Lord of the Witches

Chapter 216 Sith's Change

Tang Qi was in the sky, watching with his own eyes that under the hazy moonlight, a "black torrent" was rushing towards Mellon Manor with a terrifying momentum.

Army of polluters!

At this moment, in Tang Qi's eyes, the gloomy light exploded.

At least an army of nearly a thousand polluters, when they gather together, the cold, bloodthirsty aura is like a terrifying blade, as if to forcibly cut that space apart, a strange passage generate.

Every polluter is a black leech, rushing along the passage to the Mellon Manor that has just experienced the big bang.

Enemy attack!

Unlike the last time Tang Qi pitted him, the Mellon family had long been prepared.

When the army of polluters entered the manor one after another, the Mellon family directly launched some kind of prohibition law.

boom! boom! boom!

The earth began to tremble crazily, huge cracks appeared one after another, fiery magma, and highly toxic black smoke gushed out from the depths of the cracks. In just a few seconds, the incomparably beautiful Mellon Manor was transformed into a hell-like environment of.

The polluters who rushed in first were ambushed.

Monster-like figures emerged from the ground and rushed towards the vanguard of the polluters.

The first polluter was thrown down by a huge wolf dog monster, the sharp teeth directly tore the polluter into pieces, and before the bloody vines gushed out, he spit out flames and burned them clean.

The second one was caught by a minotaur, smashed into a pulp, stuffed into magma and burned to death.

The third one was smoked into jerky by a two-headed lion monster with poisonous smoke mixed with flames.

The fourth one was directly smashed into pieces and stuffed into the mouth by a torturer.


Unfortunately, the advantage only lasted for a few seconds before it was wiped out under the impact of a large number of polluters.

In the previous big explosion, the Mellon family was severely damaged.

Among these polluters, there are not only white masks, but also red masks, and even one or two rarer ones.

The comparison of strength gradually disparities.

Soon, on the fiery hellish land, the corpses of both sides began to appear in large numbers.

In the front area, the battle is still going on, and there are hundreds of polluters left. They have pushed the battlefield into castles, and it seems that they will soon enter the core.

On the battlefield, Andrew, who was under siege, now showed his "devil body", but his body was covered with wounds, and even one of his demon horns had been broken off.

Even so, he couldn't stop the crazy invasion of the polluters.

Seeing that the Mellon family seemed to be completely wiped out, Andrew roared, "Is that enough? I have already signed a contract. If Mellon is destroyed, I, Andrew, will summon even if I try my best to fight back..."


Before Andrew finished speaking, a stream of light suddenly shot from a distance.

With a bang, a familiar and burly figure suddenly appeared. In the smoke and flames surging together, Hall's sturdy and unrestrained figure burst out. Everywhere he passed, polluters were smashed into flesh.

"Get out of the way for me!"

With a roar, the figure raised its arms again.

When the blazing white light appeared, all the members of the Mellon family seemed to think of something and retreated together.

Only nearly a hundred polluters were hit by a thick white light, and together with a castle, they disappeared without a trace.

After one shot, the polluter army had only two or three big cats and kittens left, completely unable to pose any threat to the Mellon family.

When the smoke cleared, Hall appeared in a trench coat and sunglasses.

One of his arms was still covered with the black gauntlet, the gauntlet exuding a terrifying aura. Hall glanced lightly at Andrew Mellon, then turned around abruptly, looking in the direction of Mercer City, as if waiting for something.

Above the night sky, Tang Qi looked at Hall's strange movements and seemed to think of something.

"Could it be...?"

Similarly, when Tang Qi turned his head, his position became clearer.

What he looked at was directly the factory grave.

Behind the black watchtower, within the huge gap.

As if to confirm the thoughts of the two, in the gap that had already calmed down, there was a "bang" at this moment, and the dark factory exploded instantly, and a monster roared and appeared amidst the smoke, dust and blood splashing all over the sky.

This is a monster that seems to be piled up by countless human beings. Its shape is like a huge beetle. It has eight thick legs, no skin, only bright red, surging flesh, and its abdomen is huge. Incomparably, something seemed to be brewing inside, and there was a weird "cuckoo" sound.

On its back are two tattered and disgusting wings. Its torso and head are made of melted and piled up human corpses. At the highest point is Ross, who is very familiar to the residents of Messer City. mayor.

His lower body was completely integrated with the monster, while his upper body was full of weird beauty.

That's right, it's beauty.

He seemed to be starting to lose his gender, his hair disappeared, his facial features were almost in perfect harmony, and his skin was like glass, exuding a charming luster.

He admired his "change" with a pair of jewel-like eyes.

An aria-like voice full of temptation came out of his mouth.

"This is an incomparably wonderful feeling. This is what I am after. The ultimate beauty, the ultimate evolution. I am about to obtain a perfect body..."

"My people, I will not disappoint your love, I will lead you to evolve together!"

When the last two words were uttered, Gary Rose's bloated and disgusting body burst out at a phantom-like speed.


In the blink of an eye, its body escaped from the factory grave, and at the same time, his fat belly swung violently, aiming at the busiest Midtown Avenue, and there was a rumbling noise inside, as if it was about to spew out something.

But at this moment, a little light came on without warning.

Fall from the sky.

It was a... knight sword!

Silently, when the tip of the sword pierced the perfect head, the light that was powerful enough to expel all evil forces exploded.

Even from a long distance, everyone can see it.

Gary Rose's powerful and frightening body melted away bit by bit, like the remaining snow in the sun.

In this shocking scene, a thin figure slowly descended.

A weather-beaten but gentle face, with an ascetic temperament.

"Evil will be purified eventually!"

Sith held the knight sword and said slowly.

Everything seems to be over like this.

Hall and Sith seemed to have fully anticipated what would happen, and acted separately to solve the "accident" in Meser City with a thunderous force.

In the dark, many extraordinary people were incomparably amazed at this time, amazed at the power of the official and the Church of Light, and also amazed at the professional level of terror.

Tang Qi was also in the dark, but at this moment, his face was full of doubts.

Just as he was about to fall into thought, he accidentally glanced at where Sith was.

Immediately, Tang Qi's eyes widened, and from a long distance, Tang Qi had to use magic to amplify his voice.

"Be careful..."


Along with Tang Qi's voice, there was a muffled sound that made all the spectators fall into horror.

Sisna was already skinny. The rickety body was suddenly hit hard, and a white, perfect palm pierced through his chest.

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