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The Song family base is the largest and most powerful base in the C country, and maintains close contact with other survivor bases. After the Songjia base moved to the Northeast Plain, many bases followed, distributed in several surrounding cities, forming a survivor alliance. Therefore, the base has a house dedicated to foreigners.

However, this housing also has good and bad points. When receiving a call from Gong Yuanhang, the Song family base prepared the worst for the Gong family. The house built from the warehouse can be smelled with a pungent musty smell and the furniture inside. None of them, only a few rows of floor tiles made of brown mats and sheets, and you can sleep three or four hundred people. The Gong family brought more than 4,000 people, all of which were arranged in such a simple warehouse. Compared with the slaves of the Song family, in addition to clean and tidy points, there is basically no difference. This is - red-naked-naked contempt.

The logistician responsible for the placement of the Gong family had a arrogant attitude. After seeing a group of colorful masters, he and his deputy shook at the same time, and some could not believe their eyes. A base with no name, only a few hundred abilities are counted in number, and in their cognition it is the existence of small ants. However, when they really saw these people, they knew who was the ants and who was the frog at the bottom of the well.

There are indeed fewer abilities in the Gong family base, but the level of the people is high and the average strength is not comparable to those who have a large number of squatters. These people, big-eyed, the lowest level is in the middle of the three-level, the fourth-level low-order casual number is seventeen eight, more exaggerated is that one of them is still a child in his early tens. Even ordinary people seem to be extraordinary and can't be underestimated.

The arrogant on the face of the logistics staff cracked a little, and finally weathered into slag. When they saw these people pushing open the door, when he patrolled the warehouse, his cheeks burned red and he quickly went to a four-level low-level master, and said with respect and respect. "The room is still cleaned, can't live, you should take a break here, wait for the clean up, then come with you."

More than a dozen four-level masters gathered together. The pressure they radiated from them was not something that ordinary people could bear. They only talked for a while, and the back of the logistician was already soaked. He is a three-level high-ranking fire abilities. He used to be extraordinary in strength, but now he feels that he is so small that it is so small.

"No, anyway, it will go early in the morning, it will not matter for one night." Tan Mingyuan shook his head, Wang Hao and others also opened.

Their calm and indifferent attitude attracted the attention of the logistics staff, and they were not able to return to God. He has never seen such a good temper. This is a strong person in the world, but whoever is a high-level abilities, which is not a arrogance, it is common to scream and kill. I thought that today I will be inevitably given a lesson, but I don’t want the other person to be so light. The logistician maintained his sullen expression and left. After returning to the taste, he had to admit that such a master would really admire people. At least, his goodwill towards these people is rising, and he is immediately sent. Taking care of food and hot water, the care is very thoughtful.

I simply washed it and used lunch again. The big guys sat on the simple floor, playing cards, chatting and chatting, and of course, a group of cultivators who even meditated directly in this noisy environment. Opened, the other group members secretly lamented: can not enter a group is not a mortal! We admire!

I thought that the strength of the Gong family base was weak, and it was not worth mentioning. Song Haoxuan did not look at the other party at first. But after meeting, he realized that if there is anyone in the future who can compete with himself, the non-Gong family base is none other than. What makes him even more concerned is that the cousin who was once excluded from the Song Family Rights Center has a high status in this base, and his strength is only slightly worse than him. He will soon catch up. He felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. After returning to the command center, he immediately asked his subordinates to inquire about the situation of the Gong family base. It would be best if they could pull their high hand.

As a result, Gong’s barn room ushered in a wave of friends who came to visit the condolences. The Song family base is also a militarized management. Due to the large number of people, their management methods are more strict and more formal than Changsuo Island. More than 3,000 abilities are in accordance with ten people, three shifts, three rows, one company, three companies. One battalion, three battalions and one regiment, and three regiments and one division are divided.

Song Haoxuan is a division commander. He has three heads, three battalions, three company commanders, three platoon leaders and three squad leaders. These people are the backbone of the Song family base and have a high status. Of course, their status is not stable. They are supported by their own strength and their subordinate strength. Once they fall behind, they will be replaced by others at any time. Seeing that the Gong family had so many masters, they had already been heart-warming. When they received the order of Song Haoxuan, they immediately moved the mind of the talents.

It’s a pity that they said that the people at the Gong family base had a faint expression. The Song family base belongs to the largest power group in the C country. These backbones are often used by people. They are still close to being treated like this for the first time. They soon lost their patience and left with a black face, leaving only two Bai Hong, the head of the regiment, also sat on the side of Xiao Sunjie and persevered in lobbying.

Bai Hong is 27 years old, and it is the woman's most energetic age. The smooth skin is tanned into a healthy-feeling honey color. The delicate face of the palm of the hand hangs a light smile and is accompanied by her ice blue. The color of the scorpion, although not the top of the top is beautiful, can be seen to make people feel comfortable, the body is also full of bodybuilding, concave-convex-induced.

