Lord of Deception

Chapter 480: Humans and demons resurrect, evil demons are terrifying (5k)

Today's bright moon is obviously rounder, larger and brighter than those seen in the past. Even if it is not the silver moon in the past, the blood-colored moon, as if covered with a layer of blood-colored gauze, does not affect the bright moon at all. Light up the entire world.

There has never been a day when the world was so chaotic.

There are people everywhere who are directly affected by the influence of demons, and monks are only part of them. There are also a part of various creatures that are affected by the blood moon and transform into demons.

Today is the brightest day of the year when the bright moon shines brightest. It is also the most harmonious day among monsters. All moon-worshiping monsters do nothing on this day but only seize opportunities and swallow moonlight.

Today is the best time for the moonlight in terms of quantity and quality. One night of breathing can be worth at least a month's effect in the past.

Unfortunately, most monsters have limited intelligence, and they will not feel that the blood moon is not good.

They will only think that Yuehua is strong enough today. As for whether to follow the righteous path or the evil path, many monsters have no concept. They only have the concept of whether they are strong enough or not.

Throughout the present world, demonic energy is growing and everywhere.

Oh, there are only two places where it is not available, one is Jinlan Mountain.

One is the Abyss Rift, which is closest to the abyss. There is no magic at all here.

A large number of hungry ghosts gathered together, and after their auras came together, they would naturally suppress the whole place.

Generally, a single demon will feel uncomfortable and unable to breathe just by being close to these two places. Their instinct will urge them to flee and stay away quickly.

At this moment, even though Da Dui Nei had already used Yu Gui to notify them in advance and imposed restrictions, there were still a small number of people who were possessed by the devil.

It's just that these few who were possessed by demons couldn't make it happen. They were either suppressed or the demons were too weak. The demonic thoughts and energy were attracted away and flew in the direction of Qianxi.

The most chaotic place is actually Daqian.

Now Datui, Dali, Dazhen, and Donghai are all suppressing evil cultivators.

There is nothing wrong with the Shen Dynasty saying that it is a super powerful force. When the power of the entire dynasty is used to wipe out these evil cultivators, those evil cultivators have no resistance at all.

Even if you dare to say a few harsh words, you will die simply.

The lower the profile of an evil cultivator, the greater the chance of survival now.

Unfortunately, I dare not say that about all evil cultivators, but as long as there are some evil cultivators with a little strength, at least 99% of them will not be so low-key.

Evil cultivation is not achieved by practicing hard in a cave for many years without leaving the cave.

If there is such a person who has practiced evil and can still resist the temptation and not take the evil path, then if the other party hides and survives, then just survive, it doesn't matter.

No one in the four directions can stay any longer, and the only place these evil cultivators can go is to Daqian.

Because they can't even go to Kuihou Kingdom...

Although the Kuihou Kingdom seems to be doing nothing all day long, after so many years, the Kuihou Kingdom has a wide network of contacts, and the most important thing is that he is rich.

If you say that spending money to recruit people to do other things, you may not be able to recruit the right people, because you may offend other people. If other forces give too much, you may not be able to get many people.

But if you say you want to pay people to recruit people to clean up the evil cultivators, then that's fine.

The leader of Kuihou Kingdom wants to recruit a team. As long as you give enough, you can recruit them at the ninth level.

Those evil cultivators who are now fleeing to Daqian will definitely not pass through the Kuihou Kingdom. What else could be the reason?

People who use evil cultivators' heads as piece-rate wages are much more motivated than those who are assigned tasks.

It is simply too difficult for casual cultivators and small households, especially those who don't know much about anything other than fighting and killing, to find a job that suits them, doesn't offend other forces, and pays well.

In particular, the Lord of Kuihou said very considerately that if you think you might be in trouble if you kill the evil cultivator, it would be best if you captured him alive, as the price is higher.

Calculate money according to status, strength, etc., and clearly mark the price.

When you see an evil cultivator, you can immediately calculate how much that person is worth.

You don't have to kill him, so you don't have to worry about whether the evil cultivator will have some back-up plan or a curse when you kill him.

The subjective initiative of the people recruited was almost off the charts.

Lord Kuihou was also happy, and all the things that could be solved with money were no big deal.

The living bodies of those evil cultivators were all precious resources to him, and they were sent to Jiachen City to be beheaded.

