Lord of the Witches

Chapter 517 Mr. Conomo

In the wooden house area full of disgusting smells, a nearly three-meter-tall "man-eating monster" turned into black ashes and drifted away after meeting Tang Qi's eyes. This was the embers produced after the fuel was fully burned, and everything was silent.

"Fifth head!"

Tang Qi felt the progress of the meditation thought that had not moved for a long time.

The three pig monsters and the five man-eating monsters are all extremely high-quality from the point of view of fuel.

Beside Tang Qi was the girl who was thrown from the other side before. Her name was "Rebecca".

At this time, she no longer had the initial fear. In fact, after seeing this mysterious "wizard" for the second time, she just took one look at the disgusting monsters and killed them. Rebecca fell in love with him. of her current job.

Draw monsters!

Rebecca discovered that these "man-eating monsters" were astonishingly stupid.

The same trick has been used five times, and it still works.

And it's very weird, every time she screams, only one cannibal can come out, and according to the scary and weird "neighbor" next door, the cannibals living here are a huge family .

The number reached at least dozens of heads.

But she can only attract one at a time, and at such a close distance, are the other ogres too lazy to move? Don't have any sense of crisis?

Rebecca was thinking like this, and was preparing for her next round of work.

But just before she opened her mouth, she suddenly blinked at herself from the wizard, and a voice rang in her mind.

Without hesitation, Rebecca turned around and ran out.

The next moment, there was a loud bang.

A wall of the black main house facing Tang Qi suddenly collapsed, and two burly, foul-smelling black shadows crashed out at the same time. They were monsters that were bigger and more ferocious than any "man-eater" before.

These two giant man-eating monsters are a male and a female.

Their bodies are old and their skin is loose, but the deformed muscles are still maintained, and the malice released from their eyes is dozens of times stronger than other ogre monsters.

And compared with other ogres, they have higher intelligence.

They are all wearing clothes similar to those of farmers in the old days, but they are rougher and bigger. On the male end, they are holding a homemade mace, while on the female end, they are holding a huge bone spoon. .

The rusty iron nails of the former were stained with fresh flesh and blood, while the latter dripped a broth with a strange aroma on the ground.

Two old man-eating monsters attacked Tang Qi without saying a word.

Their actions are vicious and cooperative, which is completely different from the silly "fuel" before.

And after they shot, at least twenty ogre monsters rushed out from behind the shattered wall, howling.

The two old man-eating monsters are not only cunning, but also learned to ambush and kill?

Sadly, that doesn't change the ending.

From the beginning, Tang Qi asked Rebecca to "introduce the monster", of course it was not because he was not sure about killing this nest of ogre monsters, or alarming the "weird" next door.

The truth was, he didn't want to go into that disgusting main house.

Just arrived at the "meal time" room, where the entire ogre family gathered, one can imagine how disgusting the scene would be.

Rebecca's reasoning was naturally to attract these two old man-eating monsters.

It was just the first meeting. Tang Qi saw the cunning and insidiousness in the eyes of the two old guys, and knew that they could be questioned.

So, the battle hasn't started yet.

Tang Qi's "Crimson" has been cast, and all the ogre monsters are involved in the special world.

The two of them, the old ogre who had appeared in Ralph's report, were specially taken care of by Tang Qi.

"After Charlotte and I left Mirage Street, we quickly met a hermit couple. They were very nice people, they showed us the way and gave us some things."

Obviously, the hermit couple in Ralph's words are the two old man-eating monsters in front of Tang Qi.

"The pink pig turned into a monster, the innocent little girl turned into a grudge, and the hermit couple turned into ogres... What did Ralph do back then?"

Before extracting the memory information of the two old man-eating monsters, Tang Qi had a doubtful thought in his mind.

As for why it must be Ralph's fault?

There is almost no need to guess. When Ralph strayed into this place, it was a wonderful world full of childlike innocence.

After he left, the place fell.

Coupled with the changes in poor "Charlotte", it is completely confirmed that Ralph is a scumbag.

What will happen to a scumbag who breaks into a dreamlike world?


Outside the fence, Rebecca looked suspiciously at what happened inside.

A group of cannibals appeared out of nowhere, and after they exchanged a glance with the mysterious and handsome "wizard", Qi Qi fell into a daze.

After waiting for a while, just when Rebecca wanted to go over to have a look.

Suddenly, Tang Qi woke up, and a nest of foul-smelling ogre monsters also showed signs of waking up at the same time.

