Lord of the Witches

Chapter 467: The Writer

"An unknown number of heterogeneous mature bodies!"

Seeing this fragment of information, some imaginations immediately appeared in Tang Qi's mind.

He was surrounded by endless fat fuel, and then submerged, and the hot furnace was extinguished in it. In the era when the furnace wizards raged, many predecessors lost their lives in this way. The fuel is good, but greed will definitely cause trouble.

The so-called mature body is undoubtedly the state of the alien species that has swallowed Namba now.

What he was sure of at this moment was that the alien species in Namba's body should be the one that escaped from that unknown space.

"In order to save the race, the aliens who escaped did not try to break the seal, but found a few inexplicable inheritors... No, maybe the eight of us are the key to breaking the seal, that is to say, there is indeed a certain prophecy that provides Eight inheritors."

"It's just a prophecy left by the ancient Mayans. It's definitely not related to salvation, but to the complete elimination of alien species. Namba intends to make trouble in the process?"

When Tang Qi was lost in thought, the rest of the people were the same.

The six people who were still alive all looked contemplative, staring at the circles of footprints glowing red and the converging magic circle.

That is a magic teleportation array!

Danger exists, but there may be a way out!

Two determined thoughts emerged.

Even so, no one changed. On the mysterious side, what is associated with ruins, seals, and magic circles is usually dangerous and death. As long as a transcendent is a little more cautious, he will not act rashly at this time.

People with "ghosts" in their hearts did not move.

At this moment of change, there is no doubt that other joint attacks will be encountered, and the six people are bound by invisible rules.

Just when Tang Qi guessed how long the "ghost" among the six people could endure, a terrifying riot appeared outside the hall.

At some point, the sound of rustling footsteps began to gather.

Everyone could clearly hear shadows walking over under the light of phosphorescent bacteria. Some moved very slowly, while others showed unimaginable speed. In an instant, a large number of monsters appeared outside the entrance of the hall. .

Some of them were very familiar to Tang Qi and the others.

For example, the "brain eater", or the deformed three-headed poisonous dragon, they stood crowded at the entrance of the hall, but due to the existence of some invisible force, none of the monsters broke through.

boom! boom! boom!

The tide of maliciousness that chills the spine and numbs the whole body, one after another, like a flood that bursts the embankment, gushes out from the bodies of the "distortion monsters" and submerges towards the six of them. The invisible malice is as cold as the bones The water, the magic power in the body of the six people, seemed to be frozen because of it.


Suddenly, there was a strange sound.

Just at the door, the huge deformed poisonous dragon seemed to be forcibly squeezed by the monster behind it, and one of its heads was squeezed into the hall.

Immediately, a force that could not be resisted cut it from somewhere.

But with a "pop", the poisonous dragon's head fell to the ground, rolled a few times, and turned into a white skeleton, and soon fell down as powder.

Terrifying, ancient power, and it only works against deformed monsters, but it is ineffective against human supernatural beings?

When the minds of the six came to this judgment.

The monsters outside the hall showed excitement and agitation in their eyes at the same time. Like a prisoner who has been trapped for a long time and finally gets the news of his release, or a very hungry traveler who sees a spring ahead, a dangerous but unignorable "hope".

In Tang Qi's eyes, a blurry fragment flashed by.

"The power of the ancient gods is declining...Because of some unknown aura, all the deformed bodies in the goddess' womb are rioting, and they will completely consume the power of the ancient gods in a short time."

The shocking news made Tang Qi's eyes twitch violently.

He is more powerful than the other five, and the truth he has seen is even more astonishing.

"All the deformed bodies in the goddess' womb are more powerful? Or are the unknown number of heterogeneous mature bodies more terrifying?"

Tang Qi only weighed Momo before making a decision.

He chose to believe in intuition and prophecy, not the prophecy left by the ancient Mayans, but the result of divination given to him by Mrs. Dorothy before he left.

At this moment, because of the appearance of "hope", the monsters became even more excited.

The aberrants at the rear even ignored the coercion of the level, and directly squeezed the three-headed poisonous dragon in front into the hall.

Under the watchful eyes of the six people, the remaining two heads of the poisonous dragon were cut off abruptly, followed by its body, little by little, like a ignited paper man, turning into powder and falling down until its tail , the tip of the tail long with the thumb.

It landed lightly, covered in dirty blood, and rolled a few times covered in dust.

All the monsters "huh", all looked at the tip of the tail that still maintained a state of flesh and blood with indifferent and terrifying eyes.

Immediately, he raised his head at the same time and looked at the six people.