This was an important way for the ruler of Kuihou to establish contact with Dadui.

In the end, everyone was satisfied except for the dead evil cultivator.

Of course, maybe the evil cultivator is also satisfied. At least if he is sent to Jiachen City to be beheaded, he will die happily and will not suffer any torture.

The last point is just that everyone thinks that what everyone saw is actually known to only the person involved and the Sun-Destroying Demon.

Anyway, if you ask, the knife will rise and fall without any pain.

Under such a background, evil spirits are growing everywhere in Daqian, and evil spirits are surging. These evil cultivators are the ones who are most likely to become possessed by evil spirits.

Today, when the blood moon is at its strongest, those evil cultivators are even more afraid than ordinary monks. Many of them are hiding deep underground, not daring to be illuminated by the blood moon.

As long as someone is illuminated or absorbs a trace of the blood moon's power, they may become possessed immediately.

Moreover, he went crazy on the spot, lost his mind, and lost himself.

Daqian fell into chaos, and the waves of demonic energy, mixed with a large number of demonic thoughts, had gathered into a long river of demonic energy when they were about to arrive in Qianxi.

Countless demonic thoughts turned into distorted human faces, following the long river of demonic energy towards the bloody battlefield.

After countless demonic thoughts from people gathered together, they began to accelerate the recovery of the demon king.

Under the blood moon, based on countless people, a former god was resurrected, and no one could stop it.

No human race can stop it at this moment, or even get close to this place. Everything is obvious, and they can only afford to pay back.

Even the countless hungry ghosts in Jinlan Mountain are actually powerless and unable to stop this thing that is sweeping the entire world.

The Cliff God King and the Ancient God of the Deep Sea are indeed qualified to pretend.

In the bloody battlefield that had experienced a bloody battle, there was not a single living person left, and only a huge skull appeared, constantly gathering demonic thoughts.

On the forehead of the skull, a rune slowly appeared and condensed.

Any living being who sees this rune can immediately understand the meaning of the rune.

Just one word: people.

The aura of personality began to emerge, and wisps of charm were gathering in the eyes of the transformed skull.

With the cooperation of the ancient gods of the deep sea, the disappeared consciousness of the human demon king was summoned back from the ancient times and reunited.

Even the personalities that have long been shattered and disappeared to unknown places are returning.

In the barracks of the Dadui Dragon Elephant Army, the Sun-Destroying Demon remotely sensed the changes on the bloody battlefield and chanted in a low voice.

"Time is always on the side of the gods."

Even though the Human Demon King seemed to have been completely dead back then, he can still come back through the years now.

After reciting this widely circulated sentence, the Sun-Destroying Demon laughed nervously, with great anticipation. He was sincerely looking forward to the return of the Human Demon King.

Of course, not as a part of the gods that I once was, but as a Sun Destroyer who has now touched death.

No matter who you are, this expectation is absolutely sincere and contains no moisture at all.

At the end of the day, Haoyue's strongest moment has passed, but the peak period of being possessed has just begun.

The illusion of skulls floating on the bloody battlefield began to gradually turn from virtual to reality, emerging from the hearts of countless people and out of the years.

The charm in the skull's eyes was suddenly ignited and turned into two points of divine light.

The human demon king's consciousness revived.

The first time the Human Demon King regained consciousness, he felt the presence of the Sun-Destroying Demon.

Even without looking, I can feel that this is one of the gods from the past.

He turned his head and glanced at the Dragon Elephant Army's military camp. He saw the Sun-Destroying Demon sitting in the middle of the camp, and he took it for granted that this was the Yang Demon helping him to revive.

That kind of unabashed expectation, and even some joyful mood, mobilized the power of the Sun Destroyer to dance.

The moment the human demon king regained consciousness, he relaxed slightly.

His relationship with Yang Mo was not very good back then, and there was even a gap between them.

At this moment, the Yang Demon no longer has the power it once had, and it has obviously undergone tremendous changes. Perhaps too many things have happened, and the gods have been forced to unite.

The Human Demon King looked at the Sun Destroyer Demon and said something polite.

"Thank you, I owe you one."

"You're welcome, ha...hahaha..." the Sun Destroyer replied with a smile, and couldn't help but start laughing wildly.