Rebecca was so frightened that she wanted to scream again, but soon, flames filled her eyes. The red, golden flames poured down like a waterfall and erupted, killing all the ogres, including those wooden houses. They are all covered.

The flames soaring into the sky, and the crackling sound after burning fat.

Ordinarily, as long as you are not blind and deaf, you cannot ignore such movements.

But what is strange is that the "monster" next door never appeared, and he was not even alert.

From the very beginning, this place has been shrouded by the "illusion spell".

Tang Qi looked in front of him, a large amount of high-quality fuel was being poured into the self-melting furnace, and was thinking about the fragments of information he had just obtained from the two old man-eaters in his mind, when he saw Rebecca standing cautiously not far away from the corner of his eye.

It suddenly occurred to me that there is more than a nest of ogres in this "node".

Their neighbor is also a perverted weirdness.

Thinking of this, Tang Qi turned to look at Rebecca, smiled and said, "Let's go, let's visit that...Mr. Conomo."


In the magnificent room, the aroma of food is wafting. A long table made of red wood and nearly ten high-backed chairs are already full of people. They are all young women with various hair colors. , The common point is that they are in excellent shape.

Not only slim, but also full of vitality.

But at this time, every woman was trying her best to hide the fear on her face.

They wanted to scream and howl, but they dared not.

Because not long ago, the first companion who did that was caught by the tall man with a bushy beard in aristocratic clothes, put it in a package, and threw it at the ogre family resident next door. past.

In the stories told by my parents when I was young, there was often a sentence "Be obedient, or you will be eaten by man-eaters".

The words, in this room, are true.

They are all from the "Rose City", a city with a strong artistic atmosphere. As performers of the same dance troupe, they decided to hold a party in an old villa because of the popularity of a performance.

The owner of the villa is the grandfather of one of the members.

It was that member who suddenly proposed a big adventure at the party, and inexplicably, after all of them entered the basement, they traveled collectively to this weird world.

When they first landed in the forest and were terrified, they happened to find this house. The house looks ordinary on the outside, but after entering, it looks luxurious and beautiful like the inside of an ancient noble mansion, full of aura of wealth.

The owner of the house, self-statement is a reclusive "big nobleman", his name is "Konomo".

With a bright and kind smile on his face, Konomo ushered them into the house.

Then, his true face was exposed. He was a shameless and licentious man. He actually wanted to occupy all of them and become his own wife, and he had to live here with him.

The women wanted to resist, but who knew that this man not only possessed extraordinary power, but could also drive several ferocious undead as slaves.

The first "rebel", was thrown to the ogre.

"Poor Rebecca!"

The women thought of their companions at the same time.

Thinking that she might have entered the belly of the ogre, the delicious food cooked by the undead immediately couldn't arouse their appetite anymore.

At the top, a man with a bushy beard, while feasting on a roast turkey, admired his "wives" with satisfied eyes.

"It's so happy. I used to be so stupid. Even if I live here in seclusion, I can't forget to enjoy it. The great, supreme Him... Thank you for your gift. I will play with my wives until you The next gift."

"It's a wonderful life..."

"Boom boom"

Konomo was thinking happily when suddenly there was a knock on the door without warning.

An undead wearing a white chef uniform with a body like a giant bear walked towards the portal first, went straight through, and disappeared without a trace.

This weird scene stunned everyone in the room.

Immediately, it was the rest of the undead, whose enthusiasm for serving the master caused them to disappear one after another.


The sudden loss of all loyal servants made Bluebeard very angry. He slammed the knife and fork, and his heavy steps made the wooden floor slam. The beard on his chin trembled, and he growled outside the door:

"Is it the damn old witch, or the greedy Sonny Bean, the handsome, generous Konomo has said many times, only my wife who is tired of playing will give it to you..."


In the roar, the portal was pulled open vigorously.

But at the next moment, an incredible figure appeared in the eyes of Konomo and the "wives" on the long table.


wives, exclaimed surprise.

But Bluebeard was stunned for a moment, and was about to be furious. When he stretched out his skinny and overlong arms to grab Rebecca who had returned for some reason, a figure suddenly appeared from behind Rebecca.

Tang Qi smiled brightly at the aristocratic Konomo and said, "Are you surprised?"

He didn't wait for Konomo's answer, because the moment the two looked at each other, the five-stage "Crimson" was cast silently, and another strange head was dragged into that special world.

ps: I'm in a bad state these days, please give me some encouragement, any ticket is fine, comment on this chapter and praise me.

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