Lord of the Witches

Chapter 336 Bribery of the new principal

Although it is unpalatable, it does have benefits that ordinary food does not have. Looking at it with grief and indignation, Jason, who opened his belly and stuffed it, knew it.

But the students are not so easy to fool, like most ordinary human children, do not like broccoli, although they know that broccoli is very nutritious.

Tang Qi, the principal, was soon overwhelmed by pitiful, resentful eyes after being deceived.

Fortunately, Tang Qi was already prepared.

He smiled mysteriously at the children, and then glanced at the night covering the island in the center of the lake, the almost still lake water, the hazy moonlight, Tang Qi slowly raised a hand, and a red flame jumped and appeared.

Then, the flame left Tang Qi's palm under the surprised eyes of the children.

Turned into a flame bird, flickering flickering to the sky.

Immediately, it began to change.

When it rose to a high altitude and almost turned into a small light spot, it suddenly exploded with a "boom".

Incomparably gorgeous, the fireworks that fill the night are blooming at this time.

It seems that endless sparks are falling down like light rain, as if there is a "tree of the sky" appearing on the Dragon Heart Fort, its branches of light hang down, and at the same time, each branch of light has a different Variety.

The entire Federation, no, the brilliant fireworks that no fireworks expert in the entire Blue Star could do, began to be released over the "huxin island secret realm" at this moment.


"so beautiful!"

"So beautiful!"

This time, it wasn't just the children, ten teachers, dozens of nurses, and guests all showed amazement.

Even in the extraordinary world, it is very difficult for this kind of fireworks to appear.

In other words, no extraordinary person would be so extravagant to use his extraordinary power to set off fireworks to coax children.

Jason and Rafael, that's the idea.

While the two were amazed, their eyes also swept over, and the meaning expressed in the eyes was clearly "you are so luxurious".

Powerful flame witchcraft, used to do this?

Tang Qi, who was stared at like this, showed a look of helplessness on his face.

He couldn't tell the two of them: What do you think the "Fire Curse" was originally used for? Ralph, a lunatic, was inspired to create the Fire Curse to create an extremely romantic and beautiful fireworks show for the goddess in his heart.

So the original name of the Flame Curse was Aerlia... Forget it, Tang Qi didn't want to recall it, because behind the name was a disgusting story.

After marveling, Tang Qi let the fireworks release a tranquil effect.

Led by Professor Eva, the crowd gathered together to pray for all the victims, including Maggie, and to sing a requiem. This is the rule set by the founder of the school, Mother Esmeralda, because Cursed, the Melada Witch is tragic for almost every generation.

This made the witches extremely united. It was a feeling engraved in the depths of their souls, and it would continue in the Melada Special Education School.

At the end of the chanting, the "Rain of Light" that had been falling down suddenly seemed to gather under the tranquil lake because of everyone's emotions. Get up deep.


Appeared, it was a giant dragon that seemed to wake up from ancient times. Its body was shining like an aurora. After sending out a shocking roar.

It suddenly melted and turned into light rain again, covering everyone who was in a trance.

This scene seemed to have broken through the protection of the secret realm, and appeared in the sky above the vast and boundless Green Dragon Ridge Lake outside Mihuang City, almost like a mirage.

For a time, many eyes cast over.


After the party was over, after tidying up, the guests stayed overnight, and the students, teachers, and nurses also dispersed, and Longxinbao returned to tranquility.

Tang Qi's figure did not turn back to the principal's office or the library tower.

He walked out of the lawn and walked step by step to the deepest part of the Upper District, where there was a cliff.

There, there is a towering lighthouse.

The color of the lighthouse is snow-white, as holy as the sandy beach on the island in the middle of the lake. Under the hazy moonlight, a brilliance at the top of the lighthouse is slowly turning.

This scene seems to be no different from ordinary lighthouses.

The only difference, presumably, is that it's not meant to guide ships.


Tang Qi focused his eyes, and a strong dim light immediately emerged.

"Wonderful object: White Lighthouse, it is a strange object left by Esmeralda's mother. It has the power different from the Holy Light, but not weaker than the Holy Light. If it cannot pass its judgment, it will not be able to touch the lighthouse guarded by the Lighthouse. Area……"

Fundus, when a special screen is generated.

His figure suddenly took a step forward.

Almost instantly, Tang Qi appeared outside the cliff, above the void, and the white brilliance also crossed the void in an instant, and locked onto Tang Qi suddenly.

A feeling of extreme danger immediately filled Tang Qi's mind.

Until in his arms, the silver badge bloomed with a faint brilliance.