The huge skull transformed by the Demon King slowly floated up. After his consciousness recovered, he could take the initiative to operate it.

As soon as he opened his mouth and swallowed, he saw a long river of demonic energy gathering in the sky, and countless phantoms of demonic thoughts suddenly accelerated and were devoured by the human demon king crazily.

The aura of the Human Demon King also began to grow stronger and stronger. Under the huge skull, the vertebrae began to grow, and the bones of the limbs began to grow.

A huge humanoid skeleton giant condensed quickly.

The human demon king stretched out his arms, looked up at the blood moon in the sky, and smiled strangely. Demonic energy surged around him, and countless demonic thoughts continued to breed, making him look extremely rampant.

Just as the aura spread, a large amount of demonic energy immediately emerged from the distant Dragon Elephant Army. The eyes of the Dragon Elephant Army who were collectively possessed began to turn red.

However, when the soldiers of the Dragon Elephant Army were about to lose their minds, the Sun-Destroying Demon's manic laughter suddenly intervened and forcibly poured a basin of ice water on them, forcing them to enter a state of forced calm.

The Human Demon King looked up at the blood moon and felt the bloody moonlight falling above the blood moon. He immediately understood that this was not a once-in-a-lifetime blood moon day.

But the Moon God revived, and the Moon God also began to fall, driving the bright moon to maintain the blood moon state.

"It is such an excellent era. After countless years of planning, we have finally waited for this day.

The human race cannot be completely crushed from the outside, it can only be broken from the inside.

The sages of the human race are indeed right.

Starting today, the era of demons has arrived! "

The Human Demon King laughed wildly, exuding his power unscrupulously. The power of his personality was turning into ripples, spreading in all directions.

Wherever the charm passed, all the monks began to have demonic thoughts in their hearts and began to become possessed by demons.

The monks who are strong enough have already stayed away from here, but those who are not strong enough cannot withstand the attack from the inside by the Demon King.

Among the monks in the world, the strong ones will never be the mainstream. The monks at the bottom are the majority.

The Human Demon King is indeed qualified to be arrogant. In terms of direct harm, he is far more powerful than other gods.

In the nearest Ganxi area, a large number of monks failed to hold on and became possessed. This was not the most serious problem.

The most serious thing is that places like the Imperial Guard and the City Guard are the first to be possessed...

The person in charge of Qianxi's Jinyiwei walked out of the room with red eyes and beat the assembly drum.

Seeing the possessed subordinates arriving one by one, he grinned.

"Let's go with this officer to ransack the house and get money!"

"Sir, who are you copying?"

“Those small households, with their stinky cows and horses, and their mud-legged people, can’t squeeze out even a few ounces of oil even if they are squeezed dry.

Why bother, go ahead and copy the big players!

I heard that there was a local sect that was at war, but was holding back Queen Lian.

The war is critical, but they are busy hugging the team, how hateful.

Remember, you need to find more evidence later. "

Jin Yiwei mobilized his men and left in a menacing manner. The demons were dancing wildly, and the eyes of each one were shining with the light of money.

After becoming possessed, the last worries disappeared.

As for those who are possessed or not, that doesn’t matter. If everyone is possessed, then it doesn’t count as possessed.

Nowadays, people who are not possessed by demons are the ones who don’t fit in with others.

While Ganxi is in chaos, on the other side, in the hometown of Dadui, there are no people at all. The only ones left are mortals who can't leave.

The few who are possessed by the devil, as long as their consciousness does not collapse, can at best act a little more radically and have not caused any major disasters yet.

As for Da Dui, Lao Zhang has already asked Jin Lanshan for help.

A large number of hungry ghosts moved forward under the blood moon, wandering in the empty city, using the breath of hungry ghosts to suppress evil thoughts.

Going north from Qianxi and entering Dali, there are also hungry ghosts invited by the new emperor in advance, who are suppressed by the aura brought by the gathering of hungry ghosts.

Just when this chaos began, even Lao Yang couldn't contact Yu Ziqing.

As the ugly hour approaches, the moment of the day when the yin energy is at its strongest and people's defenses are at their weakest, the light of the blood moon in the sky suddenly becomes brighter again.

There seemed to be a black shadow falling from above the blood moon, stepping on the bloody moonlight.

The moment Yu Ziqing walked out of the bloody road and re-entered the world, a surging ominous aura suddenly erupted in the sky. The ominous aura was so strong that it seemed to turn into a burning flame.

