about, so he couldn't explain them clearly.

"If there is any result, I will contact you then. I would like to thank you very much this time. This matter is very involved and is very important to Langya Academy."

Taoist Longhu left a word and left in a hurry.

Yu Ziqing naturally saw that Taoist Longhu knew something, but did not say it explicitly.

His emotions can already be seen by outsiders on the surface, and he may know more than he expected.

If you know more, that's not a good thing, it saves trouble.

It just so happened that Yu Ziqing hadn't thought about how to describe the many secrets.

On the other side, Xin No. 5 placed the jade slip on the deepest altar in the new station, took a gentle breath, and began to worship.

After he took charge of the organization, he took the initiative to contact Wig White Water Egg for the first time.

And Wig Bai Shuidan never contacted him proactively.

Now I have spent time, thoroughly mastered the structure of white water eggs, and made enough preparations before I dared to do this.

As the worship began, everything around him began to change.

He stood under the altar, and the jade slips on the altar disappeared, leaving only a picture of his back hanging there.

On the cliff of the void, the God King sensed the connection and slowly turned sideways, looking in the direction of the sense.

It's not that he hasn't contacted his people all this time.

Rather, his former vest was stripped clean, and he had no memory of it at all.

Now that he sensed the connection, and it was a worship connection, he understood many things in an instant.

"I pay my respects to you, Your Majesty." New No. 5's respect has been honed by being an undercover agent for many years, and there is really no flaw in it.

Because he is really respectful, no matter who he is, he can't even think of seeing any problem from this kind of place.

The God King said nothing, but glanced over.

New No. 5 felt the pressure, his body suddenly stiffened, and he became more respectful.

"My lord, please forgive me. In the past few years, there has been great chaos within the organization.

No. 1 is crazy and has extreme ambitions. No. 2 is rebellious and does not listen to the call. In addition, the manpower loss is huge.

The organization's new location suffered a second fatal blow.

The subordinates had no choice but to clean up the chaos and relocate the place. Only today can they be considered reintegrated.

There was a risk that the first two stations would be exposed, and all the stations previously reserved had to be abandoned.

To this day, everything is safe and sound, and the personnel are safe, so the subordinates dare not disturb the adults. "

Xin No. 5 kept Yu Ziqing's advice in mind, every word was true, and even the Spring and Autumn style of writing did not dare to be used casually.

The God King glanced at the new No. 5 and figured out a lot of things.

He really doesn't care about the struggle for power in this organization, nor does he care about anyone's life or death. Now that it has stabilized, it is enough to be able to do things for him.

Because he really doesn't remember these things.

"Everything can continue as usual for the time being."

When the God King spoke for the first time, New Number 5 immediately heard that this was not the original one.

From the voice to the tone, to the emotion revealed, there is a clear difference.

Although he is old, he has a kind of indifference to everything, but he is still in control of everything. In the end, he has a calmness that cannot be disturbed in his heart.

New No. 5 was trembling with fear. The moment he felt this, he gave up the idea of ​​pretending not to see it.

"Congratulations, sir, congratulations, sir."

The God King responded softly without pointing out that the current situation was no longer the same as in the past.

New No. 5 immediately changed direction and continued.

"Sir, the traces of the original No. 1 are unknown, but he was contaminated by the curse and washed away by the evil spirit. Now he has gone crazy.

No. 2 is now the crown prince of Daqian. After overseeing the country, he has great power.

Even though his identity has been exposed, no one believes him. Now he has completely severed ties with us and has no further contact with us.

My subordinate has just taken over. On such a major matter, I dare not make a rash decision. Please let your Excellency make the decision. "

The God King was a little surprised. These men really accomplished great things.

This means that the prince is expected to ascend the throne and become the next emperor.

The God King felt a bit dumbfounded just thinking about everything that had happened in the past.

I didn't really care at first, but now I have some ideas.

"Tell me the current situation in detail."

New No. 5 didn't know why, but he still honestly explained the general situation of the Three Gods Dynasty.

He also mentioned that Da Dui disappeared and would return in a few hundred years.

I focused on the situation in Daqian.

The God King stood on the edge of the cliff of the void, as if he had suddenly jumped from the era of being squeezed to the current era of great conditions.

Even he couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

The rise and decline of the human race were too fast for him.

