No matter how good Qu Mao and Su Yan's plan is, the plan can never be as fast as the change.

Ever since the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance attacked the blockade of the troop transport route constructed by Sylvia Oshen five times, and gathered more than 200,000 troops on Ji Island, Qu Mao had a faint feeling that there was a large number of people on the land of Ji Island. The war in China has the possibility of breaking out anytime and anywhere.

After all, the intelligence revealed by the enemy soldiers captured by Sylvia Oceanus at the beginning showed that the purpose of the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance was to gather about 200,000 troops in Ji Island and start a land battle with Yi Village territory. war.

Now that Sylvia Ocean has blocked the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance, the troop transport line is getting tighter and tighter. It is becoming more and more difficult for the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance to continue to increase their troops, and the build-up of troops is also becoming more and more difficult. Having achieved the expected goal, it is natural to start military operations.

Qu Mao had already made an arrangement in the early days, that is, to build five villages outside the landing camp of the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance in the southeast corner of Ji Island, and arrange for earth magicians to use magic to build earth walls to block the Anti-Yi Village Alliance The route taken by the third landing force of the Invasion Fleet advancing from land to the depths of the Quarter Islands.

However, in just one day, Qu Mao thought that the five heroes Hua Tielan, Shi Buhui, Zhang Yao, Silta Delta, and Xu Tan were not enough to fulfill his requirements.

While the five heroes in the Yi Village territory are closely watching the movement of the third batch of anti-Yi Village Alliance invasion fleets advancing to the landing base, there will definitely be special personnel working day and night at the landing base of the third batch of Anti-Yi Village Alliance invasion fleets. Carefully observe the actions of the five heroes in the territory of Yi Village.

Therefore, it is a high probability event that a land war will break out at any time, but after Qu Mao and Su Yan finished opening the treasure box, they also want to race against time to quickly convert the materials and recruitment coupons obtained from opening the treasure box into the strength of the territory of Yi Village.

In the early morning of April 1st in the third year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao was preparing to call Su Yan, and Zhao Pan, Sylvia Oshen, and Xuande informed by Su Yan would go to the open space of Jicun's internal government hall and the fifth-floor room. The recruitment coupons obtained from the treasure chest have been exhausted.

However, Xuande took the initiative to find Qu Mao with a dignified expression, and said, "My lord, Master Hua Tielan has sent a remote communication, and the third batch of anti-Yi village alliance invasion fleet landing troops have brought forward their breakfast time today.

Currently preparing to launch an attack on the west and north sides of Ji Island, Master Hua Tielan and others are still building five villages. "

Qu Mao's heart tightened suddenly, and he asked, "How is the construction progress of the five villages we planned in the southeast corner of Ji Island?"

Xuande shook his head and said with a wry smile: "My lord, it only takes about a day. Although my subordinates have mobilized 1,000 residents there, so far, they have only completed the construction of the internal affairs hall and defense towers, and even the material warehouses and granaries have been completed." It's not finished yet.

Only relying on the strength of the southeast corner of Ji Island and the five villages that are still under construction, I am afraid that they cannot withstand the attack of the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance today. "

Qu Mao nodded and said: "As much as we built, we don't need to demolish the buildings we built, even if the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance captures the five villages, there is a high probability that the five villages will as a base.

Take the time to build a defense tower and notify the residents to retreat. The five heroes lead the army and wait until all the residents have withdrawn before retreating in an orderly manner.

Inform Zhao Pan to assemble cavalry troops and prepare to meet the retreating residents and army soldiers of the five villages. "

Xuande said: "My lord, if the five villages are not destroyed, it will be more troublesome when we regain them in the future. After all, the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance in the temporary camp will build simple fences.

They took these five villages into their hands, so they can't build a city wall? "

Qu Mao shook his head and said: "No matter how well they build, the future will be ours.

In the future, the bay at the southeast corner of Jidao will definitely be built into a civilian port. Let’s forget about it. The priority is to ensure the safety of the residents we are building and the troops we are defending.

Someone is everything, and the biggest gap between the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance now is the gap in the number of people.

When the village is lost, it is lost..."

Qu Mao paused for a moment and said: "But if you can be punctual, you still have to be on guard, at least to bring some casualties to the third batch of invasion fleet attacking troops of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance, and also to cover the safe retreat of our residents.

Hurry up and inform them, don't delay the time for the residents to retreat.

Inform Zhao Pan and Chafidel to lead the cavalry corps and long-range corps to the combat location to cover the retreat of the residents.

Residents have been retreating to the north side of the road between Jicun and Jicun. This road will serve as our defense line for the early battle with the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yicun Alliance.

In the future, our territory of Yicun will still fight back, so all the buildings are the property of our territory of Yicun. Let the troops be more careful when retreating, and if necessary, kill some vital forces of the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yicun Alliance , The disparity in strength is too great. "

Xuande said: "Yes, my lord, my subordinates will make arrangements immediately.

It's a pity that the Magic Legion hasn't gone to Jidao yet, otherwise it will definitely cause a greater degree of damage to the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance! "

Qu Mao said: "It's enough to kill some of them, and it's enough to let the landing troops of the third batch of invasion fleet of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance not advance too fast.

All the fighters who landed in the third batch of the invasion fleet of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance may be the future population of our Yi Village territory, and I would be reluctant to kill too many. "

Xuande said: "Yes, my lord, this subordinate understands.

The subordinates immediately went to inform Master Zhao Pan and Hua Tielan, sir, do you need to transfer Master Kong Ming to Jidao? "

Qu Mao thought for a while, and said: "There is no important matter in the outlying islands. Kong Ming must be there, so you can tell Kong Ming to come over.

The war against the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance cannot end in a short time, so we must prepare for a long-term battle, taking advantage of the active attack of the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance, while reducing their effective strength, while Stretch out our lines, but make sure that our own front line fighters don't suffer any casualties, any serious casualties.

With one trade-off, we will definitely win the final victory. "

Xuande said: "Yes, my lord. Don't worry, my lord, your subordinates already know."

Qu Mao suddenly called out to Xuande who had already turned to leave, and said, "The Magic Legion has been transferred to Jidao.

The 150 new villages we built in Jidao are mainly concentrated in the north of Jicun and Jicun, so this line must be defended.

All villages along the route must build defensive towers, even on both sides of roads that have been repaired by the road construction team.

Try to extend this line to the westernmost end of Jidao. We will build a road on the middle line of Jidao, and use this road as the main body to build a defense system. "

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