On the afternoon of April 24th in the third year of Tianxuan, after discussing the population expansion plan with commander-in-chief heroes and internal affairs heroes, Qu Mao handed over the meeting time to Su Yan, who was in charge of the specific population allocation and recruitment coupons The tempo used, etc.

And Qu Mao took advantage of the easing of the war, and went to the village of Jidao to guide the village construction to increase the cheating value.

That night, Kong Ming told Qu Mao that the heroes had decided at the meeting that before Qu Mao provided 99,900 resident recruitment coupons, that is, before April 28, they would contact the heroes of the navy and army and plan to launch a special military operation to capture prisoners. , It is also revenge for the third batch of invasion fleet landing troops of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance who took the initiative to provoke Ji Hai's urgent defense line war.

The goal of this military operation is to capture more than 20,000 prisoners from the navy and army.

Regarding the plan of Kong Ming and other heroes, Qu Mao did not give his own opinion, and even Qu Mao did not return to Ji Village specifically for this matter.

The territory of Yi Village is full of heroes with epic qualifications. After Qu Mao gives his goal, the heroes will have their own ideas to achieve Qu Mao’s goal. If this is the case, let the heroes handle it completely, Qu Mao Happy to brush cheating points in various villages.

Of course, this is mainly because the landing troops of the third batch of invasion fleet of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance have continued to attack Jihai’s emergency defense line for more than ten days. Around Zhou Zhou ate up 10,000 to 20,000 landing troops of the third batch of the invasion fleet of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance.

As a result, after more than ten days of fighting, not only did not reduce the number of landing troops of the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance, but increased the number of troops by about 100,000. The fleet landing force has a lot of vitality, but the total number of the third batch of invasion fleet landing force of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance must have increased.

Qu Mao didn't know what method Zhao Pan and the others would use to carry out the special prisoner capture operation, and he couldn't figure it out either.

In particular, Sylvia Oshen didn't hurry up to repair the captured warships and salvaged enemy warships, and also participated in some kind of prisoner capture operation. Qu Mao didn't know the significance of it.

Once the warships of the third batch of invasion fleet of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance enter the bay at the southeast corner of Ji Island, they will basically never go to sea again. Is it possible that Sylvia Ocean can still bring the navy warships to the southeast corner of Ji Island? bay?

The army in the territory of Yi Village is still very small, and the next wave of additional troops will have to wait until the 999 resident recruitment coupons sold by Lai Dima on April 28, and Su Yan organizes enough people to recruit the 99,900 general qualifications. Only when all the citizens of the country are recruited can it be realized.

The resident recruitment voucher provided by Lai Dima is similar to the excellent resident recruitment voucher purchased by Qu Mao from the cheating mall. Although one ticket can recruit 100 general-level qualified citizens, the age and gender of the citizens are not controlled. of.

Assuming that the number of people who are of the right age to join the army only accounts for half, and the sexes are divided in half, it means that even if the population of 99,900 is obtained, the number of people who can develop into the army is only about 25,000. Male residents of military age are all recruited and trained as fighters.

Even if all the people are soldiers, after obtaining that batch of population, the overall army strength of the Yi Village territory can only reach about 35,000. Even if it absorbs part of it from the surrendered troops and the people, it is estimated that the army strength of 40,000 is the limit, 40,000 versus 300,000 , is also a huge disparity.

At dawn on April 26, Qu Mao was still instructing the construction and planning of other villages in Jidao, but the prisoner capture operation that Kong Ming said had officially begun.

Qu Mao is not clear about the specific tactics, but he knows that the navy dispatched 20 small warships, using the warships in the territory of Yi Village to attack the warships of the third batch of invasion fleet of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance at the entrance and exit of the bay at the southeast corner of Ji Island from a distance. .

Judging from the shouts of combat from Jihai's emergency line of defense, there were at least three attack areas in Yi village's territory in the attack area of ​​the prisoner capture operation launched by Jihai's emergency line of defense.

Qu Mao couldn't understand for a while, how did Zhao Pan, Zhaifidel, Wang Ping, Sir Mrak, Hua Tielan and other army heroes get so many troops to launch so many battles at the same time.

But Qu Mao deliberately ignored these details. No news is the best news at any time.

At around 5 pm, Kong Ming took the initiative to send a remote communication application.

Qu Mao connected to the remote communication and asked, "Kong Ming, what is the result of the capture operation?"

Kong Ming smiled and said, "My lord, this subordinate is here to announce the good news to you.

Today's prisoner capture operation lasted a full nine hours. The army captured 21,021 prisoners, and the navy captured 1 enemy small warship and 514 prisoners of war. A total of 21,535 prisoners of war were captured, exceeding the number of prisoners we originally planned. "

Qu Mao asked in astonishment: "Damn it! I always thought that this capture operation would definitely come back in vain. How did Zhao Pan succeed?"

Kong Ming said: "My lord, in fact, the target has been chosen long ago. The cavalry charged, the long-range troops cut, the magic legion cut off the enemy's return route, and the soldiers of the third batch of invasion fleet landing troops of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance who were besieged surrendered. What can I do?"

Qu Mao frowned and thought for a while, then asked, "Kong Ming, can this tactic be replicated and reused?"

Kong Ming was silent for a while, and then said: "My lord, the success of this prisoner capture operation lies in its surprise and unpreparedness. Once the third batch of invasion fleet landing troops of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance is prepared, then this kind of cutting and encircling tactics will be very difficult." Work again.

Therefore, Zhao Pan and Chafidel may have to continue to think of new methods for the subsequent capture of prisoners. "

Qu Mao sighed, and said: "Oh, I guess it's the same, if it can be done, it's just one. The increase of 21,535 people is at least half the difference from the total number of the third batch of invasion fleet landing troops of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance. It has drawn nearly 40,000 people.

After the 99,900 recruitment coupons arrive, we will recruit all of them, and then consider the matter of military expansion.

It is understandable that Zhao Pan caught him by surprise and won a victory. How could Sylvia capture a small warship and capture more than 500 people? "

Kong Ming smiled and said: "My lord, that was an accident. Originally, Sylvia's navy dispatch was only to contain the energy of the third batch of invasion fleet of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance, but because of the low tide in that bay, two warships were pushed to the entrance of the bay. nearby.

Silvia tied a 200-meter-long rope behind a crossbow bolt, and pulled out a small warship abruptly.

Originally wanted to concoct and capture another small warship according to the law, but the crossbow shot and sank the other small warship. "

Qu Mao smiled and said, "Damn it! It's all fine."

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