When he rises, he can't accept it so quickly. It's like in the blink of an eye, he has gone from a bunch of ants to someone who can look him in the eye, and even outdo him in some aspects.

The same is true for decline. In the blink of an eye, the decline reaches the ninth level, which is the limit.

Losing all the vests he had owned over the years had caused far more damage than he had expected.

He just pondered for a moment and then said.

"Everything is as usual. Pay attention to No. 2. There is no need to care about the past. If necessary, help him ascend to the throne."

New No. 5 was a little surprised. He just let No. 2 go?

I was surprised, but I still responded respectfully.

"Yes, I understand."

"Might Dadui prevent its return?"

"Your Excellency, please forgive me. Given the current situation, this is what everyone expected. The trend has become inevitable and no one can stop it."

"That's all, there's no need to worry about Da Dui. Just pay attention to No. 2."

"I obey my orders."

Everything around him slowly dissipated, and New No. 5 returned to the secret room, and he put the jade slip away.

I secretly thought that the new master is not as good as the old one.

At least that person was very generous, but this person really didn't give me any benefits at all, as if everything was taken for granted.

After the first contact, he also understood how to deal with it in the future.

In some aspects, it is indeed difficult to fool around.

For example, when Prince Daqian was mentioned, he immediately focused on No. 2.

But in some aspects, he is even easier to fool than the original one.

He mentioned Jinlan Mountain and Donghai. When the other party asked about the divine dynasties, he focused on the four divine dynasties.

This person was obviously very satisfied with the information, but he didn't even give a word of praise.

There are many things that this adult seems not to know at all.

It's like I'm not living in this era.

New No. 5 thought for a while and felt that maybe this newly ascended lord came from the other side of the legendary sea. It was normal not to know the situation here.

After the contact, the new No. 5, who was experienced in undercover operations, felt his heart go back to his stomach.

It’s not very difficult, just grasp the key points and don’t miss any flaws.

I'm afraid this person doesn't care about the minor details.

As soon as they came out here, Xin No. 5 left the new station and sent a signal to Yu Ziqing.

When you're done, go directly to a secret room in Kuihou Kingdom and wait.

One day later, Yu Ziqing appeared in the secret room, and No. 5 detailed the meeting with Bai Shuidan with a wig.

Yu Ziqing didn't feel any surprises, most of them were similar to what he expected.

He destroyed the vests of the God King. The most important thing about the legacy of those vests is the experience and information left behind by each vest.

Without these, the God King will have to start over.

Originally, it was okay to assume that the White Water Egg Organization had been destroyed.

After much thought, I decided to forget it. It was too obvious and the secret would be revealed sooner or later.

Everything is still going the normal way, just taking it slow.

It's just that the God King doesn't pay much attention to Jinlan Mountain, the hungry ghosts, or the dragon clan.

He only focuses on number two.

This was a bit beyond Yu Ziqing's expectation.

Is Number 2 more important than a hungry ghost that feeds on monsters?

New No. 5 speculated that the new wig white-water egg came from the other side of the legendary sea, and Yu Ziqing was unconvinced.

It was impossible for him to say clearly that the current wig and white-water egg was not a waistcoat, but the original God King.

He has no vest and cannot keep up with the times, which is normal.

He still retains the same style as before. There is no verbal praise or encouragement, and there is no substantial reward, which is normal.

Perhaps in the eyes of the God King, it is only natural for people in the Bai Shuidan organization to do things for him, even if they sacrifice their lives, it is also natural.

Unfortunately, times have changed.

It's just that people today are different from the people in the God King's era.

After thinking about it, Yu Zi became clear.

"Go and see No. 2 and tell him about the new wig that will help him ascend the throne.

In addition, if one day I find a way to get your face back at a smaller price.

Let the organization be destroyed.

This wig now is different from the wig of the past. "

"I understand." New No. 5 nodded slightly and responded in a deep voice.

He felt that the new appointment was easy to fool but not easy to fool. Now that he heard Yu Ziqing say this, it was obvious that the danger was even higher than before.

No wonder this person repeatedly warned him not to tell lies in front of that person.

Even if you want to fool someone, every word must be true.

Xin No. 5 left and found Prince Daqian again.

After receiving the message, the prince actually didn't want to have anything to do with the other party.

