Lord of the Witches

Chapter 485 The Hometown of Gafaro (add 4 to the leader's tail number 9483!)

In the crypt filled with warm smells, at this moment, not only Macaulay knew the meaning of the so-called "after a full meal, you are a family", but also the other captured testers.

At the same time, they all realized what was the source of the terrifying smiles on the faces of those weird cultists when they were thrown into the burrow.

Just when they tried their best to keep calm, they saw shadows cast down from above.

Outside the opening of the crypt, dozens of figures appeared in the sky above the weird, rotting "corpse mountain". They were uniformly dressed in yellow robes, with a symbol embroidered on it, like a cross, except that there was an extra one at the top. Semicircle symbol.

After starting "working" for Tang Qi, Macaulay enjoyed reading and studying.

He has seen that symbol in many books related to occultism, and even read it in books about religion and gods in reality. It is an ancient symbol that represents "end" and "new life".

"That evil god named Gafaro really intends to replace the Lord of Light?"

With his head held high, McCallion looked at the dozens of cultists who surrounded him in surprise.

At the other end of the Sun Badge Groove, Tang Qi had no surprise on his face.

"What most evil gods are after is to replace the Lord of Light, at least until they reveal their true colors."

When Tang Qi and Macaulay communicated, the group of cultists in yellow clothes finally came together.

One after another, through the gap on the top of the mountain of corpses, they watched a total of thirteen survivors.

Among them, there are men, women, old people, and children in their teens. Macaulay has seen most of the "missing persons" files, some have photos, some don't. At this time, he has difficulty distinguishing a few people .

In the dossier, they are prostitutes, or homeless, their faces are either covered with poor-quality cosmetics, or they are dirty everywhere.

But now, their faces were all washed very clean, even a little too clean, as if they were covered with a layer of light, which was very absurd, and looked a little "holy".

The palms and nails exposed under the yellow clothes are extremely clean and tidy.

It seems that they have gained a new life?

Facing the survivors' shouts, insults or begging for mercy, these dozens of cult members did not say a word, but looked at them with a kind of "loving" eyes, which made all the survivors terrified.

Soon, light footsteps sounded.

They made way for a passage, and a figure in red slowly walked over.

This is an old man, he has the height of a "dwarf", and his blood-red robe is dragged on the ground, making a "rustling" sound as he walks, as he approaches, including the survivors Inside, all saw his body.


A look of surprise appeared in Macaulay's eyes.

This seems to be the "leader" of the old man, not only does not look as clean and tidy as other cult members, on the contrary, under the red robe, there is a crooked, foul-smelling, mutilated body, he is almost naked, only A rag covering the lower abdomen.

His body is thin and thin, with loose skin, covered with age spots, and rot and abscesses caused by various diseases. The accumulated dirt from years of uncleanliness has attracted maggots, flies or cockroaches, and they are happily everywhere on it. Crawling and enjoying a "special feast".

Because of the greasyness, his hair was sticky into pieces and clumps, resting on the face of an old man who could not see any hope, as if he looked like a walking corpse.

Everyone saw that pair of eyes that were like stagnant water.

Those eyes, including Macaulay, were all familiar with them. He had seen them many times when he was a beggar.

"Once in the Bronx District of Mercer City, there were many such people, not only old people, homeless children, infected with incurable diseases, prostitutes who were kicked out of Red Oriole Street, homeless, struggling to the end Seriously ill patients...they are rotten meat abandoned by the world under the bustling city."

"I used to be one of them."

Macaulay whispered in a very low voice.

On the fourth floor of the library, Tang Qi was holding the sun badge, his eyebrows lowered, and he was silent.



Without warning, the sound of rapid breathing suddenly penetrated into everyone's ears.

Unable to resist the inexplicable impulse, the survivors turned their eyes to the old man in the bright red robe.

They watched, the old man who was originally a "walking dead" suddenly seemed to come back to life at this moment, as if a drowning person finally breathed fresh air, as if he was breaking free from illness, his chest and abdomen rose and fell rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, there was an unbelievably strong heartbeat.

The beating full of vitality, which seems to be unique to newborns, made the heartbeats of the survivors involuntarily follow the frequency.


With a soft sound, the old man's robe fell to the ground.

Immediately, his body began to undergo jaw-dropping changes in the rapid breathing and heartbeat full of the rhythm of life.

Through the "Sun Emblem", Tang Qi also watched vaguely. The rickety, rotten body began to recover, and the filth, abscesses, and rot on it... along with the whole piece of flesh, fell off silently. Revealing white, glowing flesh.