The light of the white lighthouse flowed away from Tang Qi like water waves.



Suddenly, Tang Qi's body disappeared into the void, and when he reappeared, he was the closest to the cliff, in the mist, on top of a huge stone pillar.

In front of him was a white house.

Just at the first glance, Tang Qi felt a subtle feeling.


No, more of a warning.

Tang Qi could sense that there was a powerful force in the hut, but the owner of the power was not malicious. On the contrary, she seemed to be reminding Tang Qi with a whisper.


"Get out of here!"

Just as Tang Qi wanted to search for the owner of the voice in his mind, suddenly, the environment around him changed suddenly.



The whistling sound of the violent wind and snow instantly engulfed Tang Qi. In front of his eyes, the hut, stone pillars and fog disappeared, replaced by a terrifying snowstorm, and Tang Qi's sight was filled with white snow and ice.

Even if Tang Qi had strong eyesight, he could only faintly see through the gap, deep in the wind and snow, a majestic snow mountain, a snow-topped forest, and a blurry figure above the forest.

As soon as the environment changed, Tang Qi seemed to think of something immediately, and suddenly said: "Xue Yi?"


The name came out of Tang Qi's mouth, and the blizzard immediately eased a bit, turning into heavy snow and falling down. At the same time, another hut appeared in front of his eyes, a hut located deep in the snow-covered forest.

The door of the hut opened with a "squeak", and a thin figure walked out slowly.

She is a young girl with bare feet, wearing a red dress, blue eyes, and long snow-white hair. Her body seems to be shining faintly.

When Tang Qi's eyes fell on her, a strong gloomy light burst out immediately.

An unexpected and special picture was slowly generated.

[Supernatural creature: Ice Witch. 】

[Status: Transforming. 】

[Information Fragment 1: The witch who was awakened due to the return of the spiritual tide, her bloodline is extremely ancient, and the source may be traced back to the bloodline of a special elf before the Dark Ages, but because of the awakening of the ancestors, her bloodline inherits information It is abnormally incomplete, and when she awakens, her mental state is very unstable. She cannot control her abilities freely, but her abilities change with her mood. 】

[Information Fragment 2: With her transformation, her camp is constantly shifting. If the blood in her body is fully activated, her upper limit will be very scary. 】


Fragments of information flowed through Tang Qi's mind one after another.

He quickly confirmed a few things: Shae's bloodline was older and stronger than Esmeralda estimated, but it was very unstable; the power of the furnace in his body could exempt Shae's power, at least in this time can.

Tang Qi had a very clear feeling that even if Xue Yi broke out at this time, if he was willing to do something, he could kill Xue Yi if he paid some price.

Of course, he won't do that.

Although not far away, the girl who looked like an elf in the snow had cold eyes, and seemed likely to violently kill people at any time, just like the information in the roster record: Xue Yi almost killed all the people in the entire town because of her explosive power.

But with Tang Qi's insight, it was easy to see.

The girl in front of her eyes had kindness emerging from the bottom of her eyes. Her cold and terrifying appearance was just a kind of self-protection.

Reminding Tang Qi to leave before, and deliberately appearing to threaten with a blizzard, clearly verified this point.

Tang Qi didn't approach the girl right away, he still stood where he was, and then said with a smile, "Did the fireworks look good just now?"


Xue Yi obviously did not expect that Tang Qi's opening remarks would be this.

But she didn't seem to be able to lie, she thought about it carefully, and then replied in a cold but very pleasant voice: "It looks good!"


The girl's answer seemed to let Tang Qi breathe a sigh of relief.

With a relaxed smile on his face, he introduced himself while sticking out his palm.

"It's fine if you like it. I'm the new principal. I'm going to take over for Esmeralda, an old house girl, for a while. I'm worried that the students will hate her."


Tang Qi spit out every word without any bad reaction, so he directly unlocked the door.


When the door of the hut was opened by Tang Qi, all the "illusions" disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Before Tang Qi's eyes, another scene appeared.

This is a cozy snow hut. The interior layout is in a strong federal northern style. A fireplace is burning not far in front, making the air in the hut very warm. Before the fireplace, there is a very simple wooden furniture.

Xue Yi, this ice and snow elf-like girl, was sitting on a chair, and looked at Tang Qi who walked in with a hint of curiosity in her cold eyes.

"In addition to the fireworks, I also brought a second gift. Don't refuse this little bribe from me, the new principal."

Tang Qi closed the door casually, and then walked to the warm fireplace like a familiar guest.

ps: The second update, ask for a monthly pass!

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