His position is now stable. When Emperor Qian advances to the tenth level and enters a new realm, he will most likely not waste time dealing with political affairs.

It is already a high probability to become a careless emperor.

With his current power, the second prince is already guarding the outside and will not return to the capital. His ascension to the throne is already a certainty.

But since the last time Xin No. 5 told him those things, he didn't quite understand, and he felt more and more involved. He was already uneasy, and now he couldn't help it.

Seeing the new No. 5, the prince didn't seem anxious and didn't rush to continue asking.

New No. 5, on the other hand, said directly.

"A new master has appeared.

I have informed your lord that everything is the fault of No. 1 being crazy and causing trouble to the organization.

We corrected the chaos and stabilized the organization again.

The adults don't care about the past, but they value you especially.

Please order me to wait and help you successfully ascend the throne. "

As the new No. 5 spoke, he sighed a little, as if he was lamenting that the No. 2 was lucky enough to meet the new master.

When the prince heard this, he felt more and more that something was wrong.

After so many years, how could he not know when the organization would be able to tolerate rebels.

Even if it can be said that he is not a traitor, what he did must not be tolerated.

It's good to break up with each other, but it would be even better if they turned against each other.

Because someone has already exposed him once and revealed that he is also an idiot. After this incident is over, the second exposure will be meaningless.

If he is incompatible with the Bai Shui Dan organization and the dispute is kept in the open, his position as prince will be more stable.

But now, he only felt that the other party was trying to trick him and didn't want to make things easier for him.

Seeing that the prince didn't speak, New No. 5 responded with silence.

The things he had talked with Yu Ziqing and some things he had told him came to mind, and he probably guessed what the prince was thinking.

He sneered and chuckled.

"No. 2, do you think your position as Crown Prince is unshakable?

Several emperors who succeeded to the throne in the Three Gods Dynasty were succeeded by princes.

I'm afraid you know it far better than I do. You should also be very aware of the intricate details.

Emperor Qian has a very deep mind, and you should know better than others.

Could there ever be a time when what we see on the surface is the real reason?

Don’t you think that Emperor Qian is so easy to fool, even if he hears the drum sound, he doesn’t know whether what he says is true?

Or do you think that Emperor Qian dotes on you, protects you, and protects your reputation?

Or maybe you think Emperor Qian just pressed the button lightly as usual just for the sake of stabilizing the court situation and the national destiny.

If you really think so, you won't come to see me this time. "

The prince was silent, being told something that was on his mind.

It was obviously out of love, so I suppressed the matter.

In fact, it was for the sake of the stability of the country's destiny that Emperor Qian could advance smoothly.

But the prince himself felt that it couldn't be that simple.

Immediately afterwards, I heard New Number 5’s firm tone, as if he had seen through everything.

“Without our full help, you would never be able to successfully ascend the throne by then.

Even if you ascend the throne, you will never be able to truly control the power of the current emperor. "

This sentence spoke to the prince's heart, and he knew it best.

Even if he ascends the throne, the real power will still be in the hands of Emperor Qian.

New No. 5 did not wait for his reaction before continuing.

"You know Emperor Qian best, but what I see from you is far less clear than what we see.

Emperor Qian was extremely ambitious and high-spirited.

Others thought he was trying to be the first to advance to the tenth level, but I didn't think so.

From what I can see, he advanced just to become the strongest in the world.

To achieve this goal, it would be easier to advance to the rank of Emperor Qian.

As long as it becomes easier, the potential will be weakened, and the power after advancement will also be weakened.

He will definitely let you ascend the throne and step down from the position of Qian Huang before advancing.

Use your own strength to overcome all difficulties and obstacles to achieve the strongest foundation. "

At this point, New No. 5 stopped abruptly and just sneered.

The prince remained silent.

But he couldn't help but think of the fact that Emperor Qian looked at him with a smile before, and instead of punishing him, he gave him greater authority, making him feel that his position was completely stable.

But when the new No. 5 said this, his heart skipped a beat.

His father, who was extremely ambitious and ambitious, could indeed do such a thing.

After he had consolidated his strongest foundation, he, the newly crowned prince, was the new emperor in name, but in fact...

Looking on the bright side, optimistically, he is called the new emperor, but he is actually still the prince.

Looking at it unpleasantly, the fact that he is a white-water egg can be used as a reason to destroy him at any time.