"Quack quack..."

Demonic laughter exploded high in the sky.

A monster that was almost unrecognizable as a human, with black oil-like substance dripping from its body, burning with black flames, full of ominousness, and its eyes seemed to be linked to a bloody sea of ​​fire, fell rapidly from a high altitude in the direction of the bloody battlefield.

“Quack quack…

I even walked a little slowly, waiting for you to recover.

As expected, I was not disappointed, and I recovered. "

The human demon king looked up and was a little confused. What the hell, such a strong ominous thing, more evil than evil.

Yu Ziqing fell rapidly from the sky and landed directly on the head of the Demon King.

He ignored the huge demonic energy and demonic thoughts here, and slapped the human demon king on the forehead.

The terrifying explosion of force caused the Demon King to lose half his stature on the spot.

Floating in mid-air, Yu Ziqing opened his mouth and inhaled. At least one third of the demonic energy and demonic thoughts here were swallowed up in one mouthful.

He let out a long breath, and the demonic energy began to grow in his body, and he became a demon by force.

"strong enough!"

Since his realm has become stronger and stronger, it is no longer easy for ordinary monsters and demons to make him enter the possessed state.

It's really different when the devil is here in person, and the effect of being possessed is even better than before.

The power increased again, and it was ominous and demonic. Yu Ziqing stretched out his hand and saw an arm suddenly lengthened. The speed was so fast that even the human demon king could not react, and there was an extra three-point hole on the skull that penetrated the bone. Palm print.

"Who do you think you are? You don't want to run away after you wake up? How dare you wait here and look down on me?"


As soon as the Demon King made a sound, he saw Yu Ziqing disappear again. Beside him, Yu Ziqing grabbed one of his skeleton arms with both hands, and opened his mouth. The bloody mouth suddenly turned into a hundred feet in size, and his mouth was sharp. The fangs are intertwined tightly.

With one bite, a kacha sound was heard, and an arm bone was bitten off.

"Hahahaha..." The Sun Destroyer, who kept laughing as if he had eaten a pigeon's fart, flew over with a maniacal laugh.

He didn't care what happened to Yu Ziqing, he just wanted to see the human devil die as soon as he revived.

There is nothing more beautiful than this.

Yu Ziliang held an arm bone in his hand, making a crunching sound like chewing a chicken leg.

The Human Demon King looked at his missing arm, his eyes flashing with shock and anger.

He didn't understand how the world had become like this and what kind of evil spirit this was.

By using his power to become a demon, nothing happened except that his strength increased.

Moreover, it can gnaw away his true form at this moment, and he will not be able to regenerate the parts that were eaten away, as if his true form at this moment did not have that arm in the first place.

Seeing the Sun-Destroying Demon flying in, the Human Demon King was about to say something when he saw the demon holding his arm in one hand and grabbing it in the air with the other hand, and the space in front of his palm began to be superimposed and compressed.

The flying Sun-Destroying Demon was forcibly pulled over.

Yu Ziqing's eyes were burning with blood flames, he was holding the tablet of the Sun Destroyer with one hand, and he was smiling strangely.

"Just right, let me have a taste of it."

As he said that, he took a bite.

With a Kacha sound, there was a crack on the Sun Destroying Demon's tablet.

The Sun-Destroying Demon's wild laughter stopped abruptly. He looked at Yu Ziqing in shock. He was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

Yu Ziqing just tasted it, then spit out the Sun-Destroying Demon with a gasp.

The disgusting smell made Yu Ziqing unbearable.

I swallowed the big weird thing before and spit out part of the power of the word Kun. I just felt uncomfortable, so I spit it out.

But at this moment, the Sun Destroyer smelled like a piece of rotten wood. It had been soaked in gold water for a year and then thoroughly marinated with poisonous salt. It had such a disgusting taste that I really didn't want to take a second bite.

He held the big bone in one hand, made a kacha sound, and continued to take a bite. This was better, like a big bone in sauce.

The Sun-Destroying Demon's tablet flew upside down, and the Human Demon King immediately came up, protected the Sun-Destroying Demon's tablet behind him, and gave a warning.

"Be careful. This weird evil demon is not averse to meat and vegetables. It's really scary. Don't be careless!"

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