This is a very charming woman. If she is not the strength of her fourth-grade low-order ice system, she must have been arguing for the rush-seeking tools of other male abilities. Women want to live in the last days, and live well, always pay a higher price than men. Bai Hongmei’s jealousy and patience with Xiao Sunjie all show that she is not a simple person.

However, it has always been the source of the past, the extraordinary white rainbow can be counted as a kickboard, no matter what she said, the little boy in front of me is just ah ah ah ah ah, a few specific expressions. If it is not for the child’s young age and high strength, she will gather the child well. She will be able to obey her for a while, and she will not have such patience. The master in this warehouse, the only thing she can see is Sun Jie. Others, although they are of high rank, can see that they have occasionally flashed their eyes and they know that they are not good people, recruiting troops. If Rally can't hold it, it will be replaced by these people. She is not that stupid.

Xiao Sunjie smashed a pair of ice-blue eyes, his face was ignorant and innocent. Nima ~ three intermediate masters above will send a set of suede armor? From the base to the 80-year-old woman, down to the eight-year-old child, is it a good one? Even a newborn baby has a suede little apron! Nima, the commander additionally supplies the senior nucleus to the fourth-level master? Is the use of the advanced crystal nucleus sent by Gong Shao to be used incompletely? More to take to feed the zombies! Nima~ Have a rice meal every day? Can you eat rice and eat late at night? I heard that I will eat Xiandan soon after! Nima ~ is bitten by zombies or beasts with strong disinfectant water. Will it be infected if it is washed within ten minutes? Is it better to be poisonous than a zombie? The zombies are still afraid of being bitten by cockroaches!

When Bai Hong’s endless talk about the various welfares of the Song family base, there are not many people who vomit in the warehouse. Everyone is a little annoyed and a little funny, and more is an unparalleled sense of superiority. However, this superiority can only be tasted silently, and will never be declared in the mouth. Therefore, everyone’s mouths are smeared with a meaningful smile, making Baihong somewhat confused. Is this expression tempting or not tempted? Looking too surprised!

"What is the powerful disinfectant in your base? Is it really possible to isolate the infection of zombie poison?" Jin Shangyu, sitting in the corner, asked curiously. For the magical potion, she is always full of interest.

"Of course, as long as you use this potion to wash the wound within ten minutes, you can stop the infection. At present, this potion is only available to our own people. Other base people want to take materials to change, the price is high, and once Only three bottles can be exchanged, and ordinary people can't afford it."

Bai Hong blinked, his face was arrogant, and at the same time he noticed the reaction of everyone. When this kind of medicine came out, it set off a huge wave in the country of C. At one time, the Song family base became a sacred place for everyone, and attracted many masters with outstanding ability. Other bases also had the meaning of relying on honesty. She believes that no one in the room will not be tempted.

"Ah~ It should be a molecule that strongly binds toxins in the syrup, so it will have such an effect. However, the adhesion molecules are very corrosive, and when a drug is poured down, the wound will fester in a large area? Infected, but it is not easy to raise a large piece of flesh that has been eroded! Not to mention that this medicine only works when the toxin is lurking on the surface of the texture. The time delay is too long or the wound area is too large and too deep. A dead end! It’s really chicken ribs!”

Jin Shangyu shook his head and looked regretful. This kind of medicine is useless for the 'emerging races' that they have transformed their blood. However, she is still very interested in the ingredients of this pharmacy. It seems that the base of the Song family has a deep foundation and has a large number of scientists. Afterwards, he must remind Gong Shao to let him take a few back to Ningcheng to be her assistant. It is said that it is not allowed to be used by outsiders, but with her unconscious spirit, it is not difficult to confuse an individual to get a bottle of medicine.

Thinking of this, Jin Shangyu laughed and laughed twice.

Bai Hong glared at the girl in a black hoodie, her face was very shocked. The production of such disinfectant water is extremely low. At present, only 30 bottles have been prepared and have not flowed to the outside world. At present, the heads of other survivor bases gathered in Liaocheng, in order to exchange this syrup. Except for the slaves and the six high-level bases who tried this syrup, no one knows the specific effect of this syrup. However, this girl has accurately described the situation after using the potion. Is this coincidence or...

Thinking of this, Bai Hongbing's blue eyes burst into a murderous murderousness. I really want to ask why Jin Shangyu knows so clearly, but because of the people around Gong, she can only hold back and think about it. Later I asked the leader and tried to get the woman back.

She deeply despised Jin Shangyu, turned and wanted to go. Jin Shanghui, who was in the corner, had already felt the murderous murder in her eyes. She rushed over with lightning and raised her claws to attack her.

"Four grade gold zombies!? How come?" Seeing Jin Shanghui's black nails and golden erects, Bai Hong screamed and hurriedly rushed back. The people in the warehouse had colded their faces as soon as Jin Shanghui violently, and quickly blocked her retreat.

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