By then, Emperor Qian will have the strongest foundation, regain the position of Emperor Qian, and receive the strongest blessing again, and he will definitely become the strongest person in the world.

Even if there are others who have advanced to the tenth level by then, they will not be able to compete with Emperor Qian.

If they were in the territory of Daqian, even those of the same rank would be suppressed by Emperor Qian single-handedly.

The prince just never thought of this before, and he never thought that Emperor Qian would abdicate on his own initiative.

Because it has been so long that no one has ever thought about such a thing.

But as soon as he was exposed, the prince understood that this was really not a random guess, it was very possible.

The prince has been having trouble sleeping and eating, and has never understood the reason why Qianhuang handles it gently, besides maintaining the stability of the country's destiny, the stability of the government, and allowing Qianhuang to smoothly advance to the tenth level.

Now there is.

And it’s not outrageous at all, it fits the character of Qianhuang very well.

The so-called royal family affection, the prince understood it when he was ten years old, and treated it as if he didn't have the best.

Even if there is, it is only for outsiders to see, in order to stabilize the government.

When hello and I are good, maybe we are actually a little sincere.

But at the critical moment, my heart was filled with pain and reluctance, but when it was time to raise the butcher's knife, there was no ambiguity at all.

The prince's silence was acquiescence, otherwise he would definitely refute.

There’s no need to say more about New No. 5, it’s enough that the heat is up.

The prince does need their help.

The power extended by the organization and the power indirectly affected are enough to accomplish many things.

The certainty of success may not be 80% or 90%, but the certainty of bad luck is definitely 100%.

After the prince pondered for a long time, he suddenly asked something.

"How involved is the dragon talisman?"

"It seems that Your Highness really doesn't know..." New No. 5 took advantage of the situation and changed his title.

"I don't know."

“That ferocious beast was pieced together with the four true bloodlines and forcibly cursed.

The implications are huge, and I don’t know much about the deeper aspects. I don’t even dare to investigate or know.

Your Highness is careless. "

When the new No. 5 said this, the prince closed his eyes and had an inexplicable guess in his heart.

The previous guesses became more and more certain.

Father, are you really just trying to take advantage of me?

Even if you let me ascend the throne, is it just to use me?

"Is there anyone else in Langya Courtyard?"

"Since the death of No. 3, there are no more manpower in Langya courtyard. That place is really difficult to infiltrate.

However, if we come forward, we will only do bad things, but if His Highness personally comes forward and does something, it will be much easier.

There have been many deaths in Langya courtyard recently, and this news can no longer be suppressed.

No matter how much I say, it's not as clear as His Highness's own personal seeing and personal investigation.

Apart from matters related to Langya Academy, if His Highness needs help, please feel free to ask. "

After finishing speaking, New No. 5 left quietly.

After leaving the secret room of the other courtyard, he sneaked on the road and looked back.

There was a slight sigh in his heart. Although it was just for the sake of anger and temptation, he himself was indeed willing to believe those words.

When he heard Yu Ziqing talk about it for the first time, he was shocked.

Because he never thought that Emperor Qian would dare to give up his throne.

But after thinking about it carefully, he was shocked and it seemed to make sense.

On the other side, after the prince pondered alone for a long time, he became more and more frightened as he thought about it.

That dragon talisman was given to him by someone from the Baishuidan organization. He really got it from Langya Academy.

Originally it was just one of the many failures of Langya Academy at that time, it was just special.

What if this matter was also done by Emperor Qian?

Thinking of the recent situation in Langya Courtyard, he gritted his teeth and had someone send a message to Cheng Jing.

He wanted to figure out what was going on.

Cheng Jing received the message and the prince invited him to have a secret meeting in an unknown courtyard.

Cheng Jing looked at Taoist Longhu, whose face was as sinking as water.


"Go and meet him. You can act accordingly."

Cheng Jing nodded and went to see the prince.

As soon as they met here, the prince said directly.

“I heard that there has been turmoil in Langya Courtyard recently, and people’s hearts are uncertain.

I was ordered by my father to supervise the country, and Langya Courtyard is the most important place in the divine dynasty, so I have to intervene. "

"What His Highness said is absolutely true."

"I wonder how the former head of the hospital is doing lately?"

