Lord of Pets

Chapter 37: : Choice

   This fleeting gap will determine the final fate of the two kings.

   Bai Wushen is convinced that only a little extra help is needed, and the leader of the demon ape can kill the King of Storm Sword and Wolf, only a little bit!

   There seemed to be two villains quarreling in his consciousness.

One simply and forcefully shouted: "What are you hesitating? Go and save! Only by saving the leader of the demon ape can you gain its friendship and have a chance to establish a contract with it. Don't you want to have such a powerful companion for petting animals? "

   Another furious and frustrated, loudly accused: "Please use your brain! What you have to face is a group of gusting sword wolves, not one, but a group! What can you do with just one person?

   "Once you fail, you will be chased by wolves. Is it possible that you can run away? Impossible!"

   "You can only choose to activate the Distress Talisman, and that means you will be driven away by the Academy! It means that you, whose life is limited, will stagnate in your growth! You simply can't afford the cost of failure!"

"In other words, even if you are lucky enough to kill the Sword Wolf King and drive away the wolves, are you sure to subdue the leader of the demon ape? Only by letting it be convincing, can you ensure the relationship between pets and pets? Stability, have you considered this?"

   "Maybe you took a big risk and only got a corpse in the end, what's the picture?"


   In 16 years, Bai Wushang has never been so entangled.

  Rationality keeps telling him that the risks are too great, the returns are uncertain, and they cannot be saved or saved!

On the perceptual side, he has a very high identification with the leader of the demon ape, and even the sixth sense in the dark has caused Bai Wushang to "If you don’t save it, you really miss this demon ape, You will regret this kind of similar thoughts for the rest of your life.

   Seeing that the blood mist on the body of the demon ape leader became thinner and thinner, the sword wolf king gradually gained the upper hand, and Bai Wushang's heart became more anxious, as if a fire was burning.

   He clenched his knuckles, listened to the sound of the acceleration of his heart, felt the purest emotional change deep in his heart, and moved.

   "Spell it, I want to save it!!"

   Bai Wushang suddenly rushed out of the hiding bushes, like a Lixuan arrow, rushing towards the wolves.

   After only one or two breaths, he crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and approached the outermost encirclement formed by the ordinary sword wolf.

   The two closest sword wolves, with their ears towering high, turned around immediately, grinning at Bai Wuwu.

   At this moment, perhaps it was an extremely exciting mood that prompted Bai Wushang to perform at an ultra-high level of 120%.

He rolled on the spot very timely and decisively, avoiding the claw attack of the first sword wolf, followed by a strong charge, actively approaching the second sword wolf, and in an extremely dangerous posture, straightened the mixed poisonous spear in his hand. Poke straight into its mouth.

   The poisonous spear, which was more than one meter away, was almost completely submerged. The second sword wolf was stabbed so that his eyes were turned white and blood was spit in the mouth.

   This wave of operations directly tore through the encirclement of the pack of wolves. Bai Wushen did not stop, and continued to rush to the two kings in the center.

   The surrounding sword wolf was a little unprepared, and his reaction was slow. When he recovered and chased Bai Wuwu, he had already arrived in front of the Storm Sword Wolf King.

A strange figure appeared in the blurred vision. The sword wolf king's instinctive perception was not good, he was frustrated, frightened, and rebelled. The power that broke out in an instant was a little stronger, and he almost broke away from the leader of the demon ape. Bondage.


   Bai Wuhuo didn't give it a chance, and the last paralyzing poison spear pushed the sword wolf king into the flesh and blood of the abdomen that had been exposed.

   Appearing to be afraid of not doing enough, he took out two non-toxic short spears, staring at the weak points such as Sword Wolf King's organs and eyes.

   "Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!"

   On the messy, broken, blood-stained brown soil slope, Bai Wushang looked attentively, waving the short spear in his hand again and again, and the orange sunset sprinkled on his angular face, unexpectedly exaggerating a hint of coldness.

   As a result, the pack of wolves slowed down, and at this moment, a crisp "click" sounded.

  The neck of the Lord of the Storm Sword and Wolf was twisted into a twist!


   The leader of the demon ape tried his best to open his right eye and looked again. He was sure that the sword wolf king was really killed by himself, and there was an excited roar in his throat.

   It's just this roar, far less breath than the previous one, and at the end, it turned into a cry of extreme grief.

   The demon ape leader turned over with difficulty, lay on the corpse of the sword wolf king, and began to tear its flesh with his teeth, chewing and swallowing, repeating this action repeatedly, and his face was wet.

   "Eat its flesh and drink its blood, this is hatred into the bone..."

   Bai Wushang sighed, but at this time he couldn't get distracted. He immediately grabbed the blood-stained short spear and pointed it at the surrounding wolves.


   Seven or eight ordinary sword wolves were obviously scared, and they didn't have the courage to continue fighting.

   In their memory, the always resourceful, ferocious and brutal sword wolf king, just died!

   For the ordinary sword wolf who pays attention to teamwork, UU reading www.uukanshu.com pursues the strong will of the wolf, this is no different from the collapse of the sky.

   The pack of wolves looked around each other, and finally turned their eyes to the outermost side. The seriously injured, late juvenile No. 2 wolf leader, now it is the new leader.

   The second wolf leader glanced sadly at Bai Wuwu, then glanced at the crazy demon ape leader, did not dare to act rashly, but whimpered, turned his head and ran back.

   Looking at the lame new leader who is still running fast, the pack of wolves no longer hesitate, they scattered, chasing his pace, and quickly away from the battlefield.

   "Huh..." Bai Wushang breathed a sigh of relief. If the pack of wolves swears to death and has to stay and fight to the end, he is not at all sure.

   Confirming that it is temporarily safe, Bai Wushang lowered his head to check the injury of the leader of the demon ape.

   At this time, the leader of the demon ape has already withdrawn from the state of "secondary burning of blood", his wounds crisscrossed, and bones were even exposed in many places. No matter who looked at it, he would shudder.

   The more serious thing is that the left arm is broken, and the blood has not stopped up to now.

   But this is not a fatal injury, the most serious is still two depleted hearts.

Bai Wushang looked to the [Status] column of the attribute panel, which actually listed more than ten negative states, such as "near death", "semi-blind", "organ failure", "large blood loss", "extreme sadness", and "extreme pain". "The anger can't be calmed down" "Heart is exhausted (two...Wait, he couldn't help staring his eyes straight.

   "The demon ape has a strong physique. If it were replaced by other pets, it would have died long ago..."

   Bai Wushang murmured, and as soon as he took out the herbal medicine to prepare for first aid, he saw the leader of the demon ape crooked and left it still.

   "Hey! Ape boss, you have to hold on!"

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