Lord of the Witches

Chapter 329 The Fallen Witch

Adren Avenue, a remote street in the port area, where there are mostly welfare institutions, such as orphanages, soup kitchens, free legal aid... and a school for "special children", the Merada Special Education School .

Although there is no "oil and water" here, the thugs obviously did not think of this when they vented their violent desires. Every building and building here has been damaged to varying degrees, and the streets are also in a mess. Several cars and a bus It is burning, and the smoke is gradually filling the entire street.

At this time, a cloud of smoke and shadows dragged and stretched, and appeared in front of a retro-style building from a very far distance.


When the fog and shadows cleared, three figures emerged.

Tang Qi led the little lion girl, and the young sleeper Noah next to him was being put down by the night beast. He was flying over by being held in his mouth, but the boy obviously didn't feel uncomfortable, and turned his head to see the night beast clearly with excitement on his face. but he could only see a shadow.

In front of the eyes of the three of them, a house number was broken into two parts, and two parts could be vaguely seen, namely Adlon Street and No. 333.

Tang Qi glanced at his future site, the porch was destroyed, revealing two worlds faintly inside.

In reality, several ordinary employees who were in charge of superficial reception fell to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

And behind the surging brilliance is the real "school".

An extremely retro and solemn building, the interior is simple and clean, with traces of magic power surging, but with just a casual look, all three of them saw the inside, and it was almost in ruins, because of the fierce fighting of extraordinary people?

Tang Qi didn't care about the real part, took Nina and Noah directly into the dim light in the porch, and walked into the real school.

Originally, there should be a magic device here. To enter the real Melada special education school, you must say the corresponding password, but now the device is forcibly destroyed, and the password will become invalid. As long as it is an extraordinary person who can see the magic entrance , can enter it.

As soon as the three of them entered, the strong smell of blood, mixed with some stench and peculiar smell, permeated the supposedly holy and solemn building.

In the wide hall, there are several corpses lying in the center. In the reception room on the left, the spiral staircase in front, and the washroom at the rear side, there are some corpses. Every floor up the spiral staircase, even above the dome, There are a lot of traces of battles, some corrosion, damage and burning scenes.

Most of the dead were intruders, such as the few "lizardmen" before, and some other disgusting superhuman creatures, but there were also a dozen witches and reception staff, all of whom died in superhuman battles. After living in the school's defensive magic, they were powerless to resist.

"A ransack!"

Tang Qi's face darkened in an instant.

Just now in the alley, Tang Qi had already asked through the mouth of the lizard man what happened here.

Several gang forces with extraordinary powers in Mihuang City, as well as some evil-oriented organizations, took advantage of the turmoil and knew that the Church and the Castle Bureau were in a state of distress at this time, brazenly launched a raid on the Melada Special Education School .


In addition to plundering the strange objects and some extraordinary materials in the school, the more important thing is to rob the students.

On the mysterious side, extraordinary people are also a kind of resource, especially those who are still young and have strong plasticity, and they are high-quality resources that make those evil organizations covet. Yu has an extraordinary puppet that can grow.

If the Melada witch group is still there, these forces obviously dare not do this.

However, the news that the group of witches entered the tree monster's secret realm to recuperate their wounds has probably already spread throughout the extraordinary world of Mihuang City.

Without the witches in charge, in the eyes of these organizations, the school has become a big piece of fat.

As long as someone takes the lead, it is not difficult to understand such a disaster.

Noah, who was excited a second ago, was completely replaced by sadness, anger and fear at this moment.

The little lion girl Nina even grabbed Tang Qi's palm. The eyes of the two little guys moved, and finally moved quickly to the spiral staircase. There was an old woman's corpse. She was curled up in a corner. Some kind of extraordinary power pierced through, and blood spilled out, dyeing a little girl in her arms into a little blood man.


"Grandma Maggie . . . and little Elsie."

Noah and Nina, who obviously knew the old woman and the little girl in her arms, couldn't contain the sadness on their faces, and tears welled up.

Tang Qi also glanced over, he knew that old Maggie

It was an old witch, not very powerful, but only proficient in secret medicine and a little defensive magic. She was mainly responsible for taking care of the students who had just been accepted in the "Outside Office", that is, this building, until they passed the safety assessment. , enter "Main Campus".

Noah and Nina, and the little girl Essie in her arms, fall into this category.

It's just that I didn't expect that the school would suddenly encounter such a "change".

When Tang Qi's gaze fell, first a few remaining fragments of information flowed past, and then suddenly, a group of strong dim light gushed out.


Suddenly, Tang Qi appeared in front of the spiral staircase, his hands radiated light, and Maggie's stiff body was softened with the power of the furnace, and then he held her in his arms, a little girl who was smaller than Nina and was completely red with blood hugged out.

Unexpectedly, there was no wound on her body except for blood.

she is alive!