"Business as usual."

"That's good. The former head of the hospital gave me a treasure before. I like it very much. I haven't seen him recently, so I couldn't help but say hello."

The prince's tone was calm, as if there was no feeling of greeting at all, but an inexplicable feeling.

As soon as Cheng Jing heard this, he remembered what Taoist Longhu had told him before, and his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

The prince acted really quickly. They had just learned something, but they hadn't found any clues yet.

The prince actually sold the original hospital directly.

If it hadn't come from the prince's mouth, Cheng Jing himself wouldn't have believed that the former chief of the academy, who was busy with his own research all day long, was involved in such a thing.


What happened that would make the prince sell the original hospital directly?

Even at the risk of exposing it, the prince might really be Bai Shui Dan, or maybe he was having an affair with Bai Shui Dan.

Cheng Jing really didn't expect things to develop like this.

"I didn't pay much attention to the treasure and gave it away directly.

Only recently did I realize that this matter is very involved, and I wanted to find out more about it from the former head of the hospital.

If the original head of the hospital is busy, then forget it. "

The prince made it clear this time.

Cheng Jing couldn't understand the prince's self-destruction. After thinking about it, he could only think that the prince's small details were compromised but his righteousness was not compromised. He felt a little more respect in his heart and saved a lot of impression.

He stood up and bowed.

"Thank you for informing Your Highness. If there are any consequences, I will not hide it from Your Highness."

"Thank you." The prince stood up and returned the greeting.

Cheng Jing returned to Langya Academy in a hurry and discussed with Taoist Longhu. On the same day, he quietly took down the academic leader who looked very standard.

With a decisive and decisive guy like Cheng Jing here, and two fellow apprentices, Taoist Master Longhu and Jianzhen standing behind him, the results were obtained on the same day.

Because Cheng Jing not only dared to kill people, but also dared to destroy all the research results of the former head of the hospital and cut off all his sources of funds.

In the secret room, Cheng Jing's face was full of murderous intent.

"There will always be a time to kill them all."

Taoist Longhu seemed to be unable to straighten his back, because the dragon talisman really came from Langya Academy.

Moreover, a long, long time ago, the founder of the original school leader's lineage personally did these things.

The dragon talisman had been in the royal secret treasury until a few years ago, when the Yuan Yuan leader made meritorious service and was rewarded, allowing him to go to the secret treasury to pick two treasures at will.

One of the things he chose was the dragon talisman.

Later, he was bewitched and gave the dragon talisman to the prince.

After going around and around, a dozen people were implicated, two of whom were senior officials of Langya Academy, and one person who should have died at the hands of Zhong Shouzheng back then.

They were already very fast and tortured them on the same day.

But when they went to arrest them, one of them was no longer in Langya Courtyard, and the other had committed suicide.

"Do you think it's really related to that person?" Jianzhen asked in a hesitant voice.

"Now that things have come to this, there is no need to deceive oneself and others." Taoist Longhu looked livid: "What happened back then may have nothing to do with the Emperor Qian at that time, but what happened this time cannot have anything to do with the current Emperor Qian."

After a while, To Ye, who was in seclusion, appeared in the secret room.

After hearing what happened over the years, To Ye lowered his eyebrows and said softly.

“This is a vicious move that will destroy the future of our entire world.

That was a thing of the past. The current man is ambitious and will naturally not destroy his future.

Now that you have all traced it here, let me tell you something.

Back then, my best friend died in the wilderness, and I didn't find anything there.

But after coming back, in Langya's library, I saw things and people, and saw the works he left behind.

But inadvertently, I got an idea.

After that, I took some excuses to retreat into Taoism and never asked about it again.

The fire in the library caused huge losses. I have seen the damage list, but it has strengthened my speculation.

My old friend is a well-educated man, and he may have inadvertently known something very secret that he shouldn't have known, and that's why he suffered this misfortune.

It even got to the point where they would burn down the Langya Library to expose its shortcomings and destroy it.

The black tapir incident, the dragon clan incident, and everything else here were all related to monsters.

I also felt that it was a monster secretly harming my old friend.

In order to understand, I gave up one step to establish the Tao and entered the Tao first.

I once tracked down the former An family, but in just a moment, the An family was destroyed and completely wiped out by the people named Wu.