In an instant, unimaginable horror completely occupied their minds.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The heart started beating wildly.

Even Timothy, who kept his face paralyzed, was sweating faintly on his forehead.


Tang Qi didn't delay any longer, his body turned into a phantom, appeared in front of the first pillar, and then began to step on it at an extremely fast speed in strict accordance with the order of the footprints.

As soon as he moved, the five people were slightly stunned, and then followed at the same time.

Like the six phantoms being torn apart, the work was completed in the blink of an eye.


In the center of the hall, red light spewed out like fresh blood, instantly outlining distorted abstract lines, ancient magic symbols, and a transmission channel formed by red beams of light slowly taking shape, and a strange roar sounded at this time.

The first monster, wearing a black dress, was a tall, skinny woman with four legs. She murmured an unknown language and rushed into the hall. The indescribable picture impacted the minds of the six people.

This prompted them to step into the transmission channel almost at the same time.

Watching the tall woman open a mouth full of sharp teeth and rush to the front of the passage, the sharp palm pierced the red light and was about to touch Tang Qi's face.

Then, after a "buzz", her palm disappeared into the hall together with Tang Qi and the other six.



Tang Qi and the others didn't have time to feel the nausea brought about by the violent teleportation. At the same time, they saw a skinny claw-like palm fall down in front of them. The incision was not only extremely smooth, but also showed signs of crystallization. It was a wonderful feeling. The breath began to permeate the entire palm.

Intermittent dim light overflowed from above.

Because it was cut by the power of the ancient gods and was not destroyed, it began to transform into a "miracle"? Tang Qi made a judgment and then looked away. It might be a good wonder, but it takes time to transform, and it looks too disgusting to be that interested.

He turned around slowly, a bright red tongue protruded from the "medicine box" in his hand, and swallowed the disgusting severed palm.

Although he is a gluttonous eater, he was still so disgusted that he flicked his big tongue a few times, and immediately showed a smile that was exclusive to "money fans".

Tang Qi, who didn't notice it, was completely attracted by the surrounding scene at this moment, just like Lena Swinton and the others.

He originally thought that he would be sent directly to the "lair" of the evil species.

Before he stood still, he was even ready to lift the table. Whether it was Diana or the means of his furnace wizard, the two sun merits were about to move. Once he fell into a situation that even Diana couldn't handle, Tang Qi would decisively call "The Furnace" Master" projection.

Since he was on the black ship of the furnace wizard, wouldn't it be a huge waste not to ask such a super boss for help when something happened.

Common sense on the mysterious side told Tang Qi that the owner of his "black ship" was very powerful.

On the blue planet of origin, the history of gods is extremely long. There were gods even earlier than the Mongolian period. Since then, gods have been born in various regions. Their names and powers are different. No one can count them clearly. , How many gods have existed.

So humans began to collectively call the gods: the mystical spirits!

The gods are a member of the myriad spirits, but myriad spirits are not just gods.

And within the gods, as long as the word "lord" is in the title, they are by default extraordinary gods.

For example... Lord of Light!

Tang Qi didn't expect the thigh of the master of the black ship, "The Lord of the Furnace", to be thicker than that of the Lord of Light, but he thought that as long as he summoned him, he would not have a big problem to deal with a group of alien evil species.

The trump card has been brewing for a long time, but in front of him, there is no room for him to use it.

Evil species?

No, there is nothing in sight.

The place where the six people are located is another "passage".

But there is a huge difference from the countless tunnels in the goddess's womb.

Tang Qi's eyes fell on the two sides, which were extremely far apart. The walls tens of meters high were completely composed of mottled stones, and above them were rich, divine brilliance that penetrated directly into the soul. The bright red cinnabar outlined a picture A huge mural.

They seem to have come to the real "land of gods".

This towering, incomparably ancient channel of the gods extends toward the depths, and at the end, there seems to be some kind of inconceivable "obstacle", which cannot even be illuminated by the radiance of divinity.

An unimaginable horror came from the end, penetrating the radiance and directly affecting the souls of the six people, but they were quickly dispelled by the omnipresent divine radiance. With a hazy purple light, warm and vast, like a mother, it makes people feel peaceful.

Tang Qi's gaze focused on the first mural.

The brand-new technique is very different from the god of wisdom Kells or Cersei, but it makes people unable to move their eyes away.

Fragments of undisguised information flooded into Tang Qi's mind at this time.

"The mural protected by powerful divine power... the author, in both the Mayan and Aztec pantheons, is a goddess with the [Moon priesthood], Bamor, the mother of Cersei, and the only outer god Maya."


Once again, Tang Qi couldn't keep his calm look.

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