Old man, start to grow again.

The moment he took his last step, the rotting old man disappeared.

Instead, what appeared in the eyes of Macaulay and others was a naked young man with a "perfect body".

Even Macaulay, who has experienced many extraordinary events, does not know how to react at this time, let alone what language to use to describe such a body.

It was the creation of the Lord who seemed to have stepped out of a "classical oil painting". He had a handsome, radiant face, not a single inch of flawed muscle, and everything was so perfect that no mistakes could be found.

He is like a work of art, standing on top of the survivors.

Without the slightest shyness, he showed everything about him to everyone.

This man who seems to be the leader of the "Holy Guidance Order" did not use any deceptive language, no passionate missionary images, he just used silent images to show himself to the survivors.

It's like a "silent movie" in the chaotic era, with a strong religious atmosphere, and people can't look away.

On the man's forehead, strands of bright red glow suddenly appeared, as if there were two palms holding an invisible pen, slowly engraving that weird "cross character".

Just when the last outline of the symbol representing the end and rebirth was completed, a low but holy chant began to sound.

"Light dies, darkness reborn."

"Fallen demons kill good people."

"The bright red blood spilled, and they gathered into a sea."

"A fool's ship, drifting in the ocean, you and I are on board, beaten by the nectar of desire, blown by the wind of decay."

"May God help me and send down the rain."

"May God help me and give me good food."

"Ah, I want to go back, to the beautiful and peaceful...the land of Gafaro."


From the beginning of the singing, all the survivors were suppressed in place by the unknown terrifying coercion. They couldn't move, couldn't think, and could only watch the naked man rise slowly along with the singing.

He is shining, a holy light.

Every cultist is shining.

A huge "dark cloud" drifted over, and the warm sunlight penetrated through it, suddenly turning into a thick yellow color. In the dark cloud, there was a pattering sound, which was unbelievable, and the miraculous picture exuded rich sweetness The smell of raindrops keeps dripping down.

"Let down the rain?"

On the fourth floor of the library, Tang Qi's face froze, and a vague picture appeared in his mind.

Immediately, he asked Macaulay to look at the "corpse mountain" that was completely piled up and fermented by mutilated human beings. Silently, with the rain dripping and the thick yellow sunlight shining, clusters of yellow smoke rose up, covering up the terror and neutralizing the stench.

When McCarley condensed again, what appeared in his eyes was delicious food.

When Macaulay was still a "beggar", he would dream of endless delicacies day and night. They exude an unimaginable attraction, which makes Macaulay want to walk over, touch and enjoy.

And faster than him are other survivors.

The seven men and women who drilled out of different passages, almost in no particular order, let out a roar that did not belong to humans at all, and rushed up the mountain of corpses. Corpse liquid, stuffed into the mouth like crazy.

The five people behind Macaulay also made the same move.

"Stop them!"

There seemed to be a scorching breath in Tang Qi's words piercing the sun emblem, which instantly woke Macaulay up.

He shot like lightning, but even so, he only knocked out three of them.

Two more people broke through the defense and were about to set foot on the mountain of corpses.

Just when Macaulay was about to catch up, above the head, in the thick yellow smoke, a deeper and stronger singing continued to penetrate into Macaulay's ears.

"When you are full, you are family."

"When you are full, you are family."

No cultists took action, just chanting, the extraordinary power bursting out of Macaulay's body could not stop the phantoms that continued to grow in his mind, and became more and more real. There was a sense of extreme hunger in his stomach, and a strong impulse was about to take over. his heart.


Without hesitation, Macaulay took out a sharp piece of stone from his bosom, and ruthlessly inserted it into his thigh.

The severe pain was exchanged for a brief sobriety.

It was at this moment that a voice that instantly calmed his mind came from the "Sun Badge" in his arms.


On the fourth floor of the library tower, before Macaulay made his move, Tang Qi stood up suddenly in the middle of the weird singing, and Diana's body slowly emerged in the void beside him, then disappeared bit by bit, and disappeared together with her Yes, there is also the "Rubber Man Secret Medicine" in Tang Qi's hands.

Immediately, facing the sun badge, he said in a deep voice, "Persist for ten breaths!"


At the foot of the mountain of corpses, amidst the thick yellow smoke, Macaulay clenched the stone flake and stirred it vigorously in the wound.

He gritted his teeth and said firmly, "Yes, sir."

ps: Add updates for the leader book friend book friend 20180414035619483. In addition, thanks to book friend Jin Ji for the rewards, the fourth update has been completed.

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