From then on, every time I gained something, I couldn't catch the slightest bit of it.

I then understood that there was probably only one person who could do this.

I am at peace with myself and will not pursue any more inquiries. "

Everyone had a sullen face, naturally knowing who To Ye was talking about.

Taoist Longhu looked at Toye, his face as sinking as water, and the smiling face of Jinlanshan Qingziyu suddenly appeared in his mind.

He was feeling uneasy at the time, but he didn't pay much attention.

Now hearing To Ye say these words calmly, when he thinks of Qing Ziyu again, he is inexplicably involved in his heart.

He didn't have much contact with the young man, but he never seemed to talk to him about useless things.

Many things about Jinlan Mountain flowed through his mind.

Then it settled on a rumor.

It is rumored that there is a great demon in Jinlan Mountain who is extremely knowledgeable. Some people say that he is comparable to the head of Langya Academy.

But later, he was killed by a gangster, and Jinlan Mountain went to war. In the end, everything was settled, and there were a lot of dead ninth-level people.

People don't pay much attention to it, not just because the person is dead.

It's because Jinlan Mountain seems to have risen instantly, and there are many outrageous people in Jinlan Mountain.

Everyone naturally believed that the strong men in Jinlan Mountain had only been cultivating in seclusion before, and only emerged after being forced to do so.

There are even strong men, so there is nothing unusual about a monster with high knowledge but low strength.

I met Toye today and heard Toye talk about these secrets and the things Qing Ziyu asked casually before.

Taoist Longhu had a bold guess in his mind.

That sheep demon has nothing to do with the walking library in Langya Academy, right?

The moment this guess appeared, Taoist Longhu himself was startled.

And knowledge cannot be accumulated through time. This method has its limits.

Could it be that he was seizing his body and turning into a demon?

Impossible, that person has not yet entered the Tao, and there is absolutely no way he can seize the body.

But I just thought of Qing Ziyu's smiling face and the things related to Jin Lanshan in recent years.

He somehow felt that his bold guess might not be unreliable at all.

In fact, he didn't believe that with that person's methods, even if he didn't enter the Tao, he might not really fall completely.

Combined with the problems that Langya Academy has exposed over the years, there are also some things that have been exposed this time.

Taoist Longhu felt quite uncomfortable. If that man had not died, wouldn't he have known about the problems in Langya Courtyard back then, and might even have involved Emperor Qian.

Based on this premise, if that person had not died, he would never have come back.

The few people here chatted for a long time. After it was over, Jianzhen and Cheng Jing left. Taoist Longhu left Toye behind on the pretext that he had some research matters to ask for advice.

Taoist Longhu directly stated his guess, and Toye was the same throughout the whole process. He was surprised when he should be surprised, silent when he should be silent, and always maintained the premise that Lao Yang was dead.

Taoist Longhu felt even more uncomfortable when he saw that Toad Ye was so naked and had no flaws at all.

He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, chanting a mantra.

“I, Taoist Longhu, uphold my mentor’s last wish and protect Langya.

Today, I vow again to risk my life, even if the orthodoxy is destroyed, I must find out the facts and uphold morality. "

Toad Ye's complexion is a little complicated.

"Senior, why do you need to be like this..."

"I'm not as determined as Cheng Jing, so I have to cut myself off and fix my mind. No matter who it is, I must figure it out.

If I want to protect Langya Taoism, I cannot allow it to be corroded by filth.

If not, he will die and I will have no words to say goodbye to my mentor. "

After Taoist Longhu took the oath, his eyes were firm and there was no way out.

That's what he said, no matter who he was, no matter how much he paid, he couldn't compromise.

“I don’t know whether the speculations made by my seniors are true or not, I don’t have any evidence.

I simply believe that there is no way that my old friend will die like this.

Others say that he is a walking library, but I know best that he is not a person who studies all the time.

He is well-read, just to facilitate research and save time in the future. "

At this time, Toye spoke a little more sincerely, but that was all.

Taoist Longhu understood this and said silently.

"Qing Ziyu wants to ask you something. I told you that you are in retreat, so I don't want to disturb you.

Now, if you have time, go and see him. "

"No, I'm not free recently." Toye flatly refused.

If the speculation that actually has little evidence is false, it will be useless if seen. If the speculation is true, it will only do bad things if seen now.