It's just that she suffered two witchcrafts, one made her fall into a deep sleep, and the other protected her from harm.

Obviously, the caster is Maggie.

And the price is her own life.

Tang Qi hugged little Aixi in his arms and was about to do something.

Suddenly, one after another strange sounds surrounded them suddenly.



"The escaped prey actually came back on its own initiative?"

"At the same time, it brought back new food and found a fish that slipped through the net for us."


The source of these voices were more than a dozen figures exuding a foul smell.

They seemed to have climbed down from the top of the spiral staircase, that is, the highest level of this foreign office. Tang Qi saw the familiar lizardman, and at the same time saw other "intruders".

A few monsters dressed in black robes, except for a face and claws, almost covered their bodies completely. They seemed to be bald, with green eyes, and their skin was full of rotten marks. They had a mouthful of rotten teeth and disgusting claws. Come out from time to time.

The two big men are huge but exude "corpse smell". The skin and even the organs on their bodies seem to be made of other people's patchwork. There are clearly visible stitches. One of the big men has more stitches on his forehead. One eyeball was closed, exuding a somewhat dangerous aura.

Besides them, Tang Qi also saw more familiar monsters.

The largest number is close to ten "hunting dogs".

There are both men and women, and their appearance is different from the hounds that Tang Qi has seen before. Although those yellow, purple, and even black and white hounds are all monsters, their breath is pure and violent, and the nearly ten hounds in front of them may be able to participate in the competition. "Freak Show".

But the aura emanating from their bodies convinced Tang Qi that they had all taken the "Evil Flower Potion".

However, Tang Qi didn't investigate immediately. His eyes quickly swept over all the monsters, and looked at a figure that appeared one meter away from him without warning, as if teleporting.

The figure of a woman, the source of the real stench.

A witch!

She was wearing a tattered black robe, revealing many parts faintly, but the skin that was revealed was not fair or plump, and only rotten, dark spots, and some weird symbols were seen, including her s face.

A dim light, thicker than any monster in the field, flashed across Tang Qi's eyes.

A special screen was generated directly.

[Supernatural Creature: Fallen Witch. 】

[Status: Normal. 】

[Information Fragment 1: A witch who is completely evil and has a chaotic alignment. Although she can only be regarded as a novice in the entire group of fallen witches, she is an extremely terrifying existence for ordinary extraordinary people. She has The ability to cast witchcraft such as charm, hypnosis, curse, and poison. 】

[Information Fragment 2: Her hobby is making voodoo puppets, and they must be young and handsome men. 】


"I see!"

When this fallen witch appeared, Tang Qi quickly realized another reason why the school suffered such an accident.

Simple and normal reason: a vengeance.

When the Melada Witch Group, with its reputation of terror, deterred the mysterious side of the entire Mihuang State, it inevitably forged some enemies, such as a completely degenerate witch school, they left in embarrassment under the expulsion of the Melada Witch. Michigan State.

Especially their leader, who was not only killed by Esmeralda, but also humiliated by being drawn into the comics.

Now that the Melada witches are going to disappear for a long time, they take this opportunity to come back for revenge.

Although the Fallen Witches were defeated by the Melada Witches in terms of combat power, they were still considered a powerful extraordinary organization.

The other monsters in the field, as well as the organizations behind them, are not in class.

Tang Qi glanced over at random, and fragments of information flowed past.

In addition to the Lizardmen, there are:

"Extraordinary creatures: scavengers, monsters that devour rotting corpses for a living. They can't adapt to the sun. They can only hide during the day and come out at night. They have extraordinary speed, strength that exceeds ordinary numbers, and are highly poisonous. I like to store the dead bodies until they rot."

"Extraordinary creatures: Assemblers, similar to scientific monsters in certain novels and movies, who piece together various organs on themselves to gain power. They are extremely eager for organs from extraordinary people..."

"Extraordinary creature: deformed hound, because the Shepherd's Order was wiped out by the Federation on the surface, and the high-level and main force went underground, causing some [Evil Flower Potion] to be left outside. Some ambitious people improved the potion, and the power gained by those who took it was not as good as One tenth of that of a real hound, but the mortality rate has also been greatly reduced, and one of the side effects is deformity."


When the fallen witch, and a dozen monsters, appeared and surrounded them.

Nina Noah showed fear, but Tang Qi showed a smile at this moment.

"What are you laughing at? My handsome lover..."


The witch's voice was hoarse and unpleasant, and her body exuded a stench that made people want to pass out, but she shook her ugly body in an extremely ambiguous tone, and she was about to stick to Tang Qi's skin with every step. body.

At the same time, her palm wrapped in strands of black smoke slowly touched Tang Qi's face.

The rest of the monsters didn't seem to dare to disturb the witch's "hunting" process, and each looked at this scene in awe.

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