Taoist Longhu nodded silently.

Although To Ye was also among the best in the past and the head of the college with a bright future, his knowledge and intellectual brilliance were overshadowed by the stronger brilliance of another person.

After that, I retreated directly, as if I had suffered a huge blow, unable to recover, and no longer had the great ambition to establish the Tao in one step.

It seemed that he had completely ignored everyone and kept a low profile.

Now, with just a few words, he understood that this man's mind was as firm as Cheng Jing's, unshakable.

Before the Tao has been established, it is as if the Tao has already been established.

"I see."

Taoist Longhu said no more. In the days that followed, he firmly supported Cheng Jing's radical attitude.

We can dig as deep as we can, and we have even made preparations for Langya Academy to be severely damaged and unable to recover for thousands of years.

On the other side, Yu Ziqing returned to Jinlan Mountain.

After chatting with Lao Yang, he said that when chatting with Taoist Longhu, he casually asked To Ye.

The old sheep sighed.

“It’s okay to be fine.

Hey, luckily I couldn't wait any longer and came out of the third form early.

Otherwise, it will be exposed sooner or later. "

"I just asked Senior Toye, will it be exposed?"

"Why do you think I never contacted my old friends before? I didn't even want to have the slightest contact.

It was because I had very few personal relationships back then, and Toye was the person I had the best relationship with.

As long as Taoist Longhu brings these words, he will definitely notice something.

He has always been low-key and has not even achieved any significant results. Everyone underestimates him.

I just feel that if he joins the Tao, he must be very strong.

Oh, he just wants others to think so.

My and his ambitions back then were not based on strength. Strength and realm were just incidental things. "

Yu Ziqing suddenly realized and looked at Lao Yang in shock.

"What do you mean? You mean that this time, you asked me to go to To Ye specifically to reveal information about you to him?

Is this how you deliver messages? Is it fun to be the Riddler?

Keep me in the dark too! "

"Yes, as long as the words are spread, he will definitely guess it. If he guesses it himself, there is no possibility of any information leaking."

"He will come to you?"

"It's absolutely impossible. He won't say anything. He will just treat me as if I'm really dead. Everything will be the same as before. The most he will show is to find out how I died."

Yu Ziqing looked at Lao Yang, as if he were seeing another person. His thoughts quickly began to trace back to the source, and he asked with some uncertainty.

"Did you dig out what the thing sealed by the Silencing Curse is?"

"It's just a part. I traced it once without knowing anything about it. The second time I used a different method, I was able to trace it as well. As long as I trace it back to a part, I can definitely trace it back to the whole thing."

Lao Yang said this with full confidence, as if he was stating a fact that had already been achieved.

Yu Ziqing cupped his hands and said.

"Can you please stop making me guess in the future? You are afraid that the news will be leaked. We have plenty of places to ensure that the news is not leaked."

"Didn't you guess it? If you guessed it yourself, it has nothing to do with me."

"Is it really related to Emperor Qian?"

Lao Yang looked at Yu Ziqing speechlessly and stopped talking.

"More than Qian Huang?" Yu Ziqing asked again.

The old sheep turned and left.

Yu Ziqing's mouth twisted in anger.

“Can you guys stop treating me like a fool and let me realize how you play the Riddler?

Is it possible that someday, if you want to communicate with each other, you have to create a method and throw it out first, and communicate through the air in your language? "

Lao Yang paused in his steps and nodded thoughtfully.

"Hey, your method is not bad. I'll try it later."


Yu Ziqing slapped his mouth to make you talk bad.

In the future, he was afraid that if someone communicated blatantly, he wouldn't be able to understand what they said.

He turned around and studied hard for the first chapter of Dayan. From now on?

??To create a way to communicate with the ultimate Riddler, I will be disgusted to death!

"There is no airtight wall in the world. Don't think too much. From the moment I took the first step, I was ready to be exposed."

"It doesn't matter. I don't know these things. What I'm doing is trying to make a big event happen."


Yu Ziqing said casually, turned around and left.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Lao Yang looking back, as if he didn't understand. Yu Ziqing suddenly grinned, and he didn't explain.

It seems that not only what he has to do requires the prince, but Lao Yang may also need the prince.

But we can't let the prince die and say we will help him ascend the throne, then we will really help him ascend the throne.

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